tion for the rationality of the research work. It then delves into the various requirements and technical issues of the meteorological analysis large-screen visualization system, demonstrating the necessity and technical feasibility of the system. The report introduces the basic software and design concepts needed for system design. The Hadoop framework plays a crucial role in this project, as it allows for distributed processing and storage of massive amounts of meteorological data. Hadoop is a popular open-source framework that enables efficient handling of big data by breaking down large datasets into smaller chunks, distributing them across a cluster of commodity servers, and processing them parallelly. This feature is particularly beneficial in the context of weather analysis where real-time and historical data from multiple sources must be processed quickly and accurately. Python technology is employed for data processing and analysis, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and numerous libraries for scientific computing and data analysis. Libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib enable efficient data manipulation, statistical analysis, and data visualization, which are essential for creating meaningful insights from the meteorological data. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology is used to enhance the user interface and provide a seamless experience for the system's interactive features. By enabling partial page updates without requiring a full page refresh, Ajax improves the responsiveness of the application and reduces the load on the server. This is particularly important for a large-screen visualization system where users would expect instant updates and smooth navigation through various data representations. MySQL, a relational database management system, serves as the primary data storage unit, ensuring reliability and scalability for storing the extensive meteorological data. Its structured query language (SQL) allows for efficient querying, updating, and managing the data stored in the database. The meteorological analysis large-screen visualization system encompasses several key modules, each focusing on specific aspects of weather data. For instance, the module for 'sunshine hours' tracks and displays the total duration of sunlight in a given area, while the 'average relative humidity' module monitors the moisture content in the air. 'Annual precipitation' provides insights into the yearly rainfall, and the 'average temperature' module records and visualizes temperature fluctuations over time. The 'Guiyang meteorological analysis' module likely caters to local weather conditions in Guiyang city, and the 'temperature comparison' module allows for comparing temperature trends across different locations or time periods. In conclusion, this graduation design combines Hadoop, Python, Ajax, and MySQL technologies to create an effective and visually appealing solution for meteorological analysis. The system not only processes and stores vast amounts of weather data but also presents it in a comprehensible way on a large screen, enabling users to easily interpret complex patterns and make informed decisions based on the insights derived from the data. This innovative approach to weather analysis underscores the importance of integrating advanced technologies with domain-specific knowledge to address the challenges in the information age.
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