propose one way how to address this limitation.
Specifically, we rely on graph convolutional
networks (GCNs) (Duvenaud et al., 2015; Kipf
and Welling, 2017; Kearnes et al., 2016), a recent
class of multilayer neural networks operating on
graphs. For every node in the graph (in our case
a word in a sentence), GCN encodes relevant in-
formation about its neighborhood as a real-valued
feature vector. GCNs have been studied largely in
the context of undirected unlabeled graphs. We in-
troduce a version of GCNs for modeling syntactic
dependency structures and generally applicable to
labeled directed graphs.
One layer GCN encodes only information about
immediate neighbors and K layers are needed
to encode K-order neighborhoods (i.e., informa-
tion about nodes at most K hops aways). This
contrasts with recurrent and recursive neural net-
works (Elman, 1990; Socher et al., 2013) which, at
least in theory, can capture statistical dependencies
across unbounded paths in a trees or in a sequence.
However, as we will further discuss in Section 3.3,
this is not a serious limitation when GCNs are used
in combination with encoders based on recurrent
networks (LSTMs). When we stack GCNs on top
of LSTM layers, we obtain a substantial improve-
ment over an already state-of-the-art LSTM SRL
model, resulting in the best reported scores on the
standard benchmark (CoNLL-2009), both for En-
glish and Chinese.
Interestingly, again unlike recursive neural net-
works, GCNs do not constrain the graph to be
a tree. We believe that there are many applica-
tions in NLP, where GCN-based encoders of sen-
tences or even documents can be used to incor-
porate knowledge about linguistic structures (e.g.,
representations of syntax, semantics or discourse).
For example, GCNs can take as input combined
syntactic-semantic graphs (e.g., the entire graph
from Figure 1) and be used within downstream
tasks such as machine translation or question an-
swering. However, we leave this for future work
and here solely focus on SRL.
The contributions of this paper can be summa-
rized as follows:
• we are the first to show that GCNs are effec-
tive for NLP;
• we propose a generalization of GCNs suited
The code is available at
to encoding syntactic information at word
• we propose a GCN-based SRL model and
obtain state-of-the-art results on English and
Chinese portions of the CoNLL-2009 dataset;
• we show that bidirectional LSTMs and
syntax-based GCNs have complementary
modeling power.
2 Graph Convolutional Networks
In this section we describe GCNs of Kipf and
Welling (2017). Please refer to Gilmer et al.
(2017) for a comprehensive overview of GCN ver-
GCNs are neural networks operating on graphs
and inducing features of nodes (i.e., real-valued
vectors / embeddings) based on properties of their
neighborhoods. In Kipf and Welling (2017), they
were shown to be very effective for the node clas-
sification task: the classifier was estimated jointly
with a GCN, so that the induced node features
were informative for the node classification prob-
lem. Depending on how many layers of convolu-
tion are used, GCNs can capture information only
about immediate neighbors (with one layer of con-
volution) or any nodes at most K hops aways (if
K layers are stacked on top of each other).
More formally, consider an undirected graph
G = (V, E), where V (|V | = n) and E are
sets of nodes and edges, respectively. Kipf and
Welling (2017) assume that edges contain all the
self-loops, i.e., (v, v) ∈ E for any v. We can de-
fine a matrix X ∈ R
with each its column
∈ R
(v ∈ V) encoding node features. The
vectors can either encode genuine features (e.g.,
this vector can encode the title of a paper if citation
graphs are considered) or be a one-hot vector. The
node representation, encoding information about
its immediate neighbors, is computed as
= ReLU
u∈N (v)
(W x
+ b)
, (1)
where W ∈ R
and b ∈ R
are a weight ma-
trix and a bias, respectively; N(v) are neighbors
of v; ReLU is the rectifier linear unit activation
Note that v ∈ N(v) (because of self-
loops), so the input feature representation of v (i.e.
) affects its induced representation h
We dropped normalization factors used in Kipf and
Welling (2017), as they are not used in our syntactic GCNs.