
This Linux Deployment Tool, linuxdeployqt
, takes an application as input and makes it self-contained by copying in the resources that the application uses (like libraries, graphics, and plugins) into a bundle. The resulting bundle can be distributed as an AppDir or as an AppImage to users, or can be put into cross-distribution packages. It can be used as part of the build process to deploy applications written in C, C++, and other compiled languages with systems like CMake
, qmake
, and make
. When used on Qt-based applications, it can bundle a specific minimal subset of Qt required to run the application.
Differences to macdeployqt
This tool is conceptually based on the Mac Deployment Tool, macdeployqt
in the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit, but has been changed to a slightly different logic and other tools needed for Linux.
- Instead of an
bundle for macOS, this produces an AppDir for Linux - Instead of a
disk image for macOS, this produces an AppImage for Linux which is quite similar to a dmg but executes the contained application rather than just opening a window on the desktop from where the application can be launched
A note on binary compatibility
To produce binaries that are compatible with many target systems, build on the oldest still-supported build system. The oldest still-supported release of Ubuntu is currently targeted, tested and supported by the team.
We recommend to target the oldest still-supported Ubuntu LTS release and build your applications on that. If you do this, the resulting binaries should be able to run on newer (but not older) systems (Ubuntu and other distributions).
refuses to work on systems any newer than the oldest currently still-supported Ubuntu LTS release, because we want to encourage developers to build applications in a way that makes them possible to run on all still-supported distribution releases. For an overview about the support cycles of Ubuntu LTS releases, please see If you absolutely need to build your application on a build system newer than the oldest currently still-supported Ubuntu LTS release, then consider using go-appimage appimagetool -s deploy
(unlike linuxdeployqt
, this bundles all libraries).
does not contain any specific workarounds for Wayland which breaks many things. For best results, do not use Wayland.
Please download linuxdeployqt-x86_64.AppImage from the Releases page and chmod a+x
it. If you would like to build linuxdeployqt
from source instead, see
Usage: linuxdeployqt <app-binary|desktop file> [options]
-always-overwrite : Copy files even if the target file exists.
-appimage : Create an AppImage (implies -bundle-non-qt-libs).
-bundle-non-qt-libs : Also bundle non-core, non-Qt libraries.
-exclude-libs=<list> : List of libraries which should be excluded,
separated by comma.
-ignore-glob=<glob> : Glob pattern relative to appdir to ignore when
searching for libraries.
-executable=<path> : Let the given executable use the deployed libraries
-executable-dir=<path> : Let all the executables in the folder (recursive) use
the deployed libraries too
-extra-plugins=<list> : List of extra plugins which should be deployed,
separated by comma.
-no-copy-copyright-files : Skip deployment of copyright files.
-no-plugins : Skip plugin deployment.
-no-strip : Don't run 'strip' on the binaries.
-no-translations : Skip deployment of translations.
-qmake=<path> : The qmake executable to use.
-qmldir=<path> : Scan for QML imports in the given path.
-qmlimport=<path> : Add the given path to QML module search locations.
-show-exclude-libs : Print exclude libraries list.
-verbose=<0-3> : 0 = no output, 1 = error/warning (default),
2 = normal, 3 = debug.
-updateinformation=<update string> : Embed update information STRING; if zsyncmake is installed, generate zsync file
-version : Print version statement and exit.
linuxdeployqt takes an application as input and makes it
self-contained by copying in the Qt libraries and plugins that
the application uses.
By default it deploys the Qt instance that qmake on the $PATH points to.
The '-qmake' option can be used to point to the qmake executable
to be used instead.
Plugins related to a Qt library are copied in with the library.
See the "Deploying Applications on Linux" topic in the
documentation for more information about deployment on Linux.
Simplest example
You'll need to provide the basic structure of an AppDir
which should look something like this:
└── usr
├── bin
│ └── your_app
├── lib
└── share
├── applications
│ └── your_app.desktop
└── icons
└── <theme>
└── <resolution>
└── apps
└── your_app.png
Replace <theme>
and <resolution>
with (for example) hicolor
and 256x256
respectively; see icon theme spec for more details.
Using the desktop file linuxdeployqt
can determine the parameters of the build.
Where your desktop file would look something like:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Amazing Qt App
Comment=The best Qt Application Ever
- Notice that both
only have file names. - Also Notice that the
entry does not include an extension.
Read more about desktop files in the Desktop Entry Specification 1.0.
Now you can say: linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage path/to/AppDir/usr/share/applications/your_app.desktop
For a more detailed example, see "Using linuxdeployqt with Travis CI" below.
Checking library inclusion
Open in Qt Creator and build your application. Run it from the command line and inspect it with ldd
to make sure the correct libraries from the correct locations are getting loaded, as linuxdeployqt
will use ldd
internally to determine from where to copy libraries into the bundle.
QMake configuration
Important: By default, linuxdeployqt
deploys the Qt instance that qmake on the $PATH points to, so make sure that it is the correct one. Verify that qmake finds the correct Qt instance like this before running the linuxdeployqt