![About Openmeetings Logo](/openmeetings-server/src/site/resources/images/logo.png)
[Apache OpenMeetings](https://openmeetings.apache.org) provides:
- [x] **video conferencing**
- [x] **instant messaging**
- [x] **white board**
- [x] **collaborative document editing**
- [x] **other groupware tools**
It uses API functions of Media Server for Remoting and Streaming [Kurento](https://www.kurento.org)).
Getting Started
Please visit the project website for the latest information:
- https://openmeetings.apache.org/
Documentation for Installation and Upgrade:
- https://openmeetings.apache.org/installation.html
- https://openmeetings.apache.org/Upgrade.html
Along with the developer mailing list archive:
- https://openmeetings.apache.org/mail-lists.html
System Requirements
You need a platform that supports [Java SE 11](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html).
Building and running
To build from source code:
- Requirements:
Sources compilation require `Java SE 11`, [Apache Maven 3.5.0 or later](https://maven.apache.org/).
- To build the OpenMeetings project run mvn in the root directory:
`mvn clean install -PallModules`
- To run the OpenMeetings project:
- go to `openmeetings-server/target` directory
- extract `apache-openmeetings-x.x.x.tar.gz` (or `apache-openmeetings-x.x.x.zip` for windows) to **new** directory
- enter to this new directory and execute `./bin/startup.sh` (`./bin/startup.bat` for Windows)
For a detailed documentation on how to build from source and options see:
Builds and CI
| Description | Jenkins CI |
| :--- | :---: |
| Master nightly | [![Build Status](https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings//badge/icon)](https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings/) |
| Master Pull Request | [![Build Status](https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings-pr-build/badge/icon)](https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings-pr-build/) |
Release Notes
see [CHANGELOG.md](/CHANGELOG.md) file for detailed log
[Release 5.1.0](https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/openmeetings/5.1.0), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
* Room Audio/Video should be more stable
* OM should work as expected after KMS server restart
* Backup is further improved
* Audio/Video connection established faster
* Most recent versions of dependencies are used
* User display name is used almost everywhere
* Browser notifications are used to notify about new chat messages and moderator actions
* Interview room was broken
* Mute and "Mic status" were broken
Some other fixes and improvements, 52 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.1](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.1), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
* Rate limit is checked for network test web service
* Libraries are updated to latest versions
* Password complexity can be fine-tuned
* Group files/recordings might be restored to wrong group
* Translations and support of RTL languages are improved
* Dashboard widgets and personal room are always displayed in current user language
Some other fixes and improvements, 21 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.0](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.0), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
IMPORTANT: Java 11 is required
Flash plugin is no longer required in the browser
* Libraries are updated to latest versions
* More strict CSP is implemented
* User accounts are hidden for regular users
* User email addresses are hidden
* Support for touch events is added (mobiles, tablets)
* Better support for new MS Edge browser
* Direct link for entering the room with room name (not ID)
* Front camera is used by default
* User avatar is editable at Admin->Users
* Stability is improved
* Connection to KMS is auto-recovering
* Camera resolution changes take effect immediately
* Multiple client-side JS errors are fixed
Some other fixes and improvements, 74 issues were addressed
[Release 4.0.11](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/4.0.11), provides following improvements:
* 3rd-party libraries are updated to latest versions
* Email sending via SSL is added
* User email addresses are hidden
Other fixes and improvements, 11 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.0-M4](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.0-M4), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
IMPORTANT: Java 11 is required
Flash plugin is no more required in the browser
* Main UI library has been changed Jquery-UI -> Bootstrap
* Hotkey to resize&arrage "video" windows is added
* Camera/Microphone on/off icons are less confusing
* The room can be blocked until moderator will enter
* Room sidebar dock button works as expected
* Right-click menu for WB tab is fixed
* Link to privacy statement is added to sign-in dialog
* Audio-only clients doesn't create "video" windows
* Audio/Video stream tries to re-connect in case of any issue
* Backup/restore was re-worked and better covered with tests
* Multiple other issues are addressed
* OAuth: user attributes retrieval is improved
* LDAP documentation is improved
* User picture can be retrieved from LDAP
Please NOTE: this version might be not production ready
Some other fixes and improvements, 56 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.0-M3](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.0-M3), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
IMPORTANT: Java 11 is required
Flash plugin is no more required in the browser
* Multiple issues with restore were fixed
* Confirmation of backup import was added
* File/recording hashes are preserved when possible
White board:
* Document upload/conversion is improved
* Whiteboards are not auto-created on room enter
* Keyboard shortcut for quick poll is added
* User list is now sorted
* Multiple issues with audio/video/screen sharing are fixed
Please NOTE: this version might be not production ready
Some other fixes and improvements, 36 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.0-M2](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.0-M2), provides following improvements:
This release provides WebRTC audio/video/screen-sharing in the Room
IMPORTANT: Java 11 is required
Flash plugin is no more required in the browser
* OAuth configs were not properly backup
White board:
* Math formula is improved
* Room files are improved
* Clean WB REST method perform real-time clean
* Rooms can be customized on group basis
* "Ghost" users are not displayed in the room
* External user name is displayed as expected
Please NOTE: this version might be not production ready
Some other fixes and improvements, 18 issues were addressed
[Release 4.0.9](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/4.0.9), provides following improvements:
* Recordings of deleted users were restored as public
* OAuth configs were not properly backup
White board:
* Math formula is improved
* Room files are improved
* Clean WB REST method perform real-time clean
Room User list:
* "Ghost" users are not displayed in the room
* External user name is displayed as expected
Other fixes and improvements, 19 issues were addressed
[Release 5.0.0-M1](https://archive.apache.org/dist/openmeetings/5.0.0-M1), provide