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About the Android
Deep Dive Series
Zigurd Mednieks, Series Editor
The Android Deep Dive Series is for intermediate and expert developers who use
Android Studio and Java, but do not have comprehensive knowledge of Android system-
level programming or deep knowledge of Android APIs. Readers of this series want to
bolster their knowledge of fundamentally important topics.
Each book in the series stands alone and provides expertise, idioms, frameworks, and
engineering approaches. They provide in-depth information, correct patterns and idioms,
and ways of avoiding bugs and other problems. The books also take advantage of new
Android releases, and avoid deprecated parts of the APIs.
About the Series Editor
Zigurd Mednieks is a consultant to leading OEMs, enterprises, and entrepreneurial
ventures creating Android-based systems and software. Previously he was chief archi-
tect at D2 Technologies, a voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology provider, and a founder of
OpenMobile, an Android-compatibility technology company. At D2 he led engineering
and product definition work for products that blended communication and social media
in purpose-built embedded systems and on the Android platform. He is lead author of
Programming Android and Enterprise Android.
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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-443799-6
ISBN-10: 0-13-443799-3
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in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
First printing, July 2016
Mark L. Taub
Executive Editor
Laura Lewin
Development Editor
Michael Thurston
Managing Editor
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Full-Service Production
Julie B. Nahil
Project Editor
Copy Editor
Barbara Wood
Cheryl Lenser
Editorial Assistant
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Cover Designer
Chuti Prasertsith
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