Search and Replace for Windows
Funduc Software, Inc.
Copyright 1995-2008, All Rights Reserved
Thank you for your interest in Search and Replace!
PLEASE NOTE: While Search and Replace allows replacing in binary
files (such as .DOC, .XLS etc), these proprietary format files may
contain internal counters which may get out of synch. As a result,
the application that created the file may not be able to read it.
For best results, replace in ASCII text files (such as .HTM, .RTF,
.TXT, .INI, .C, .CPP, .H etc). In particular, Word files should be
converted to RTF format which can be safely processed. For
replacing in shortcuts or the registry, see our new utilities at For Word file replacement, see the WordSR
freeware on our website.
Features in v 2.7-5.9 include:
- Additional support for Windows Vista
- Additional debug support
- 'Show hits on separate lines' added to Options|Display to
allow switching between listing each on separate line or not.
- Limit of 4 GB maximum file size for single file removed.
- Added special 'Show Hits on one line' function. See
- Script Loop function now fully supported in Script Editor.
See Advanced Tab.
- Script Editor supports 'Repeat Action' to repeat one or more
s/r's. Manually entered 'Script Loop' can also be used for
scripts created by hand.
- Enhanced instance handling. See Options|General.
- The file name extension for xml files can be modified. See
F1 Help - 'Registry Switches'.
- Switch to copy (or not) search header info the clipboard and
output file. See Options|Display
- "Buffer Size" can now be specified in Options|Search
- Special switch to control number of buffers to process. See
F1 Hlp - 'Registry Switches'.
- "Filters" in the main program window when a filter is enabled.
- "Process Binary Files" switch in Options|Search to control
whether or not the program searches 'binary' files
- Special "privacy" mode switches to clear program history on
exit. See Privacy Settings in F1 hlp
- Enhanced File Operations dialog with drag n drop to
Windows Explorer and context menu.
- Additional keyboard shortcuts.
- Special switch to cause program to not search 'binary' files.
- Special switch to not output search parameters during
Ctrl+C copy to clipboard in Search Results
- 'Explorer From Here' to launch Windows Explorer
- Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save current search results to
a file of your choice.
- Crtl+W keyboard shortcut to swap search & replace strings.
- Options|Display dialog added.
- Options|General now has choices for program response to
double click on a search hit: Context Viewer; Open with
computer associated viewer for that file type; Open with
Search and Replace Default Viewer; Launch internal File
Operations dialog.
- Line Prefix for Text and Binary files can now be set
in Options|Output
- Internal enhancements to File Finder mode.
- Quiet Mode switch in Options|General.
- File name searching on command line.
- Auto-detect of Encoding= statements at top of .xml files.
- Handling for UTF-8 Files when file extension is .xml (See
F1 Hlp, UTF-8 topic).
- Internal Context Viewer can be disabled (see F1 Help,
External Editors)
- The number of subdirectories descended when Search Subdirs
is enabled can be regulated (see F1 Help, Search Subdirs)
- Selected Hit color configurable in Options|General
- "Explorer From Here" in Context Menu
- Adjustments in Script Editor when very long strings are
- Case Change Replacement mode. See Options|Replace.
- Math operations regular expression replacement operator.
- Line prefix in the Search Results list and output report can
be customized.
- Delete files from Backup Path function (Actions Menu).
- Reset button for Options|Filters to set all switches back to
default of no filters.
- Special option to change the font face and size of the main
dialog. Please see for
more information.
- Handling for dirs that begin with . and .. characters.
- Refinements for View Context editor, including handling of
unicode files.
- Resizeable script editor dialog.
- Script editor checkboxes to specify which search/replace string
operations to carry out.
- %%today%% value for the Min Date Filter= and Max Date Filter=
switches in manually edited scripts.
- Progress meter for 'File Find' mode.
- Special switch to simply special replace counters sequencing
across files.
- Extension to %%srfound%% to remove the characters specified
from the replace. See F1 hlp index, Replacement Operators.
- ctrl+drag n drop a folder from Windows Explorer will
append that folder to the Path field in the main dialog.
- GUI field in Options-General to specify the binary/editor
to use when a search hit is in a binary file.
- Special registry switch to make a default target path
for the file operations dialog.
- %%SRPREPEND%% and %%SRAPPEND%% operators for scripts.
- Script switches in the [Options] section can now go in any
order. Previously they had to be in a specific order.
- Settings from Options-General are no longer saved in scripts.
- The results can be dumped directly to the windows clipboard.
Specify 'clipboard' (no quotes) for the output file spec in
- Search all local hard drives can be done by specifying 'Local
Hard Drives' in the Path field. To search shares you have
access to on a UNC path, specify the UNC machine name in
the Path field.
- Additional special replacement operators: %%srfound%% returns
the entire search string found. %%srfilesize%% returns the size
of the file prior to replacements.
- The boolean regular expression operators - &, |, and ~.
can be used directly in the Search For: field. Enable 'Whole
Word' search to use. See F1 Help for more information.
- Switch to enable display of file data & time in Search Results
- Warning for Delete during file operations.
- UNICODE text files are processed automatically, without any user
- Progress meter can be displayed or not.
- Results list can be scrolled during processing (it slows the
display down somewhat).
- Additional variables for file date/time and system date/time to
be used in searches/replaces
- Sorting of file names to be processed by various criteria
- Executing scripts from the command line does not display the
user interface if the /q switch is used.
- More powerful attribute filters. See Help for more details.
- Allowing reversal of Filters (only showing files meeting the
given criteria).
- Progress dialog with Cancel button.
- New tree display allows one to collapse branches for a "cleaner
display". Ctrl and + or - keypad key expand or collapse all
branches. F4 and F5 move from file to file.
- Append to Output File switch and script option.
- Auto-complete combo boxes. The option can be adjusted in
Options | General.
- Filters for File Attributes were added to Options, Filter tab.
- Organize Favorites now has an Edit button that allows you
to edit the selected item.
- Network client setup is available on demand (write That way all client machines can use the
same copy of the program.
- New Favorites menu allows you to save frequently used searches
and/or paths and file masks.
- Replace Confirmation and File Operations dialogs are resizable
and they remember the last position.
- Shift+Ctrl+H will replace text in the clipboard.
- More script options for performing replaces more than once
(in a specified loop).
- An HTML mode which processes text with special HTML characters
(such as <>& and accented characters).
- F
- 粉丝: 2
- 资源: 18
- 基于SSM的“停车场管理系统”的设计与实现(源码+数据库+文档+PPT).zip
- 图像处理领域Retinex算法的新进展-基于全局与局部光照估计的图像增强
- 3DMAX镂空星花球建模插件FloralStarBall下载
- 基于(单片机 STM32)的实验室环境检测系统 程序 功能如下: (1)温湿度检测功能:采集实验室的温度和湿度参数
- 机场管理中航班时刻优化模型的研究与应用
- 西门子中央空调程序 冷水机组程序,标准化很好的程序,内部用的函数封装成标准块 采用模糊控制,根据需求及制冷量来确定开启冷水机组及冷冻泵,冷却泵的台数 夏季开启冷水机组,冬季开启锅炉制热 均衡磨损
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- Java毕业设计-基于微信小程序+SpringBoot的校园二手交易平台(源码+数据库+说明文档+效果图)
- springboot-vue-在线骑行网站的设计与实现-源码工程-29页从零开始全套图文详解-34页设计论文-21页答辩ppt-全套开发环境工具、文档模板、电子教程、视频教学资源分享
- 台达plc与C#串口通信程序,可同步读写操作,实时监控 监控地址通过xml文件配置,控件自动生成
- 高原低气压环境下的高性能生态地聚物混凝土耐久性和微观结构演化研究
- 基于微信小程序+SpringBoot的校园二手交易平台(源码+数据库+说明文档+效果图)毕业设计
- 适用于 Windows 的 USB 保护工具
- 一维线性卡尔曼滤波,MATLAB代码
- 无线信号传输的机械结构应力测试技术详解及应用场景
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