Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
Microsoft Windows 9x, NT, 2000, ME, XP
Version 4.20.0067 (12.5.1/P-EBF11786 ESD #02/04.20.0067)
March 2004
Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
Problems Fixed
Installation Instructions
Driver Options
Notes and Known Problems
Installed Files
Technical Support
Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
IMPORTANT: You must have at least version 2.60 of the Microsoft Data
Access Components (MDAC) installed to use the Sybase ASE ODBC Driver 4.20.0067.
The current version at the time of DataDirect Technologies's original release
of this driver was 2.7. You can download a utility that determines the version
of your currently installed MDAC from the following Microsoft site: (Just follow the links for MDAC)
You can download the latest MDAC from the Microsoft site:
This Driver is ODBC 3.51 compliant. If you are using MDAC 2.10 and
MDAC 2.50, and encounter problems, please upgrade to the current
MDAC level and test for resolution. If problem persists please
contact Sybase Technical Support.
*** PLEASE NOTE - The following is a known issue, and has been ***
*** addressed by the following Sybase ASE releases: ***
*** ***
*** Sybase ASE IR (Interim Release) ***
*** Sybase ASE IR (Interim Release) ***
*** ***
*** Currently, multiple components in an MTS/DTC application ***
*** (using OLE-DB or ODBC via the XA interface) cannot share ***
*** the same 'lock space' on ASE. These applications may hang ***
*** if they have multiple components or connections attempting ***
*** to access the same data simultaneously; even within a ***
*** single MTS/DTC transaction. ***
*** This problem does NOT affect ASE on NT using the Native-OLE ***
*** distributed transaction interface, nor will it affect ***
*** components that access separate data and do not need to ***
*** share locks. ***
*** This problem is caused by the way MTS/DTC generates XA ***
*** transaction Ids and these issues are being addressed under ***
*** CR 259265. ***
Problems Fixed
IMPORTANT NOTE for 12.5.1 SDK GA and 12.5 ESD#14 version:
EBF 11529 ESD #14 from the 12.5.0 SDK is the same build as the ODBC build
in the 12.5.1 SDK GA version. You will see this below as both releases
contain driver version 4.20.0015.
Version 4.20.0067 (12.5.1/P-EBF11786 ESD #02/04.20.0067)
346310: ODBC: When executing a stored procedure with or without
"EXEC" keyword, and application is using a query timeout (such
as CommandTimeout in ADO application, or using QueryTimeout
in ODBC API SQLSetStmtAttr call), when the timeout occurs,
SQLExecDirect() returns SQL_SUCCESS. The message and SQL_ERROR
return code was retrieved during SQLFetch(). This has been corrected
so that the execute returns SQL_ERROR on the SQLExecDirect() API call.
342554: ODBC: E_FAIL status with AddNew() and CursorLocation set
to adUseClient in a Visual Basic ADO applciation. This is resolved
by using the WorkArounds2=16 connection attribute. You can add this
to the ADO connections string as "WA2=16". Another alternative is
to add the "WorkArounds2=16" for the DSN as found in the registry
under ODBC.INI.
343251: ODBC: No updates were allowed on disconnected ADO Recordset
from a stored procedure call, after upgrading to the 4.20 driver build.
Application would recieve the error "-2147217887 : Multiple-step
operation generated errors. Check each status value." To prevent this
from happening, a new connection option is required,
ReportUnknownForUpdatable, which is False (0) by default. When
set to TRUE (1), this option will always return SQL_ATTR_READWRITE_UNKNOWN
for the SQL_DESC_UPDATABLE field of the result column descriptors.
This will only apply to stored procedure result sets.
341065: ODBC: TDS ODBC Driver doesn't connect to an Asymmetric Secondary ASE
in a HA setup.
341137: ODBC: Set identity_insert tab ON causes SQL_ERROR on execution
of stored procedure. Now it returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.
347201: ODBC: ODBC does not receive all Extended Error Data messages
from PRINT statements in a stored procedure.
344287: ODBC: Table import in Access 2000/2002/2003 hangs with
Select Method=Direct.
338334: ODBC: Unable to display and input Traditional Chinese (Big5)
characters correctly due to Big5 characters were incorrectly mapped
into unicode when using datatype SQL_C_WCHAR.
Version 4.20.0035 (12.5.1/P-EBF11410 ESD #01/04.20.0035)
CR 337129: ODBC: ASE varchar was treated the same as char value
when ODBC was connected to ASE via Open Server gateway such as
Open Switch, and ASE was at version 12.0. The varchar data was
being padded so the data displayed was "full length" of the varchar
column as defined on ASE. The padding no longer occurs.
CR 338504: ODBC: The ASE install master script set incorrect values, that are
not within the ODBC 3.X specification. To correct this problem now, you can
modify the system tables as follows:
sp_configure 'allow updates to system tables', 1
update sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info set data_type=-9
where type_name='univarchar'
update sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info set data_type=-8
where type_name='unichar'
sp_configure 'allow updates to system tables', 0
CR 325693 is logged to track this issue and to investigate a permanent
solution to the situation.
CR 317043: ODBC: SQLFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE) does not deallocate the ASE cursor.
CR 330322: ODBC: MS Access -7776 error with import table on 1.2 GHz PC,
due to a
datetime column.
Version 4.20.0015 (12.5.1/P/04.20.0015)
CR 317873: When using Interfaces File, the driver was not
updating the "LogonID" value in the registry, in the
HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI section, under the specified DSN.
CR 323627: A hang occurred when calling SQLCancel if SM=0
(SelectMethod = Cursor).
CR 326555: NetworkAddress was put into the ConnectStringOut when the
UseInterfacesFile check box was checked, and it should not have been.
DEF0000166 NA: When using not null in Create Table statement, data was
not returned correctly.
CR 324645: Crash occurred when executing a stored procedure
against an OpenServer.
CR 319004: By customer request, removed an existing error message
from the error messages the driver returns when attempting to connect
with an invalid UID and/or Server information.
Version 4.20.0015 (12.5.0/P-EBF11529 ESD#14/04.20.0015)
CR 317873: ODBC: When using Interfaces File, the driver was not updating
the "LogonID" value in the registry, in the
HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI section, under the specified DSN.
CR 319004: ODBC: Login failure messages return in different order and
are truncated. Therefore, by customer request, removed an existing error
message from the error m