# Demo
## Outline
- [Modify configs through script arguments](#modify-config-through-script-arguments): Tricks to directly modify configs through script arguments.
- [Video demo](#video-demo): A demo script to predict the recognition result using a single video.
- [Video GradCAM Demo](#video-gradcam-demo): A demo script to visualize GradCAM results using a single video.
- [Webcam demo](#webcam-demo): A demo script to implement real-time action recognition from a web camera.
- [Long Video demo](#long-video-demo): a demo script to predict different labels using a single long video.
- [Skeleton-based Action Recognition Demo](#skeleton-based-action-recognition-demo): A demo script to predict the skeleton-based action recognition result using a single video.
- [SpatioTemporal Action Detection Webcam Demo](#spatiotemporal-action-detection-webcam-demo): A demo script to implement real-time spatio-temporal action detection from a web camera.
- [SpatioTemporal Action Detection Video Demo](#spatiotemporal-action-detection-video-demo): A demo script to predict the spatiotemporal action detection result using a single video.
- [SpatioTemporal Action Detection ONNX Video Demo](#spatiotemporal-action-detection-onnx-video-demo): A demo script to predict the SpatioTemporal Action Detection result using the onnx file instead of building the PyTorch models.
- [Inferencer Demo](#inferencer): A demo script to implement fast predict for video analysis tasks based on unified inferencer interface.
- [Audio Demo](#audio-demo): A demo script to predict the recognition result using a single audio file.
- [Video Structuralize Demo](#video-structuralize-demo): A demo script to predict the skeleton-based and rgb-based action recognition and spatio-temporal action detection result using a single video.
## Modify configs through script arguments
When running demos using our provided scripts, you may specify `--cfg-options` to in-place modify the config.
- Update config keys of dict.
The config options can be specified following the order of the dict keys in the original config.
For example, `--cfg-options model.backbone.norm_eval=False` changes the all BN modules in model backbones to `train` mode.
- Update keys inside a list of configs.
Some config dicts are composed as a list in your config. For example, the training pipeline `train_dataloader.dataset.pipeline` is normally a list
e.g. `[dict(type='SampleFrames'), ...]`. If you want to change `'SampleFrames'` to `'DenseSampleFrames'` in the pipeline,
you may specify `--cfg-options train_dataloader.dataset.pipeline.0.type=DenseSampleFrames`.
- Update values of list/tuples.
If the value to be updated is a list or a tuple. For example, the config file normally sets `workflow=[('train', 1)]`. If you want to
change this key, you may specify `--cfg-options workflow="[(train,1),(val,1)]"`. Note that the quotation mark " is necessary to
support list/tuple data types, and that **NO** white space is allowed inside the quotation marks in the specified value.
## Video demo
MMAction2 provides a demo script to predict the recognition result using a single video. In order to get predict results in range `[0, 1]`, make sure to set `model['test_cfg'] = dict(average_clips='prob')` in config file.
[--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--fps ${FPS}] [--font-scale ${FONT_SCALE}] [--font-color ${FONT_COLOR}] \
[--target-resolution ${TARGET_RESOLUTION}] [--out-filename ${OUT_FILE}]
Optional arguments:
- `--use-frames`: If specified, the demo will take rawframes as input. Otherwise, it will take a video as input.
- `DEVICE_TYPE`: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device like `cuda:0` or `cpu`. If not specified, it will be set to `cuda:0`.
- `FPS`: FPS value of the output video when using rawframes as input. If not specified, it will be set to 30.
- `FONT_SCALE`: Font scale of the text added in the video. If not specified, it will be None.
- `FONT_COLOR`: Font color of the text added in the video. If not specified, it will be `white`.
- `TARGET_RESOLUTION`: Resolution(desired_width, desired_height) for resizing the frames before output when using a video as input. If not specified, it will be None and the frames are resized by keeping the existing aspect ratio.
- `OUT_FILE`: Path to the output file which can be a video format or gif format. If not specified, it will be set to `None` and does not generate the output file.
Assume that you are located at `$MMACTION2` and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory `checkpoints/`,
or use checkpoint url from `configs/` to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in `$HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints`.
1. Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model on cuda by default.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400
python demo/demo.py demo/demo_configs/tsn_r50_1x1x8_video_infer.py \
checkpoints/tsn_r50_8xb32-1x1x8-100e_kinetics400-rgb_20220818-2692d16c.pth \
demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
2. Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model on cuda by default, loading checkpoint from url.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400
python demo/demo.py demo/demo_configs/tsn_r50_1x1x8_video_infer.py \
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/v1.0/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_8xb32-1x1x8-100e_kinetics400-rgb/tsn_r50_8xb32-1x1x8-100e_kinetics400-rgb_20220818-2692d16c.pth \
demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
3. Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model and then generate an mp4 file.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400
python demo/demo.py demo/demo_configs/tsn_r50_1x1x8_video_infer.py \
checkpoints/tsn_r50_8xb32-1x1x8-100e_kinetics400-rgb_20220818-2692d16c.pth \
demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --out-filename demo/demo_out.mp4
## Video GradCAM Demo
MMAction2 provides a demo script to visualize GradCAM results using a single video.
python tools/visualizations/vis_cam.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${VIDEO_FILE} [--use-frames] \
[--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--target-layer-name ${TARGET_LAYER_NAME}] [--fps {FPS}] \
[--target-resolution ${TARGET_RESOLUTION}] [--resize-algorithm {RESIZE_ALGORITHM}] [--out-filename {OUT_FILE}]
- `--use-frames`: If specified, the demo will take rawframes as input. Otherwise, it will take a video as input.
- `DEVICE_TYPE`: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device like `cuda:0` or `cpu`. If not specified, it will be set to `cuda:0`.
- `FPS`: FPS value of the output video when using rawframes as input. If not specified, it will be set to 30.
- `OUT_FILE`: Path to the output file which can be a video format or gif format. If not specified, it will be set to `None` and does not generate the output file.
- `TARGET_LAYER_NAME`: Layer name to generate GradCAM localization map.
- `TARGET_RESOLUTION`: Resolution(desired_width, desired_height) for resizing the frames before output when using a video as input. If not specified, it will be None and the frames are resized by keeping the existing aspect ratio.
- `RESIZE_ALGORITHM`: Resize algorithm used for resizing. If not specified, it will be set to `bilinear`.
Assume that you are located at `$MMACTION2` and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory `checkpoints/`,
or use checkpoint url from `configs/` to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in `$HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints`.
1. Get GradCAM results of a I3D model, using a video file as input and then generate an gif file with 10 fps.
python tools/visualizations/vis_cam.py demo/demo_configs/i3d_r50_32x2x1_vide
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基于openmmalb的视频行为识别框架MMaction2 (1204个子文件)
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mmaction2_tutorial.ipynb 114KB
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demo.ipynb 3KB
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miaomiao_qrcode.jpg 220KB
qq_group_qrcode.jpg 200KB
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hvu_video_test_anno.json 413B
hvu_video_eval_test_anno.json 249B
video_text_test_list.json 121B
rawvideo_test_anno.json 111B
main 183B
main 41B
Makefile 634B
Makefile 634B
changelog.md 67KB
config.md 41KB
config.md 37KB
README_zh-CN.md 32KB
guide_to_framework.md 26KB
guide_to_framework.md 26KB
README_zh-CN.md 26KB
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- 02.200个名企的面试题详解(微软+谷歌+联合利华).doc
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