# bayer2rgb
> WARNING: Would not recommend this project for anything, it is greater than 13
> years old at this point and not maintained. I am sure you can find better
> projects out there doing essentially the same thing, e.g. OpenCV can demosaic
> raw data. I plan to post some updates just because I wish to toy with cmake
> and github actions and this felt like a good dummy project in which to do
> that. Just becuase there are some recent commits does not mean this is a
> maintained project :) -- Jeff circa 2021
bayer2rgb will convert naked (no header) bayer grid data into rgb data. There
are several choices of interpolation . It can output tiff files, and can
integrate with ImageMagick to output other formats.
The `bayer.c` was borrowed from the libdc1394 project [1], it is licensed under
LGPL. The interpolation algorithms used are described at [3].
This is an implementation of the idea I stumbled upon on ImageMagick's mailing
list while searching for a bayer grid converter. The thread can be found at
## Building
mkdir build/ && cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release
ctest --verbose
### Installing
cp delegates.xml ~/.config/ImageMagick/
## Running
usage: ./bayer2rgb
--input,-i input file
--output,-o output file
--width,-w image width (pixels)
--height,-v image height (pixels)
--bpp,-b bits per pixel
--first,-f first pixel color: RGGB, GBRG, GRBG, BGGR
--tiff,-t add a tiff header
--swap,-s if bpp == 16, swap byte order before conversion
--help,-h this helpful message
## Links
1. https://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/libdc1394/
2. http://www.imagemagick.org/pipermail/magick-developers/2008-May/002953.html
3. [http://scien.stanford.edu/class/psych221/projects/99/tingchen/main.htm](https://web.archive.org/web/20090210004353/scien.stanford.edu/class/psych221/projects/99/tingchen/main.htm)
## ImageMagick Integration
A delegates.xml file is included. Add the entries from it to your delegates.xml
and you should be able to do:
convert -size 1328x498 -depth 8 RGGB_BAYER:./tests/SV0030.RAW ./SV0030.jpg