# Android Swipe Layout
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This is the brother of [AndroidViewHover](https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidViewHover).
One year ago, I started to make an app named [EverMemo](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zhan_dui.evermemo) with my good friends. The designer gave me a design picture, the design like this:
I found it was pretty hard to achieve this effect, cause you had to be very familiar with the Android Touch System. It was beyond my ability that moment, and I also noticed that there was no such a concept library...
Time passed, finally...as you see right now.
## Demo
[Download Demo](https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidSwipeLayout/releases/download/v1.1.8/AndroidSwipeLayout-v1.1.8.apk)
Before I made this, I actually found some libraries (eg.[SwipeListView](https://github.com/47deg/android-swipelistview)) that helps developers to integrate swiping with your UI component.
But it only works in `ListView`, and it has too many issues that they never care. What a pity!
When I start to make this library, I set some goals:
- Can be easily integrated in anywhere, ListView, GridView, ViewGroup etc.
- Can receive `onOpen`,`onClose`,`onUpdate` callbacks.
- Can notifiy the hidden children how much they have shown.
- Can be nested each other.
- Can handle complicate situation, just like [this](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d145d9a9508b3d204b70882c05bc3d9bd433883c/687474703a2f2f7777312e73696e61696d672e636e2f6c617267652f3631306463303334677731656b686f6a7379326172673230386530366e6774312e676966).
## Usage
### Step 1
#### Gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:21.0.0'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:20.+'
compile "com.daimajia.swipelayout:library:1.2.0@aar"
#### Maven
#### Eclipse
### Step 2
[Wiki Usage](https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidSwipeLayout/wiki/usage)
## Wiki
[Go to Wiki](https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidSwipeLayout/wiki)
## About me
A student in mainland China.
Welcome to [offer me an internship](mailto:daimajia@gmail.com). If you have any new idea about this project, feel free to [contact me](mailto:daimajia@gmail.com). :smiley: