Chapter 5: Image Recognition 137
Similarities between articial and biological models 138
Intuition and justication 139
Convolutional layers 141
Stride and padding in convolutional layers 148
Pooling layers 150
Dropout 152
Convolutional layers in deep learning 152
Convolutional layers in Theano 154
A convolutional layer example with Keras to recognize digits 156
A convolutional layer example with Keras for cifar10 159
Pre-training 161
Summary 163
Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models 165
Recurrent neural networks 166
RNN — how to implement and train 168
Backpropagation through time 169
Vanishing and exploding gradients 172
Long short term memory 175
Language modeling 178
Word-based models 178
N-grams 179
Neural language models 180
Character-based model 185
Preprocessing and reading data 186
LSTM network 187
Training 189
Sampling 191
Example training 192
Speech recognition 193
Speech recognition pipeline 193
Speech as input data 195
Preprocessing 195
Acoustic model 197
Deep belief networks 197
Recurrent neural networks 198
CTC 198
Attention-based models 199
Decoding 199
End-to-end models 200
Summary 201
Bibliography 201