# `perfect-scrollbar`
Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
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If you want information of old versions<0.6.0, please refer to
[an old documentation](https://github.com/noraesae/perfect-scrollbar/tree/0.5.9).
## Why perfect-scrollbar?
I was once working on a personal project, and trying to find the jQuery
scrollbar plugin that's *perfect*. But there was no *perfect* one.
That's why I decided to make one.
perfect-scrollbar is minimalistic but *perfect* (for me, and maybe for most developers)
scrollbar plugin working with jQuery or vanilla JavaScript as well.
I hope you love it!
## [Demo](http://noraesae.github.com/perfect-scrollbar/)
[It's on the GitHub Pages](http://noraesae.github.com/perfect-scrollbar/).
## What does *perfect* mean?
*perfect* means...
* There should be no css change on any original element.
* The scrollbar should not affect the original design layout.
* The design of the scrollbar should be (nearly) fully customizable.
* If the size of the container or the content changes, the scrollbar
size and position should be able to change.
* *New!* It should work with vanilla JavaScript and major tools like
NPM or Browserify.
## Then perfect-scrollbar is really *perfect*?
* perfect-scrollbar has some requirements, but doesn't change or add
any style on original elements.
* perfect-scrollbar is designed not to have width or height. It's fixed
on the right and bottom side of the container.
* You can change nearly all css styles of the scrollbar. The scrollbar
design has no dependency on scripts.
* perfect-scrollbar supports an 'update' function. Whenever you need
to update the size or position of the scrollbar, just update.
* Additionally, perfect-scrollbar uses 'scrollTop' and 'scrollLeft',
not absolute positioning or something messy.
* perfect-scrollbar supports RTL perfectly on both WebKit and Gecko based browsers.
It's cool, isn't it?
## Install
The best way to install and use perfect-scrollbar is with NPM.
It's registered on [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/package/perfect-scrollbar) as `perfect-scrollbar`.
$ npm install perfect-scrollbar
You can download the latest stable version with download links [here](http://noraesae.github.io/perfect-scrollbar/).
You also can find all releases on [Releases](https://github.com/noraesae/perfect-scrollbar/releases).
If you want to use the development version of the plugin, use the
source files which are not minified. They're in the `src` directory.
The development version may be unstable, but some known bugs may
have been fixed.
$ git clone https://github.com/noraesae/perfect-scrollbar.git
$ cd perfect-scrollbar/src
$ npm install
$ gulp # will lint and build the source code.
There is a Bower package for perfect-scrollbar as well. It is managed
under the [perfect-scrollbar-bower](https://github.com/noraesae/perfect-scrollbar-bower)
repository. The plugin is registered as `perfect-scrollbar`.
$ bower install perfect-scrollbar
You can also load it from [cdnjs](http://cdnjs.com/).
It is registered as [`jquery.perfect-scrollbar`](http://www.cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery.perfect-scrollbar).
## Requirements
To make this plugin *perfect*, some requirements were unavoidable.
But, they're all very trivial and there is nothing to worry about.
The following requirements should meet.
* the container must have a 'position' css style.
The following requirements are included in the basic CSS, but please
keep in mind when you'd like to change the CSS files.
* the container must have an 'overflow:hidden' css style.
* the scrollbar's position must be 'absolute'.
* the scrollbar-x must have a 'bottom' css style, and the scrollbar-y
must have a 'right' css style.
## How to use
First of all, please check if the container element meets the
<link rel='stylesheet' href='dist/css/perfect-scrollbar.css' />
#container {
position: relative;
height: 100%; /* Or whatever you want (eg. 400px) */
I would recommend using the plugin with NPM and CommonJS module system
like Browserify.
var Ps = require('perfect-scrollbar');
Or you can just load the script file as usual.
<script src='dist/js/perfect-scrollbar.js'></script>
To initialise the plugin, `Ps.initialize` is used.
var container = document.getElementById('container');
It can be initialised with optional parameters.
Ps.initialize(container, {
wheelSpeed: 2,
wheelPropagation: true,
minScrollbarLength: 20
If the size of your container or content changes, call `update`.
If you want to destory the scrollbar, use `destroy`.
If you want to scroll to somewhere, just use a `scrollTop`
property and update.
container.scrollTop = 0;
You can also get information about how to use the plugin
from code in the `examples` directory of the source tree.
## jQuery
As you may already know, perfect-scrollbar was a jQuery plugin.
And it *is* as well. There's a jQuery adaptor and the plugin can
be used in the same way it used to be used before.
I also recommend using NPM and CommonJS here, but it's not mandatory.
var $ = require('jquery');
For sure, you can just import a built script.
<script src='dist/js/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.js'></script>
After importing it, you can use the plugin in the usual way.
$('#container').perfectScrollbar(); // Initialize
$('#container').perfectScrollbar({ ... }); // with options
$('#container').perfectScrollbar('update'); // Update
$('#container').perfectScrollbar('destroy'); // Destroy
## RequireJS usage
For RequireJS loader, no need to write shim, simply import two libs:
paths: {
perfectScrollbarJQuery: '.../perfect-scrollbar.jquery',
perfectScrollbar: '.../perfect-scrollbar',
and load `perfectScrollbar` in the initialiser of your app:
# for vanilla JS:
window.Ps = require('perfectScrollbar');
# for jQuery:
## AngularJS + RequireJS usage
With the require.config settings above, at the beginning of your app module
definition, you can have following code:
function (angular) {
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [])
.run(function() {
window.Ps = require('perfectScrollbar');
return myApp;
And initialise perfectScrollbar in a controller:
# by vanilla JS:
var container = document.getElementById('imgLoader');
# or by jQuery:
var imgLoader = $("#imgLoader")
## Optional parameters
perfect-scrollbar supports optional parameters.
### wheelSpeed
The scroll speed applied to mousewheel event.
**Default: 1**
### wheelPropagation
If this option is true, when the scroll reaches the end of the side, mousewheel event will be propagated to parent element.
**Default: false**
### swipePropagation
If this option is true, when the scroll reaches the end of the side, touch scrolling will be propagated to parent element.
**Default: true**
### minScrollbarLength
When set to an integer value, the thumb part of the scrollbar will not shrink below that number of pixels.
**Default: null**
### maxScrollbarLength
When set to an integer value, the thumb part of the scrollbar will not expand over that number of pixels.
**Default: null**
### useBothWheelAxes
When set to true, and only one (vertical or horizontal) scrollbar