D2XX for Linux
As Linux distributions vary these instructions are a guide to installation
and use. FTDI has tested the driver with Ubuntu 14.04 (kernel version 3.13)
for i386 and x86_64, and Raspbian 7 (kernel version 3.18) for arm-v6-hf.
FTDI developed libftd2xx primarily to aid porting Windows applications
written with D2XX to Linux. We intend the APIs to behave the same on
Windows and Linux so if you notice any differences, please contact us
(see http://www.ftdichip.com/FTSupport.htm).
FTDI do not release the source code for libftd2xx. If you prefer to work
with source code and are starting a project from scratch, consider using
the open-source libFTDI.
libftd2xx uses an unmodified version of libusb (http://libusb.info) which
is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
(see libusb/COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses). Source code for
libusb is included in this distribution.
Installing the D2XX shared library and static library.
1. tar xfvz libftd2xx-<platform>-1.3.6.tgz
This unpacks the archive, creating the following directory structure:
libftd2xx (re-linkable objects)
libusb (re-linkable objects)
libftd2xx.a (static library)
libftd2xx.so.1.3.6 (dynamic library)
libftd2xx.txt (platform-specific information)
libusb (source code)
2. cd build
3. sudo -s
or, if sudo is not available on your system:
Promotes you to super-user, with installation privileges. If you're
already root, then step 3 (and step 7) is not necessary.
4. cp libftd2xx.* /usr/local/lib
Copies the libraries to a central location.
5. chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.3.6
Allows non-root access to the shared object.
6. ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.3.6 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so
Creates a symbolic link to the 1.3.6 version of the shared object.
7. exit
Ends your super-user session.
Building the shared-object examples.
1. cd examples
2. make -B
This builds all the shared-object examples in subdirectories.
With an FTDI device connected to a USB port, try one of the
examples, e.g. reading EEPROM.
3. cd EEPROM/read
4. sudo ./read
If the message "FT_Open failed" appears:
Perhaps the kernel automatically loaded another driver for the
FTDI USB device.
sudo lsmod
If "ftdi_sio" is listed:
Unload it (and its helper module, usbserial), as follows.
sudo rmmod ftdi_sio
sudo rmmod usbserial
Otherwise, it's possible that libftd2xx does not recognise your
device's Vendor and Product Identifiers. Call FT_SetVIDPID before
calling FT_Open/FT_OpenEx/FT_ListDevices.
Building the static-library example.
1. cd examples/static
2. rm lib*
Cleans out any existing libraries built for another target.
3. cp /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.a .
4. make -B
5. sudo ./static_link
This example demonstrates writing to, and reading from, a device with
a loop-back connector attached.
The examples show how to call a small subset of the D2XX API. The full
API is available here: