Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems: A Practical Approach by Shoab Ahmed Khan Wiley 2011 ISBN: 047074183X 506 pages PDF: 10 MB Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems discusses a spectrum of architectures and methods for effective implementation of algorithms in hardware (HW). Encompassing all facets of the subject this book includes conversion of algorithms from floating-point to fixed-point format, parallel architectures for basic computational blocks, Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), SystemVerilog and coding guidelines for synthesis. The book also covers system level design of Multi Processor System on Chip (MPSoC); a consideration of different design methodologies including Network on Chip (NoC) and Kahn Process Network (KPN) based connectivity among processing elements. A special emphasis is placed on implementing streaming applications like a digital communication system in HW. Several novel architectures for implementing commonly used algorithms in signal processing are also revealed. With a comprehensive coverage of topics the book provides an appropriate mix of examples to illustrate the design methodology. Key Features: A practical guide to designing efficient digital systems, covering the complete spectrum of digital design from a digital signal processing perspective Provides a full account of HW building blocks and their architectures, while also elaborating effective use of embedded computational resources such as multipliers, adders and memories in FPGAs Covers a system level architecture using NoC and KPN for streaming applications, giving examples of structuring MATLAB code and its easy mapping in HW for these applications Explains state machine based and Micro-Program architectures with comprehensive case studies for mapping complex applications The techniques and examples discussed in this book are used in the award winning products from the Center for Advanced Research in Engineering (CARE). Software Defined Radio, 10 Gigabit VoIP monitoring system and Digital Surveillance equipment has respectively won APICTA (Asia Pacific Information and Communication Alliance) awards in 2010 for their unique and effective designs. From the Back Cover Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems discusses a spectrum of architectures and methods for effective implementation of algorithms in hardware (HW). Encompassing all facets of the subject this book includes conversion of algorithms from floating-point to fixed-point format, parallel architectures for basic computational blocks, Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), SystemVerilog and coding guidelines for synthesis. The book also covers system level design of Multi Processor System on Chip (MPSoC); a consideration of different design methodologies including Network on Chip (NoC) and Kahn Process Network (KPN) based connectivity among processing elements. A special emphasis is placed on implementing streaming applications like a digital communication system in HW. Several novel architectures for implementing commonly used algorithms in signal processing are also revealed. With a comprehensive coverage of topics the book provides an appropriate mix of examples to illustrate the design methodology. Key Features: A practical guide to designing efficient digital systems, covering the complete spectrum of digital design from a digital signal processing perspective Provides a full account of HW building blocks and their architectures, while also elaborating effective use of embedded computational resources such as multipliers, adders and memories in FPGAs Covers a system level architecture using NoC and KPN for streaming applications, giving examples of structuring MATLAB® code and its easy mapping in HW for these applications Explains state machine based and Micro-Program architectures with comprehensive case studies for mapping complex applications 数字信号处理系统的设计是一个涉及信号处理算法实现的广泛主题,它要求将这些算法有效地转换成硬件实现。本书《数字设计信号处理系统》(Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems)由Shoab Ahmed Khan撰写,并由Wiley出版社于2011年出版。它提供了506页的内容,包含了信号处理系统设计的实践方法。 1. 算法转换:书中首先讨论了将浮点算法转换为定点格式的过程,这是在硬件中实现算法的一个关键步骤。定点格式对资源的使用更为高效,这在FPGA这类资源受限的硬件中尤为重要。 2. 并行架构:并行架构对于基本计算单元而言是提高性能的关键。这些架构可以提升处理速度,并且有助于在有限的硬件资源下实现更加复杂的信号处理任务。 3. 硬件描述语言(HDL):书中深入讲解了Verilog HDL和SystemVerilog,它们是用于硬件设计和仿真的主要语言。掌握这些语言对于硬件工程师来说是必备技能,它们能够精确描述硬件组件的行为。 4. 合成指导:为了确保硬件设计能够成功合成到实际的FPGA或者ASIC中,书中提出了编程指导原则,这些原则帮助工程师写出既能够准确反映设计意图,又能高效映射到物理硬件的代码。 5. 系统级设计:书中涉及了多处理器系统芯片(MPSoC)的系统级设计。MPSoC是现代嵌入式系统设计的核心,尤其在需要集成大量处理器和进行高速数据处理的应用中。 6. 网络芯片(NoC)与Kahn处理网络(KPN):NoC和KPN是设计MPSoC时的两种主要的互连策略。NoC采用类似于计算机网络的技术来构建芯片内部的处理器间通信网络,而KPN则是一种更侧重于数据流处理的连接方式,它们在多核处理器和系统芯片设计中越来越流行。 7. 流应用实现:实现流式应用,如数字通信系统,是本书讨论的另一个重点。流式应用通常需要高吞吐量和低延迟,书中提供了相应的硬件架构来满足这些需求。 8. 信号处理算法的硬件实现:书中还介绍了一些针对常用信号处理算法的新型硬件架构,例如快速傅里叶变换(FFT)、数字滤波器等。这些算法在硬件中的优化实现对于提高整个系统的性能至关重要。 9. 状态机和微程序架构:本书还讲述了基于状态机和微程序的架构,以及如何将复杂应用映射到硬件上。这包括了通过综合案例研究,对在实际项目中应用这些架构的方法和效果进行深入分析。 10. 实际应用案例:本书强调了书中技术在实际产品中的应用。例如,CARE(巴基斯坦的先进工程研究中心)的产品,包括软件定义无线电、10G比特VoIP监控系统和数字监控设备,都使用了书中的技术,并且凭借独特的设计赢得了APICTA奖项。 在数字信号处理系统的数字设计领域,这本书提供了从基础硬件构建块到系统级架构的全面覆盖。它通过实例展示了设计方法论,使读者能够获得从理论到实践的全方位理解。对于希望深入了解数字信号处理硬件实现的工程师和学者而言,这本书是一个宝贵的资源。


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