Protection against cyber threats
800xA v6 will add to an already impressive list of leading
security features such as Advanced Access Control, White
Listing, and means to monitor and manage the control
system’s security integrity:
− Based on the latest Microsoft operating system.
− Digital code signing of applications to ensure software
legitimacy code.
− Faster, more immediate access to approved security
updates and virus signature files.
Lower cost of ownership
800xA v6 provides the ability to lower costs for new projects,
retrofits, and upgrades:
− In addition to virtualization, performance improvements
and multiple core technology can optimize the automation
system’s footprint significantly leading to reduced capital
and lifecycle expenditures.
− A new Ex-certified Foundation Fieldbus High Speed
Ethernet (HSE) Linking Device is available that can further
reduce engineering and installation costs by being able to
be installed directly in Zone 2, Class 1 Div 2 areas.
System 800xA v6
It's all about control
Product Release Summary
800xA Tropos Wireless Mesh Routers
System 800xA is known for delivering productivity
through consolidating process, electrical, safety, and
telecoms in one system and providing the ultimate high
performance operator control room environment featuring
the Extended Operator Workplace.
This sixth generation release, commonly called v6, is not
only for new projects but has been specially developed
to support upgrades of older DCS systems running
on unsupported operating systems such as Microsoft
Windows® XP. System 800xA v6 provides customers with
a more secure automation environment that lowers the total
cost of ownership, while providing countless opportunities to
improve operational productivity.
Reaching new heights of productivity
800xA v6’s collaboration platform and its built in functionality
allow you to tackle money saving initiatives and implement
productivity enhancing solutions for a fraction of the cost
of adding third party software and hardware. In addition to
alarm management, advanced control, video systems, safety,
electrical integration, power management, and a host of other
embedded capabilities, System 800xA v6 adds:
− Wireless mesh routers to its portfolio, enabling the safe and
secure deployment of mobile operator clients, maintenance
workplaces, and even process controllers.
− A new information management platform providing secure
connectivity to 800xA so that data can be safely collected,
viewed, historized and reported above the control system layer.
Extended Operator Workplace