Book Revision Revision 62 - Covers up to Angular 4 (4.2.0, 2017-06-23) Chapter Overview Before we dive in, I want to give you a feel for the rest of the book and what you can expect inside. The first few chapters provide the foundation you need to get up and running with Angular. You’ll create your first apps, use the built-in components, and start creating your components. Next we’ll move into intermediate concepts such as using forms, using APIs, routing to different pages, and using Dependency Injection to organize our code. After that, we’ll move into more advanced concepts. We spend a good part of the book talking about data architectures. Managing state in client/server applications is hard and we dive deep into two popular approaches: using RxJS Observables and using Redux. In these chapters, we’ll show how to build the same app, two different ways, so you can compare and contrast and evaluate what’s best for you and your team. After that, we’ll discuss how to write complex, advanced components using Angular’s most powerful features. Then we talk about how to write tests for our app and how we can upgrade our Angular 1 apps to Angular 4+. Finally, we close with a chapter on writing native mobile apps with Angular using NativeScript. By using this book, you’re going to learn how to build real Angular apps faster than spending hours parsing out-dated blog posts.
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