# Faker
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you.
Faker is heavily inspired by Perl's [Data::Faker](http://search.cpan.org/~jasonk/Data-Faker-0.07/), and by ruby's [Faker](https://rubygems.org/gems/faker).
Faker requires PHP >= 5.3.3.
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## Installation
composer require fzaninotto/faker
## Basic Usage
Use `Faker\Factory::create()` to create and initialize a faker generator, which can generate data by accessing properties named after the type of data you want.
// require the Faker autoloader
require_once '/path/to/Faker/src/autoload.php';
// alternatively, use another PSR-0 compliant autoloader (like the Symfony2 ClassLoader for instance)
// use the factory to create a Faker\Generator instance
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
// generate data by accessing properties
echo $faker->name;
// 'Lucy Cechtelar';
echo $faker->address;
// "426 Jordy Lodge
// Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700"
echo $faker->text;
// Sint velit eveniet. Rerum atque repellat voluptatem quia rerum. Numquam excepturi
// beatae sint laudantium consequatur. Magni occaecati itaque sint et sit tempore. Nesciunt
// amet quidem. Iusto deleniti cum autem ad quia aperiam.
// A consectetur quos aliquam. In iste aliquid et aut similique suscipit. Consequatur qui
// quaerat iste minus hic expedita. Consequuntur error magni et laboriosam. Aut aspernatur
// voluptatem sit aliquam. Dolores voluptatum est.
// Aut molestias et maxime. Fugit autem facilis quos vero. Eius quibusdam possimus est.
// Ea quaerat et quisquam. Deleniti sunt quam. Adipisci consequatur id in occaecati.
// Et sint et. Ut ducimus quod nemo ab voluptatum.
Even if this example shows a property access, each call to `$faker->name` yields a different (random) result. This is because Faker uses `__get()` magic, and forwards `Faker\Generator->$property` calls to `Faker\Generator->format($property)`.
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
echo $faker->name, "\n";
// Adaline Reichel
// Dr. Santa Prosacco DVM
// Noemy Vandervort V
// Lexi O'Conner
// Gracie Weber
// Roscoe Johns
// Emmett Lebsack
// Keegan Thiel
// Wellington Koelpin II
// Ms. Karley Kiehn V
**Tip**: For a quick generation of fake data, you can also use Faker as a command line tool thanks to [faker-cli](https://github.com/bit3/faker-cli).
## Formatters
Each of the generator properties (like `name`, `address`, and `lorem`) are called "formatters". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.
### `Faker\Provider\Base`
randomDigit // 7
randomDigitNotNull // 5
randomNumber($nbDigits = NULL) // 79907610
randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = NULL, $min = 0, $max = NULL) // 48.8932
numberBetween($min = 1000, $max = 9000) // 8567
randomLetter // 'b'
randomElements($array = array ('a','b','c'), $count = 1) // array('c')
randomElement($array = array ('a','b','c')) // 'b'
shuffle('hello, world') // 'rlo,h eoldlw'
shuffle(array(1, 2, 3)) // array(2, 1, 3)
numerify('Hello ###') // 'Hello 609'
lexify('Hello ???') // 'Hello wgt'
bothify('Hello ##??') // 'Hello 42jz'
asciify('Hello ***') // 'Hello R6+'
regexify('[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}'); // sm0@y8k96a.ej
### `Faker\Provider\Lorem`
word // 'aut'
words($nb = 3) // array('porro', 'sed', 'magni')
sentence($nbWords = 6) // 'Sit vitae voluptas sint non voluptates.'
sentences($nb = 3) // array('Optio quos qui illo error.', 'Laborum vero a officia id corporis.', 'Saepe provident esse hic eligendi.')
paragraph($nbSentences = 3) // 'Ut ab voluptas sed a nam. Sint autem inventore aut officia aut aut blanditiis. Ducimus eos odit amet et est ut eum.'
paragraphs($nb = 3) // array('Quidem ut sunt et quidem est accusamus aut. Fuga est placeat rerum ut. Enim ex eveniet facere sunt.', 'Aut nam et eum architecto fugit repellendus illo. Qui ex esse veritatis.', 'Possimus omnis aut incidunt sunt. Asperiores incidunt iure sequi cum culpa rem. Rerum exercitationem est rem.')
text($maxNbChars = 200) // 'Fuga totam reiciendis qui architecto fugiat nemo. Consequatur recusandae qui cupiditate eos quod.'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Person`
title($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Ms.'
titleMale // 'Mr.'
titleFemale // 'Ms.'
suffix // 'Jr.'
name($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
firstName($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Maynard'
firstNameMale // 'Maynard'
firstNameFemale // 'Rachel'
lastName // 'Zulauf'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Address`
cityPrefix // 'Lake'
secondaryAddress // 'Suite 961'
state // 'NewMexico'
stateAbbr // 'OH'
citySuffix // 'borough'
streetSuffix // 'Keys'
buildingNumber // '484'
city // 'West Judge'
streetName // 'Keegan Trail'
streetAddress // '439 Karley Loaf Suite 897'
postcode // '17916'
address // '8888 Cummings Vista Apt. 101, Susanbury, NY 95473'
country // 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'
latitude // 77.147489
longitude // 86.211205
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\PhoneNumber`
phoneNumber // '132-149-0269x3767'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Company`
catchPhrase // 'Monitored regional contingency'
bs // 'e-enable robust architectures'
company // 'Bogan-Treutel'
companySuffix // 'and Sons'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Text`
realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2) // "And yet I wish you could manage it?) 'And what are they made of?' Alice asked in a shrill, passionate voice. 'Would YOU like cats if you were never even spoke to Time!' 'Perhaps not,' Alice replied."
### `Faker\Provider\DateTime`
unixTime($max = 'now') // 58781813
dateTime($max = 'now') // DateTime('2008-04-25 08:37:17')
dateTimeAD($max = 'now') // DateTime('1800-04-29 20:38:49')
iso8601($max = 'now') // '1978-12-09T10:10:29+0000'
date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now') // '1979-06-09'
time($format = 'H:i:s', $max = 'now') // '20:49:42'
dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-30 years', $endDate = 'now') // DateTime('2003-03-15 02:00:49')
dateTimeThisCentury($max = 'now') // DateTime('1915-05-30 19:28:21')
dateTimeThisDecade($max = 'now') // DateTime('2007-05-29 22:30:48')
dateTimeThisYear($max = 'now') // DateTime('2011-02-27 20:52:14')
dateTimeThisMonth($max = 'now') // DateTime('2011-10-23 13:46:23')
amPm($max = 'now') // 'pm'
dayOfMonth($max = 'now') // '04'
dayOfWeek($max = 'now') // 'Friday'
month($max = 'now') // '06'
monthName($max = 'now') // 'January'
year($max = 'now') // '1993'
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PHP和MySQLweb开发第5版 PHP(外文名:PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,中文名:“超文本预处理器”)是一种通用开源脚本语言。语法吸收了C语言、Java和Perl的特点,利于学习,使用广泛,主要适用于Web开发领域。PHP 独特的语法混合了C、Java、Perl以及PHP自创的语法。它可以比CGI或者Perl更快速地执行动态网页。用PHP做出的动态页面与其他的编程语言相比,PHP是将程序嵌入到HTML(标准通用标记语言下的一个应用)文档中去执行,执行效率比完全生成HTML标记的CGI要高许多;PHP还可以执行编译后代码,编译可以达到加密和优化代码运行,使代码运行更快。
PHP和MySQLweb开发第5版(英文高清PDF和31章源码) (5270个子文件)
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