Sexy form elements with jQuery. Now with HTML5 attributes!
Version 2.1.1
Works well with jQuery 1.6+, but we've received patches and heard that this works with jQuery 1.3.
Licensed under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
Installation of Uniform is quite simple. First, make sure you have jQuery installed. Then you’ll want to link to the jquery.uniform.js file and uniform.default.css in the head area of your page. Here's what your `<head>` tag contents should probably contain:
<!-- Make sure your CSS file is listed before jQuery -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="uniform.default.css" media="screen" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.uniform.js"></script>
This relies upon a copy of jquery.uniform.js, uniform.default.css and the various images all being available on your webserver.
Basic usage
Using Uniform is easy. Simply tell it what elements to style:
// Style all <select> elements
To "uniform" all possible form elements, just do something like this. Things that can't get styled appropriately will be skipped by Uniform.
// Style everything
$("select, input, a.button, button").uniform();
You can exclude elements too by using more jQuery selectors or methods:
// Avoid styling some elements
$("select").not(".skip_these").uniform(); // Method 1
$('select[class!="skip_these"]').uniform(); // Method 2
A complete set of tags in the HEAD section of your site can therefore look like this:
<!-- Make sure your CSS file is listed before jQuery -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="uniform.default.css" media="screen" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.uniform.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// On load, style typical form elements
$(function () {
$("select, input, button").uniform();
Extra parameters
You can pass in extra parameters to control certain aspects of Uniform. To pass in parameters, use syntax like what is seen here. This only changes the settings for the elements that are actually uniformed in this particular call.
param1: value,
param2: value,
param3: value
There is a separate listing of global defaults. You access them by using the `defaults` property. *Note: This property name changed in v2.0.*
$.uniform.defaults.checkedClass = "uniformCheckedClass";
$.uniform.defaults.fileBtnHtml = "Pick a file";
Uniform v1.x had a bug where setting values in the call to `.uniform()` also potentially reset the defaults and redrew other uniformed objects with new settings. As of version 2.0.0 the global defaults are now completely separate from the settings passed to every `.uniform()` call. Extra parameters defined when instantiating Uniform are not global and can't be recalled from `$.uniform.defaults` later.
### activeClass (string)
*Default:* "active"
Sets the class given to elements when they are active (pressed).
$("select").uniform({activeClass: 'myActiveClass'});
### autoHide (boolean)
*Default:* true
If this option is set to true, Uniform will hide the new elements if the existing elements are currently hidden using `display: none`.
If you want to show a select or checkbox you'll need to show the new Uniform div instead of the child element.
### buttonClass (string)
*Default:* "button"
Sets the class given to a button that's been Uniformed
$("input[type=button]").uniform({buttonClass: 'myBtnClass'});
### checkboxClass (string)
*Default:* "checker"
Sets the class given to the wrapper div for checkbox elements.
$(":checkbox").uniform({checkboxClass: 'myCheckClass'});
### checkedClass (string)
*Default:* "checked"
Sets the class given to elements when they are checked (radios and checkboxes).
$(":radio, :checkbox").uniform({checkedClass: 'myCheckedClass'});
### disabledClass (string)
*Default:* "disabled"
Sets the class given to elements when they are disabled.
$("select").uniform({disabledClass: 'myDisabledClass'});
### eventNamespace (string)
*Default:* ".uniform"
Binds events using this namespace with jQuery. Useful if you want to unbind them later. Shouldn't probably need to be changed unless it conflicts with other code.
$("select").uniform({eventNamespace: '.uniformEvents'});
### fileButtonClass (string)
*Default:* "action"
Sets the class given to div inside a file upload container that acts as the "Choose file" button.
$(":file").uniform({fileButtonClass: 'myFileBtnClass'});
### fileButtonHtml (string)
*Default:* "Choose File"
Sets the text written on the action button inside a file upload input.
$(":file").uniform({fileButtonHtml: 'Choose …'});
### fileClass (string)
*Default:* "uploader"
Sets the class given to the wrapper div for file upload elements.
$(":file").uniform({fileClass: 'myFileClass'});
### fileDefaultHtml (string)
*Default:* "No file selected"
Sets the text written in the filename div of a file upload input when there is no file selected.
$(":file").uniform({fileDefaultHtml: 'Select a file please'});
### filenameClass (string)
*Default:* "filename"
Sets the class given to div inside a file upload container that spits out the filename.
$(":file").uniform({filenameClass: 'myFilenameClass'});
### focusClass (string)
*Default:* "focus"
Sets the class given to elements when they are focused.
$("select").uniform({focusClass: 'myFocusClass'});
### hoverClass (string)
*Default:* "hover"
Sets the class given to elements when they are currently hovered.
$("select").uniform({hoverClass: 'myHoverClass'});
### idPrefix (string)
*Default:* "uniform"
If useID is set to true, this string is prefixed to element ID’s and attached to the container div of each Uniformed element. If you have a checkbox with the ID of "remember-me" the container div would have the ID "uniform-remember-me".
$("select").uniform({idPrefix: 'container'});
### inputAddTypeAsClass (boolean)
*Default:* true
When true, `<input>` elements will get a class applied that is equal to their "type" attribute.
$("input").uniform({inputAddTypeAsClass: true});
### inputClass (string)
*Default:* "uniform-input"
Applies this class to all input elements when they get uniformed.
$("input").uniform({inputClass: "inputElement"});
### radioClass (string)
*Default:* "radio"
Sets the class given to the wrapper div for radio elements.
$(":radio").uniform({radioClass: 'myRadioClass'});
### resetDefaultHtml (string)
*Default:* "Reset"
This text is what's shown on form reset buttons. It is very similar to submitDefaultHtml.
$("input[type='reset']).uniform({resetDefaultHtml: "Clear"});
### resetSelector (boolean/string)
*Default:* false
This parameter allows you to use a jQuery-style selector to point to a "reset" button in your form if you have one. Use false if you have no "reset" button, or a selector string that points to the reset button if you have one.
$("select").uniform({resetSelector: 'input[type="reset"]'});
### selectAutoWidth (boolean)
*Default:* true
If this option is set to true, Uniform will try to fit the select width to the actual content. When false, it forces the selects to all be the width that was specified in the theme.
When using auto widths, the size of the element is detected, then wrapped by Uniform and expanded to fit the wrapping.
If you want to specify a size of a select element and then have Uniform wrap it appropriately, there will be some difficulty. The size of the element needs to get detected and then will be changed by Uniform. For this to happen, it is suggested you do one of these solutions when you have issues.
* Set a custom inline width for the element (`<select style="width
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