** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Quick Controls module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
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.pragma library
var daysInAWeek = 7;
var monthsInAYear = 12;
// Not the number of weeks per month, but the number of weeks that are
// shown on a typical calendar.
var weeksOnACalendarMonth = 6;
// Can't create year 1 directly...
var minimumCalendarDate = new Date(-1, 0, 1);
minimumCalendarDate.setFullYear(minimumCalendarDate.getFullYear() + 2);
var maximumCalendarDate = new Date(275759, 9, 25);
function daysInMonth(date) {
// Passing 0 as the day will give us the previous month, which will be
// date.getMonth() since we added 1 to it.
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate();
Returns a copy of \a date with its month set to \a month, keeping the same
day if possible. Does not modify \a date.
function setMonth(date, month) {
var oldDay = date.getDate();
var newDate = new Date(date);
// Set the day first, because setting the month could cause it to skip ahead
// a month if the day is larger than the latest day in that month.
// We'd like to have the previous day still selected when we change
// months, but it might not be possible, so use the smallest of the two.
newDate.setDate(Math.min(oldDay, daysInMonth(newDate)));
return newDate;
Returns the cell rectangle for the cell at the given \a index, assuming
that the grid has a number of columns equal to \a columns and rows
equal to \a rows, with an available width of \a availableWidth and height
of \a availableHeight.
If \a gridLineWidth is greater than \c 0, the cell rectangle will be
calculated under the assumption that there is a grid between the cells:
31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
function cellRectAt(index, columns, rows, availableWidth, availableHeight, gridLineWidth) {
var col = Math.floor(index % columns);
var row = Math.floor(index / columns);
var availableWidthMinusGridLines = availableWidth - ((columns - 1) * gridLineWidth);
var availableHeightMinusGridLines = availableHeight - ((rows - 1) * gridLineWidth);
var remainingHorizontalSpace = Math.floor(availableWidthMinusGridLines % columns);
var remainingVerticalSpace = Math.floor(availableHeightMinusGridLines % rows);
var baseCellWidth = Math.floor(availableWidthMinusGridLines / columns);
var baseCellHeight = Math.floor(availableHeightMinusGridLines / rows);
var rect = Qt.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
rect.x = baseCellWidth * col;
rect.width = baseCellWidth;
if (remainingHorizontalSpace > 0) {
if (col < remainingHorizontalSpace) {
// This cell's x position should be increased by 1 for every column above it.
rect.x += Math.min(remainingHorizontalSpace, col);
rect.y = baseCellHeight * row;
rect.height = baseCellHeight;
if (remainingVerticalSpace > 0) {
if (row < remainingVerticalSpace) {
// This cell's y position should be increased by 1 for every row above it.
rect.y += Math.min(remainingVerticalSpace, row);
rect.x += col * gridLineWidth;
rect.y += row * gridLineWidth;
return rect;
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Qt5多国语言输入发软键盘测试 (1389个子文件)
qdirect2dd.dll 59.27MB
qwindowsd.dll 54.31MB
qtquickcontrolsplugind.dll 27.47MB
qtlabsplatformplugind.dll 24.7MB
dialogplugind.dll 18.68MB
declarative_sensorsd.dll 16.28MB
declarative_multimediad.dll 14.28MB
qminimald.dll 13.42MB
qtlabscalendarplugind.dll 13.42MB
widgetsplugind.dll 13.1MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_openwnnd.dll 12.63MB
qml_winextrasd.dll 10.38MB
qtquickcontrols2plugind.dll 9.89MB
qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugind.dll 9.17MB
qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugind.dll 9.14MB
qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugind.dll 9.09MB
qoffscreend.dll 8.47MB
qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugind.dll 8.21MB
qtquickextrasplugind.dll 7.62MB
qquicklayoutsplugind.dll 7.3MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_pinyind.dll 7.17MB
declarative_scxmld.dll 6.88MB
qtqmlstatemachined.dll 6.45MB
qtquickscene3dplugind.dll 6.25MB
Qt5Gui.dll 6.19MB
Qt5Core.dll 6.18MB
qwindowsvistastyled.dll 5.72MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_tcimed.dll 5.65MB
Qt5Widgets.dll 5.42MB
declarative_nfcd.dll 5.31MB
declarative_bluetoothd.dll 5.01MB
quick3drenderplugind.dll 4.91MB
qwebpd.dll 4.89MB
qtquicktemplates2plugind.dll 4.54MB
Qt5Qml.dll 4.02MB
declarative_qmlwebsocketsd.dll 4MB
locationlabsplugind.dll 3.99MB
Qt5Quick.dll 3.94MB
qmlxmllistmodelplugind.dll 3.75MB
qtgraphicaleffectsprivated.dll 3.56MB
qtquickextrasflatplugind.dll 3.52MB
declarative_locationd.dll 3.34MB
qtiffd.dll 3.17MB
qjpegd.dll 3.17MB
dialogsprivateplugind.dll 2.91MB
qmlfolderlistmodelplugind.dll 2.64MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_hanguld.dll 2.55MB
sharedimageplugind.dll 2.44MB
declarative_positioningd.dll 2.44MB
quick3dextrasplugind.dll 2.39MB
qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin.dll 2.19MB
quick3dinputplugind.dll 2.04MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_thaid.dll 2.02MB
quick3danimationplugind.dll 1.98MB
qmlwavefrontmeshplugind.dll 1.98MB
qtvirtualkeyboardplugind.dll 1.91MB
Qt5VirtualKeyboard.dll 1.83MB
qdirect2d.dll 1.82MB
qtquickvirtualkeyboardstylesplugind.dll 1.81MB
qwindows.dll 1.75MB
quick3dcoreplugind.dll 1.7MB
qmllocalstorageplugind.dll 1.7MB
Qt5Network.dll 1.66MB
qtquickvirtualkeyboardplugind.dll 1.63MB
declarative_gamepadd.dll 1.58MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_openwnn.dll 1.48MB
qicod.dll 1.48MB
qmltestplugind.dll 1.46MB
qtgad.dll 1.46MB
qgifd.dll 1.46MB
qmlsettingsplugind.dll 1.37MB
libstdc++-6.dll 1.36MB
qsvgd.dll 1.22MB
quick3dlogicplugind.dll 1.21MB
qicnsd.dll 1.2MB
qtquickscene2dplugind.dll 1.19MB
qtvirtualkeyboard_pinyin.dll 1.19MB
qtquickvirtualkeyboardsettingsplugind.dll 1.1MB
qmlshapesplugind.dll 1.01MB
qwbmpd.dll 1MB
qminimal.dll 999KB
qoffscreen.dll 887KB
qtquickextrasflatplugin.dll 816KB
qtremoteobjectsd.dll 770KB
qtqmlremoteobjectsd.dll 770KB
windowplugind.dll 664KB
declarative_webchanneld.dll 658KB
qtgraphicaleffectsplugind.dll 631KB
qtquick2plugind.dll 611KB
labsmodelsplugind.dll 599KB
modelsplugind.dll 599KB
particlesplugind.dll 598KB
qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin.dll 564KB
qwebp.dll 533KB
qwebp.dll 533KB
qtquickcontrols2plugin.dll 501KB
qtiff.dll 490KB
qtiff.dll 490KB
qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin.dll 456KB
qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin.dll 453KB
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- 65 -美容院员工手册(范例).doc
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- 69 -某公司员工手册-范本1.doc
- 76 -某食品公司连锁运营部员工守则.doc
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- 83 -企业员工手册范本 (1).doc
- 103 -微软公司的员工手册.doc
- 154 -员工手册范本(公司类).doc
- 172 -员工手册和规章制度范本.doc
- 182 -云支付和云付通的员工手册.doc
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- 126 -员工手册 (1).docx