<job version="8.21">
<!--This document documents the schema that will be used for SJA for scheduled ODBC import. Unlike other options of SJA which are cross platform, this one is not. ODBC import uses strict Win32 ODBC functions and thus is non-portable.-->
<!--Specifies the MySQL server information where to import the data-->
<tunnelinfo type="http">
<!--Specifies tunnel information. Tunneling can be either SSH/HTTP-->
<dsn type="system">
<!--Dsn section specifes information about the dsn-->
<!--Type attribute specifes the type of dsn used in the import. Possible values are *file* or *system*. Default results to system.-->
<import source="file"><!--Source attribute specifes whether to import data from the data source or from result returned from a query. possible values are *query* or *data*. If not specified it will default to data.--></import>
<!--Sepcifes options for which table to import and table importing related options.-->
<table source="sourcetable1" target="targettable1" comment="Comment to be used for the target table" type="MyISAM">
<!--Describes each table that will be imported-->
<!--Source table. This table exist in the ODBC source and will be imported to MySQL.-->
<!--Target table. The source table will be imported to the target table.-->
<ddl create="yes">
<!--Specifes option for DDL statements.-->
<!--Create spcifies whether to execute DDL statement for the table.-->
<!--What happens if there is a confilct? *recreate* or *ignore*-->
<!--What happens on error? *ignore* or *abort* are the possible values.-->
<dml create="yes">
<!--Specifies option for DML statements.-->
<!--Create attribute is similar to ddl *create*-->
<!--Onconflict has same meaning like *DDL* onconflict. Possible values are *ignore*, *replace*, *abort*-->
<!--OnError is similar to DDL onerror.-->
<column source="col2" target="col2"/>
<table source="srctable2" target="tgttable2">
<ddl create="yes">
<!--Specifies how to map each column from source to target. Each element provides details about each columns.-->
<comment>comment for something</comment>
<ddl create="no">
<dml create="yes">
<!--Specifies how to map each column from source to target. Each element provides details about each columns.-->
<comment>comment for something</comment>
<ddl create="no">
<dml create="no">
<column source="col2" target="col2"/>
<!--Provides SMTP server information to which the email will be sent.-->
<displayname>Webyog Support</displayname>
<auth required="yes">
<!--Specifies what happens if there is any error. *ignore* and *continue* are the possible values. By default, *ignore* has to be taken.-->
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