================= Logging started at 3/19/2018 05:03:12 下午 ==================
Created release folders
ISEXP : warning -7235: InstallShield could not create the software identification tag because the Tag Creator ID setting in the General Information view is empty.
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
ISEXP : error -6103: Could not find file "D:\project\视频切换清晰度\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\WindowsFormsApplication1.exe"
ISEXP : error -6103: Could not find file "D:\project\视频切换清晰度\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\WindowsFormsApplication1.application"
ISEXP : error -6103: Could not find file "D:\project\视频切换清晰度\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\WindowsFormsApplication1.exe.manifest"
ISEXP : error -6103: Could not find file "D:\project\视频切换清晰度\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\WindowsFormsApplication1.pdb"
Building File table
ISEXP : warning -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework. It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework.
File table successfully built
Building MsiFileHash table
MsiFileHash table successfully built
Class table successfully built
Extension table successfully built
ActionText table successfully built
AppSearch table successfully built
CCPSearch table successfully built
Condition table successfully built
AppId table successfully built
Started signing EF7B.tmp ...
Property table successfully built
Binary table successfully built
CompLocator table successfully built
ControlCondition table successfully built
ControlEvent table successfully built
CreateFolder table successfully built
CustomAction table successfully built
Error table successfully built
DrLocator table successfully built
DuplicateFile table successfully built
Environment table successfully built
EventMapping table successfully built
Font table successfully built
Started signing F029.tmp ...
Started signing F02B.tmp ...
Started signing F03D.tmp ...
Shortcut table successfully built
ProgId table successfully built
ISIISItem table successfully built
ISIISProperty table successfully built
ISSelfReg table successfully built
IniFile table successfully built
IniLocator table successfully built
LaunchCondition table successfully built
MIME table successfully built
MoveFile table successfully built
MsiAssembly table successfully built
MsiAssemblyName table successfully built
MsiDigitalCertificate table successfully built
MsiDigitalSignature table successfully built
MsiPackageCertificate table successfully built
MsiPatchCertificate table successfully built
MsiShortcutProperty table successfully built
PatchPackage table successfully built
PublishComponent table successfully built
RegLocator table successfully built
Registry table successfully built
RemoveFile table successfully built
RemoveIniFile table successfully built
RemoveRegistry table successfully built
ReserveCost table successfully built
SelfReg table successfully built
ServiceControl table successfully built
ServiceInstall table successfully built
Signature table successfully built
TextStyle table successfully built
TypeLib table successfully built
UIText table successfully built
Upgrade table successfully built
Verb table successfully built
_Validation table successfully built
Searching project for extract-at-build components...
Building scanned MsiAssembly records
Building scanned MsiAssemblyName records
Validating Custom Action sequencing