2. Background
2.1. Time series forecasting and ANN
The financial time series models expressed by financial theo-
ries have been the basis for forecasting a series of data in the
twentieth century. Yet, these theories are not directly applicable
to predict the market values which have external impact. The
development of multi layer concept allowed ANN (Artificial
Neural Networks) to be chosen as a prediction tool besides other
methods. Various models have been used by researchers to fore-
cast market value series by using ANN. A brief literature survey is
given in Table 1.
Gooijer and Hyndman (2006) reviewed the papers about time
series forecasting from 1982 to 2005. It has been prepared for
the silver jubilee volume of international journal of forecasting,
for the 25th birthday of International Institute of Forecasters
(IIF). In this review statistical and simulation methods are analyzed
to include exponential smoothing, ARIMA, seasonality, state space
and structural models, nonlinear models, long memory models,
ARCH-GARCH. Gooijer and Hyndman (2006) compiled the reported
advantages and disadvantages of each methodology and pointed
out the potential future research fields. They also denoted exis-
tence of many outstanding issues associated with ANN utilisation
and implementation stating when they are likely to outperform
other methods. Last few years researches are focused on improving
the ANN’s prediction performance and developing new artificial
neural network architecture.
Engle (1982) suggested the Autoregressive Conditional Hetero-
scedasticity (ARCH) model, Bollerslev (1986) generalized the ARCH
model and proposed the Generalized ARCH (GARCH) model for
time series forecasting. By considering the leverage effect limita-
tion of the GARCH model, the Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model
was proposed by Nelson (1991). Despite the popularity and imple-
mentation of the ANN models in many complex financial markets
directly, shortcomings are observed. The noise that caused by
changes in market conditions, it is hard to reflect the market vari-
ables directly into the models without any assumptions (Roh,
Preminger and Franck (2007) used a robust linear autoregres-
sive and a robust neural network model to forecast exchange rates.
Their robust models were better than classical models but still are
not better than Random Walk (RW). Roh (2007) used classical ANN
and EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average), GARCH and
EGARCH models with ANN. NN-EGARCH model outperforms the
other models with a 100% hit ratio for smaller forecasting period
than 10 days.
Kumar and Ravi (2007) reviews 128 papers about bankruptcy
prediction of banks and firms. This review shows that ANN meth-
ods outperforms many methods and hybrid systems can combine
the advantages of different methods. Ghiassi, Saidane, and Zimbra
(2005) evaluated ANN, ARIMA and DAN2 (Dynamic Architecture
for Artificial Neural Networks) using popular time series in litera-
ture. DAN2, is a new NN architecture first developed by Ghiassi
and Saidane (2005), clearly outperforms the other methods.
DAN2 is pure feed forward NN architecture and detailed informa-
tion about this architecture will be given in Section 5.
Menezes and Nikolaev (2006) used a new NN architecture and
named it Polynomial Genetic Programming. It is based on Polyno-
mial Neural Network first developed by Ivakhnenko (Menezes &
Nikolaev, 2006). This architecture uses polynomials to build an
ANN. Menezes and Nikolaev (2006) uses genetic algorithm to esti-
mate ANN parameters such as starting polynomials, weight esti-
mation etc. This study gives better result for some problems. It is
a new promising architecture but it needs improvement (Menezes
& Nikolaev, 2006).
Zhang and Wan (2007) developed a new ANN architecture Sta-
tistical Fuzzy Interval Neural Network based on Fuzzy Interval
Neural Network. JPY/USD and GBP/USD exchanges rates are pre-
dicted using these methods. These methods are developed to pre-
dict only an interval not a point in time. Hassan, Nath, and Kirley
(2007) used a hybrid model including Hidden Markov Model,
ANN and Genetic Algorithm. They test hybrid model on stock ex-
change rates. Hybrid model is proven to be better than simulation
Yu and Huarng (2008) used bivariate neural networks, bivari-
ate neural network-based fuzzy time series, and bivariate neural
network-based fuzzy time series model with substitutes to apply
neural networks to fuzzy time series forecasting. Bivariate neural
network-based fuzzy time series model with substitutes performs
the best. Zhu, Wang, Xu, and Li (2008) used basic and augmented
neural network models to show trading volume can improve the
prediction performance of neural networks. Leu, Lee, and Jou
(2009) compared radial basis-function neural network (RBFNN),
random walk, and distance-based fuzzy time series models with
daily closing values of TAIEX, and exchange rates NTD/USD,
KRW/USD, CNY/USD, JPY/USD. Results show that RBFNN outper-
formed the random walk model and the artificial neural network
model in terms of mean square error. Cheng, Chen, and Lin
(2010) used PNN (Prbobabilistic NN), rough sets, and hybrid
model (PNN, Rough Set, C 4.5 Decision Tree) to integrate funda-
mental analysis and technical analysis to build up a trading mod-
el of stock market timing. They report that hybrid model is
helpful to construct a better predictive power trading system
for stock market timing analysis. Chang, Liu, Lin, Fan, and Ng
(2009) used an integrated system (CBDWNN) which combines
dynamic time windows, case based reasoning (CBR), and neural
network (NN). Their CBDWNN model outperformed other com-
paired methods, and very informative and robust for average
Egrioglu, Aladag, Yolcu, Uslu, and Basaran (2009) introduced a
new method which is based on feed forward artificial neural
networks to analyze multivariate high order fuzzy time series fore-
casting models. Khashei and Bijari (2010) compaired auto-
regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), artificial neural
networks (ANNs), and Zhang’s hybrid model. And Hybrid model
outperforms the other models. Hamzacebi, Akay, and Kutay
(2009) compaired ARIMA and ANN and conclude that direct fore-
cast with ANN is better and noted that before generalizing the con-
clusion other researchs should be done. Majhi, Panda, and Sahoo
(2009) compaired functional link artificial neural network
(FLANN), cascaded functional link artificial neural network
(CFLANN),and LMS model and observed that the CFLANN model
performs the best followed by the FLANN and the LMS models.
Liao and Wang (2010) used stochastic time effective neural net-
work model to shows some predictive results on the global stock
indices and their model is showed predictive results. Atsalakis
and Valavanis (2009a) used Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Sys-
tem (ANFIS) to determine the best stock trend prediction model
and results show that ANFIS clearly demonstrates the potential
of neurofuzzy based modeling for financial market prediction.
Chen, Ying, and Pan (2010) also used ANFIS to predict monthly
tourist arrivals. And conclude that ANFIS performs better than
markov and fuzzy models. Bildirici and Ersin (2009) combined
This combined models better perfomred than ANNs or GARCH
based models. Guresen and Kayakutlu (2008) used hybrid models
like GARCH-DAN2 and EGARCH-DAN2 to forecast Istanbul Stock
Exchange Index (ISE XU100). Yudong and Lenan (2009) used bacte-
rial chemotaxis optimization (BCO), and back propagation neural
network (BPNN) on S&P 500 index and conclude that their hybrid
model (IBCO–BP) model offers less computational complexity, bet-
10390 E. Guresen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 10389–10397