public prikey '表的主键
public tableName '表名
public auto_ '自动填充
public validate_ '自动验证
Public db_type,access_type,db_path,db_host,db_user,db_name,db_pwd,db_prefix
Public patchValidate '是否批处理验证
public [error] '最近错误消息
public pageSize '默认每页取多少条记录
public Version '版本号
Public isOnlySql '是否只获取sql语句
Private options '存储分配过来的参数,Dictionary对象
Private parsedOptions '存储解析后的参数,Dictionary对象
Private lastSql '存储最后一条sql语句,String
Private ConnStr '数据库连接字符串
Private dTables '存储已经取出的所有的数据表
Private dTS '存储数据表的结构,为dTableStructrues的简写
public isTest
Public Function getLastSql()
getLastSql = lastSql
End Function
Public Function getData()
if isObject( parsedOptions("data") ) then
set getData = parsedOptions("data")
getData = parsedOptions("data")
end if
end Function
' select 查询多条记录
' 与连贯操作相结合使用
' db.field().order().where().page().select
' 分页需要使用
Public Function [Select] ()
call parseOptions
lastSql = getSelectSql(parsedOptions)
if isOnlySql then [Select] = lastSql : Exit Function
set [Select] = tool.Select(lastSql,parsedOptions,Me.pageSize)
call ResumeOpts
End Function
' select_map 查询多条记录,并使用回调函数处理
' 与连贯操作相结合使用
' db.select_map( callback )
' db.field().order().where().page().select_map
' 分页需要使用
Public Property Get select_map ( callback )
dim rs
call parseOptions
lastSql = getSelectSql(parsedOptions)
if isOnlySql then [select_map] = lastSql : Exit Property
set rs = tool.Select(lastSql,parsedOptions,Me.pageSize)
do while not rs.eof
Execute( "call " & callback & "(rs)" )
rs.close : set rs = nothing
call ResumeOpts
End Property
' find 查询一条记录
' 与连贯操作相结合使用
' db.find
' db.field().order().where().position().find
' 逐条显示需要使用db.position
Public Function Find()
call parseOptions
lastSql = getFindSql( parsedOptions )
if isOnlySql then Find = lastSql : Exit Function
set Find = tool.Find( lastSql ,parsedOptions )
call ResumeOpts
End Function
' 根据查询条件,判断是否存在记录
' 与连贯操作相结合使用
' db.RecordExists
' db.field().order().where().position().find
' 逐条显示需要使用db.position
Public Function RecordExists()
dim rs
set rs = Find
if isOnlySql then
RecordExists = Find
RecordExists = not rs.eof
end if
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
' getObject 以实例化类的形式返回一条记录
' 通过find来获取的,将字段名作为属性名
Public Function getObject()
dim rs
if isOnlySql then getObject = Me.find : Exit Function
set rs = Me.find : set getObject = P_("POPASP_SELF_OBJECT").rs2object(rs,isAccess)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
' getObject2 以实例化类的形式返回一条记录
' 通过select来获取的,将记录的第一个值作为属性名,将记录第二个值作为值
Public Function getObject2()
dim rs
if isOnlySql then getObject2 = : Exit Function
set rs =
set getObject2 = P_("POPASP_SELF_OBJECT").rs2object(rs,isAccess)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getRow( )
dim rs
if isOnlySql then getRow = Me.find : Exit Function
set rs = Me.find
set getRow = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2dict(rs,isAccess)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getFields(fields)
dim rs
call field( fields )
if isOnlySql then getFields = Me.find : Exit Function
set rs = Me.find : set getFields = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2dict(rs,isAccess)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getOne()
dim rs
if isOnlySql then getOne = Me.find : Exit Function
set rs = Me.find
if not rs.BOF and not rs.EOF then
if rs.fields.count > 0 then
getOne = rs.Fields(0).Value
end if
end if
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getField(fields)
call field( fields )
getField = Me.getOne
End Function
Public Function getKeyValue()
dim rs
if isOnlySql then getKeyValue = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs =
set getKeyValue = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2dict2(rs)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getPKAll()
dim rs,bool
if not isEmpty(options("page")) then
bool = 1
bool = 0
end if
if isOnlySql then getPKAll = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs =
set getPKAll = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2data(rs,getPK(),isAccess,bool)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function getAll()
on error resume next
dim rs,dict,bool
if not isEmpty(options("page")) then
bool = 1
bool = 0
end if
if isOnlySql then getAll = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs =
set dict = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2data(rs,"",isAccess,bool)
set getAll = dict
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
'neednull = 1 则去掉空白,否则保留内容为空的标签
Public Function xml( ByRef packageName , neednull )
on error resume next
dim rs,dict,bool
if isOnlySql then xml = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs =
xml = P_("POPASP_RECORDSET").rs2xml(rs,packageName , neednull)
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
End Function
Public Function SaveXmlFile( packageName , xmlPath)
dim xmlstr
xmlstr = xml( packageName , true )
xmlstr = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & vbcrlf & "<root>" & vbcrlf & xmlstr & "</root>"
SaveXmlFile = POP_MVC.file_put_contents_without_bom( xmlPath, xmlstr )
End Function
Public Function getArr()
dim rs,arr,temp
if isOnlySql then getArr = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs = [Select]
Do While Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF
if rs.fields.count > 1 then
temp = Array()
for i = 0 to rs.fields.count-1
POP_MVC.Arr.Push temp,rs.Fields(i).Value
POP_MVC.Arr.Push arr,temp
elseif rs.fields.count = 1 then
POP_MVC.Arr.Push arr,rs.Fields(0).Value
end if
Call tool.closeRS(rs)
getArr = arr
End Function
Public Function get1Arr()
dim rs,arr,j
if isOnlySql then get1Arr = Me.Select : Exit Function
set rs = [Select]
j = 0
arr = Array()
Do While Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF
if j = rs.pagesize then exit do
POP_MVC.Arr.Push arr,iif( isnull(rs.Fields(0).Value) , "" , rs.Fields(0).Value)
j =