<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Environment ignoreCase="yes" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" additionalWordChar="@"/>
<KeyWord name="#ce" />
<KeyWord name="#comments-end" />
<KeyWord name="#comments-start" />
<KeyWord name="#cs" />
<KeyWord name="#endregion" />
<KeyWord name="#forceref" />
<KeyWord name="#include" />
<KeyWord name="#include-once" />
<KeyWord name="#NoAutoIt3Execute" />
<KeyWord name="#NoTrayIcon" />
<KeyWord name="#OnAutoItStartRegister" />
<KeyWord name="#region" />
<KeyWord name="#RequireAdmin" />
<KeyWord name="@AppDataCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@AppDataDir" />
<KeyWord name="@AutoItExe" />
<KeyWord name="@AutoItPID" />
<KeyWord name="@AutoItVersion" />
<KeyWord name="@AutoItX64" />
<KeyWord name="@CommonFilesDir" />
<KeyWord name="@Compiled" />
<KeyWord name="@ComputerName" />
<KeyWord name="@ComSpec" />
<KeyWord name="@COM_EventObj" />
<KeyWord name="@CPUArch" />
<KeyWord name="@CR" />
<KeyWord name="@CRLF" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopDepth" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopDir" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopHeight" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopRefresh" />
<KeyWord name="@DesktopWidth" />
<KeyWord name="@DocumentsCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@error" />
<KeyWord name="@exitCode" />
<KeyWord name="@exitMethod" />
<KeyWord name="@extended" />
<KeyWord name="@FavoritesCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@FavoritesDir" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_CtrlHandle" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_CtrlId" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_DragFile" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_DragId" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_DropId" />
<KeyWord name="@GUI_WinHandle" />
<KeyWord name="@HomeDrive" />
<KeyWord name="@HomePath" />
<KeyWord name="@HomeShare" />
<KeyWord name="@HotKeyPressed" />
<KeyWord name="@HOUR" />
<KeyWord name="@IPAddress1" />
<KeyWord name="@IPAddress2" />
<KeyWord name="@IPAddress3" />
<KeyWord name="@IPAddress4" />
<KeyWord name="@KBLayout" />
<KeyWord name="@LF" />
<KeyWord name="@LogonDNSDomain" />
<KeyWord name="@LogonDomain" />
<KeyWord name="@LogonServer" />
<KeyWord name="@MDAY" />
<KeyWord name="@MIN" />
<KeyWord name="@MON" />
<KeyWord name="@MSEC" />
<KeyWord name="@MUILang" />
<KeyWord name="@MyDocumentsDir" />
<KeyWord name="@NumParams" />
<KeyWord name="@OSArch" />
<KeyWord name="@OSBuild" />
<KeyWord name="@OSLang" />
<KeyWord name="@OSServicePack" />
<KeyWord name="@OSType" />
<KeyWord name="@OSVersion" />
<KeyWord name="@ProgramFilesDir" />
<KeyWord name="@ProgramsCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@ProgramsDir" />
<KeyWord name="@ScriptDir" />
<KeyWord name="@ScriptFullPath" />
<KeyWord name="@ScriptLineNumber" />
<KeyWord name="@ScriptName" />
<KeyWord name="@SEC" />
<KeyWord name="@StartMenuCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@StartMenuDir" />
<KeyWord name="@StartupCommonDir" />
<KeyWord name="@StartupDir" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_DISABLE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_ENABLE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_HIDE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_LOCK" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_MAXIMIZE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_MINIMIZE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_RESTORE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOW" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWDEFAULT" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWMINIMIZED" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWNA" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_SHOWNORMAL" />
<KeyWord name="@SW_UNLOCK" />
<KeyWord name="@SystemDir" />
<KeyWord name="@TAB" />
<KeyWord name="@TempDir" />
<KeyWord name="@TrayIconFlashing" />
<KeyWord name="@TrayIconVisible" />
<KeyWord name="@TRAY_ID" />
<KeyWord name="@UserName" />
<KeyWord name="@UserProfileDir" />
<KeyWord name="@WDAY" />
<KeyWord name="@WindowsDir" />
<KeyWord name="@WorkingDir" />
<KeyWord name="@YDAY" />
<KeyWord name="@YEAR" />
<KeyWord name="Abs" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Calculates the absolute value of a number.">
<Param name="expression" />
<KeyWord name="ACos" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Calculates the arcCosine of a number.">
<Param name="expression" />
<KeyWord name="AdlibRegister" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Registers an Adlib function.">
<Param name=""function"" />
<Param name="[time]" />
<KeyWord name="AdlibUnRegister" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Unregisters an adlib function.">
<Param name="["function"]" />
<KeyWord name="Asc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Returns the ASCII code of a character.">
<Param name=""char"" />
<KeyWord name="AscW" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Returns the unicode code of a character.">
<Param name=""char"" />
<KeyWord name="ASin" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Calculates the arcsine of a number.">
<Param name="expression" />
<KeyWord name="Assign" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Assigns a variable by name with the data.">
<Param name=""varname"" />
<Param name=""data"" />
<Param name="[flag]" />
<KeyWord name="ATan" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Calculates the arctangent of a number.">
<Param name="expression" />
<KeyWord name="AutoItSetOption" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Sets the way coords are used in the caret functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window: 0 = relative coords to the active window 1 = absolute screen coordinates (default) 2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window ">
<Param name=""CaretCoordMode"" />
<Param name="param" />
<KeyWord name="AutoItSetOption" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Changes how literal strings and % symbols are interpreted. By default strings are treated literally, this option allows you to use %environment% variables inside strings, e.g., "The temp directory is: %temp%". 1 = expand environment variables (similar to AutoIt v2) 0 = do not expand environment variables (default) Without this option the usual way would be: "The temp directory is: " & EnvGet("temp") ">
<Param name=""ExpandEnvStrings"" />
<Param name="param" />
<KeyWord name="AutoItSetOption" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Changes how literal strings and variable/macro ($ and @) symbols are interpreted. By default strings are treated literally, this option allows you to use variables and macros inside strings, e.g., "The value of var1 is $var1$". 1 = expand variables (when in this mode and you want to use a literal $ or @ then double it up: "This is a single dollar $$ sign". 0 = do not expand variables (default) ">
<Param name=""ExpandVarStrings"" />
<Param name="param" />
<KeyWord name="AutoItSetOption" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="When ESC is pressed on a GUI the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message is sent. This option toggles this behavior on and off. 1 = Send the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message when ESC is pressed (default). 0 = Don't send the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message when ESC is pressed. ">
<Param name=""GUICloseOnESC"" />
<Param name="param" />
<KeyWord name="AutoItSetOption" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="" descr="Alters the position of a contr
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