// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2008/01/10 22:18:19 killes Exp $
Drupal 4.7.11, 2008-01-10
- fixed a security issue (Cross site request forgery), see SA-2008-005
- fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, UTF8), see SA-2008-006
- fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, register_globals), see SA-2008-007
Drupal 4.7.10, 2007-12-06
- fixed taxonomy feed bug introduced by SA-2007-031
Drupal 4.7.9, 2007-12-05
- fixed a security issue (SQL injection), see SA-2007-031
Drupal 4.7.8, 2007-10-17
- fixed a security issue (HTTP response splitting), see SA-2007-024
- fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting via uploads), see SA-2007-026
- fixed a security issue (API handling of unpublished comment), see SA-2007-030
Drupal 4.7.7, 2007-07-26
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-018
Drupal 4.7.6, 2007-01-29
- fixed security issue (code execution), see SA-2007-005
Drupal 4.7.5, 2007-01-05
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-001
- fixed security issue (DoS), see SA-2007-002
Drupal 4.7.4, 2006-10-18
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-024
- fixed security issue (CSRF), see SA-2006-025
- fixed security issue (Form action attribute injection), see SA-2006-026
Drupal 4.7.3, 2006-08-02
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-011
Drupal 4.7.2, 2006-06-01
- fixed critical upload issue, see SA-2006-007
- fixed taxonomy XSS issue, see SA-2006-008
- fixed a variety of small bugs.
Drupal 4.7.1, 2006-05-24
- fixed critical SQL issue, see SA-2006-005
- fixed a serious upgrade related bug.
- fixed a variety of small bugs.
Drupal 4.7.0, 2006-05-01
- added free tagging support.
- added a site-wide contact form.
- theme system:
* added the PHPTemplate theme engine and removed the Xtemplate engine.
* converted the bluemarine theme from XTemplate to PHPTemplate.
* converted the pushbutton theme from XTemplate to PHPTemplate.
- usability:
* reworked the 'request new password' functionality.
* reworked the node and comment edit forms.
* made it easy to add nodes to the navigation menu.
* added site 'offline for maintenance' feature.
* added support for auto-complete forms (AJAX).
* added support for collapsible page sections (JS).
* added support for resizable text fields (JS).
* improved file upload functionality (AJAX).
* reorganized some settings pages.
* added friendly database error screens.
* improved styling of update.php.
- refactored the forms API.
* made it possible to alter, extend or theme forms.
- comment system:
* added support for "mass comment operations" to ease repetitive tasks.
* comment moderation has been removed.
- node system:
* reworked the revision functionality.
* removed the bookmarklet code. Third-party modules can now handle
- upgrade system:
* allows contributed modules to plug into the upgrade system.
- profiles:
* added a block to display author information along with posts.
* added support for private profile fields.
- statistics module:
* added the ability to track page generation times.
* made it possible to block certain IPs/hostnames.
- block system:
* added support for theme-specific block regions.
- syndication:
* made the aggregator module parse Atom feeds.
* made the aggregator generate RSS feeds.
* added RSS feed settings.
* replaced the XML-RPC library by a better one.
- performance:
* added 'loose caching' option for high-traffic sites.
* improved performance of path aliasing.
* added the ability to track page generation times.
- internationalization:
* improved Unicode string handling API.
* added support for PHP's multibyte string module.
- added support for PHP5's 'mysqli' extension.
- search module:
* made indexer smarter and more robust.
* added advanced search operators (e.g. phrase, node type, ...).
* added customizable result ranking.
- PostgreSQL support:
* removed dependency on PL/pgSQL procedural language.
- menu system:
* added support for external URLs.
- queue module:
* removed from core.
- HTTP handling:
* added support for a tolerant Base URL.
* output URIs relative to the root, without a base tag.
Drupal 4.6.11, 2007-01-05
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-001
- fixed security issue (DoS), see SA-2007-002
Drupal 4.6.10, 2006-10-18
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-024
- fixed security issue (CSRF), see SA-2006-025
- fixed security issue (Form action attribute injection), see SA-2006-026
Drupal 4.6.9, 2006-08-02
- fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-011
Drupal 4.6.8, 2006-06-01
- fixed critical upload issue, see SA-2006-007
- fixed taxonomy XSS issue, see SA-2006-008
Drupal 4.6.7, 2006-05-24
- fixed critical SQL issue, see SA-2006-005
Drupal 4.6.6, 2006-03-13
- fixed bugs, including 4 security vulnerabilities.
Drupal 4.6.5, 2005-12-12
- fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified.
Drupal 4.6.4, 2005-11-30
- fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities.
Drupal 4.6.3, 2005-08-15
- fixed bugs, including a critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bug.
Drupal 4.6.2, 2005-06-29
- fixed bugs, including two critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bugs.
Drupal 4.6.1, 2005-06-01
- fixed bugs, including a critical input validation bug.
Drupal 4.6.0, 2005-04-15
- PHP5 compliance
- search:
* added UTF-8 support to make it work with all languages.
* improved search indexing algorithm.
* improved search output.
* impose a throttle on indexing of large sites.
* added search block.
- syndication:
* made the ping module ping pingomatic.com which, in turn, will ping all the major ping services.
* made Drupal generate RSS 2.0 feeds.
* made RSS feeds extensible.
* added categories to RSS feeds.
* added enclosures to RSS feeds.
- flood control mechanism:
* added a mechanism to throttle certain operations.
- usability:
* refactored the block configuration pages.
* refactored the statistics pages.
* refactored the watchdog pages.
* refactored the throttle module configuration.
* refactored the access rules page.
* refactored the content administration page.
* introduced forum configuration pages.
* added a 'add child page' link to book pages.
- contact module:
* added a simple contact module that allows users to contact each other using e-mail.
- multi-site configuration:
* made it possible to run multiple sites from a single code base.
- added an image API: enables better image handling.
- block system:
* extended the block visibility settings.
- theme system:
* added new theme functions.
- database backend:
* the PEAR database backend is no longer supported.
- performance:
* improved performance of the forum topics block.
* improved performance of the tracker module.
* improved performance of the node pages.
- documentation:
* improved and extended PHPDoc/Doxygen comments.
Drupal 4.5.8, 2006-03-13
- fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities.
Drupal 4.5.7, 2005-12-12
- fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified.
Drupal 4.5.6, 2005-11-30
- fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities.
Drupal 4.5.5, 2005-08-15
- fixed bugs, including a critical "arbitrary PHP code exec