Cheat Engine 6.4
Network: Network server can now handle multiple incoming connections at the same time
Gui: Fixed a crash when using multiple scan tabs
Assembler/Disassembler: Fixed several assembler/disassembler bugs
Debug: Fixed issues where deleting a breakpoint wouldn't actually remove it, causing a crash
Debug: Fixed a problem where deleting a breakpoint that was marked for deletion would never happen if the game was constantly triggering the debugger
Lua: Fixed the 6.2 and earlier version of opendialog_execute
Lua: Fixed memscan.waitTillDone() when using it on the gui memscan
Lua: Fixed speedhack_setSpeed() not taking more than 3 digits
D3D Hook: Direct3D9 objects now support transparency
D3D Hook: Fix detection of which directx version is actually used for rendering
Dissect Data: Fixed the column click detection when scrolled
Auto Assembler: Fixed some commands not highlighting properly
Ultimap: Fixed ultimap so it now works in windows 8
Ultimap: Fixed the hotkeys
Ultimap: Fixed the hint popup for pre-emptive flushing
Symbols: Fixed a problem where 32-bit modules where detected as 64-bit
Memory Scan: Fixed next scan causing a buffer overflow in some rare situations
Form Designer: Fixed a problem where deleting a non visible object failed (press the delete key in the object inspector tree)
Trainer Designer: Fixed the go back to generated form from functioning and related issues
PE-Info: Fixed a possibility where a bad PE header could cause an read error
Memory view: Hexview: Fix 8-byte value editing
Syntax Highlighters LUA/AA: Fixed UTF8 encoded text
Syntax Highlighters AA: Added xmm registers
Additions and changes:
Address List: Added a group option that shows a +/- sign in front of group entries
Address List: Pressing enter on a single entry now goes into value edit mode
Address List: Added an option so certain entries in the address list show a groupbox the user can pick from
Auto Assembler: New auto assembler templates that focus on Array of Byte scans(thanks to jgoemat)
Auto Assembler: The auto assembler can now handle {$LUA} and {$ASM} preprocessors for multiline lua scripts
Break And Trace: Added a donottrace.txt file in the base directory which holds a list of modules that should not be traced but stepped over instead
Pointerscan: Improved performance of the pointer scanner
Pointerscan: The pointerscan now has the option to generate a lot smaller .PTR files
Pointerscan: Added the ability to do a distributed pointerscan and pointer rescan
ProcessList: You can now type in the processlist to filter for the specific process
Network: Added a basic ARM assembler/disasembler
Network: The linux/android network version can now use basic debugging (find what access/writes)
Network: Added speedhack to the network version
Network: The network version now compresses read/write process memory before sending to the client. The compression level can be changed at runtime
Network: Added module injection for linux/android
Symbols: Added better support for .PDB debug files so parameters and local variable references show when that data is available
Symbols: Added support for .Net
Symbols: Added support for Java (proof-of-concept showing off the extendabilty of CE)
Symbols: Added support for Mono (^)
Memory view: Hexview: Added decimal display modes for the other types
Memory View: Added shift-scrollng to the hexview and disassembler so you can scroll by 1 byte changes instead of the default calculated sizes
Stack View: Added a search option
D3D Hook: you can now reattach the D3D hook to a process that previously had been hooked
Lua engine window: Added a search and replace option to the editor
Lua engine window: Added the ability to set breakpoints, inspect variables and step over lines
Lua engine window: Enabled tab indentation of blocks
Lua engine window: Some extra customization options
Trainer Generator: Replaced the beepOnAction with playSoundOnAction and added 2 build in activate/deativate sounds. (You can override them)
Trainer Generator: The XM file field now has a play button
Lua/Trainer Generator/Designer: Added several new components , propertes and methods.
Lua: Added a dll search path to cedir\clibs32 or cedir\clibs64 depending on which cheat engine version is used. Use it for lua extentions
Lua: Made it more forgiving about method and property names
Lua: Added some threading helper functions
Lua: You can now override the disassembler/assembler
Lua: Lots of other new features. Check out main.lua
How to use:
There's a tutorial program included with Cheat Engine,
it teaches how to use the basics of Cheat Engine, also the helpfile may be of use.
For comments or suggestions and such, contact me at:
e-mail(msn) =
For more information about Cheat Engine or tables for it
and other things, goto this url:
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CE,内存修改器,Delphi源代码 (1189个子文件)
vmeventhandler.c.april132011 105KB
standalonelevel1.aps 18KB
vmma.asm 31KB
vmloader.asm 13KB
vmxoffloada.asm 5KB
bootloader.asm 5KB
ultimapa.asm 5KB
debuggera.asm 5KB
commona.asm 2KB
commona.asm 2KB
dbkfunca.asm 1KB
apica.asm 650B
vmxhelpera.asm 302B
testa.asm 297B
vmpaging.c.backup 43KB
vmpaging.c.backup2 43KB
make_uname.bat 1KB
ces.bat 1KB
luavs.bat 1KB
ce.bat 596B
buildsigs.bat 225B
cetc.bat 183B
b.bat 57B
button.bmp 3KB
image.bmp 3KB
pointer.bmp 3KB
edit.bmp 3KB
panel.bmp 3KB
insts.c 118KB
vmmhelper.c 104KB
vmeventhandler.c 101KB
vmpaging.c 88KB
realmodeemu.c 75KB
api.c 66KB
main.c 64KB
operands.c 52KB
debugger.c 44KB
IOPLDispatcher.c 39KB
memscan.c 38KB
lparser.c 36KB
vmcall.c 33KB
lvm.c 31KB
decoder.c 27KB
ceserver.c 26KB
lapi.c 25KB
lcode.c 24KB
lstrlib.c 23KB
vmxoffload.c 23KB
ltable.c 20KB
lgc.c 20KB
loadlib.c 19KB
cetc.c 19KB
vmeventhandler_amd.c 18KB
lauxlib.c 17KB
extensionloader.c 17KB
instructions.c 17KB
lbaselib.c 17KB
common.c 17KB
ldebug.c 16KB
tdiwrapper.c 16KB
prefix.c 15KB
ultimap.c 15KB
DBKDrvr.c 15KB
liolib.c 15KB
ldo.c 14KB
common.c 14KB
mm.c 14KB
symbols.c 13KB
llex.c 12KB
vmloaderc.c 12KB
textdefs.c 10KB
lua.c 10KB
vmevent_invalidstate.c 10KB
lnum.c 10KB
ldblib.c 10KB
multicore.c 10KB
lmathlib.c 10KB
vmxhelper.c 10KB
server.c 9KB
test.c 8KB
sigcheck.c 7KB
ltablib.c 7KB
DBKFunc.c 7KB
ceservertest.c 6KB
loslib.c 6KB
example-c.c 6KB
lobject.c 6KB
processlist.c 6KB
lstate.c 6KB
x86defs.c 6KB
extensionfunctions.c 6KB
ultimap.c 6KB
threads.c 5KB
print.c 5KB
lundump.c 5KB
interruptHook.c 5KB
luac.c 5KB
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