*** Files Organization ***
--{root} - ChibiOS/RT directory.
+--readme.txt - This file.
+--documentation.html - Shortcut to the web documentation page.
+--todo.txt - Current plan (development/unstable versions only).
+--license.txt - GPL license text.
+--exception.txt - GPL exception text (stable releases only).
+--boards/ - Board support files.
+--demos/ - Demo projects.
+--docs/ - Documentation.
| +--html/ - Local HTML documentation (after rebuild).
| +--reports/ - Test reports.
| +--src/ - Documentation source files (required for rebuild).
| +--rsc/ - Documentation resource files (required for rebuild).
| +--Doxyfile - Doxygen project file (required for rebuild).
| +--index.html - Local documentation access (after rebuild).
+--ext/ - External libraries, not part of ChibiOS/RT.
+--os/ - ChibiOS/RT files.
| +--hal/ - Hardware Abstraction Layer.
| | +--include/ - HAL high level headers.
| | +--src/ - HAL high level source.
| | +--platforms/ - HAL low level drivers implementations.
| | | +--AT91SAM7/ - Drivers for AT91SAM7 platform.
| | | +--AVR/ - Drivers for AVR platform.
| | | +--LPC11xx/ - Drivers for LPC11xx platform.
| | | +--LPC13xx/ - Drivers for LPC13xx platform.
| | | +--LPC214x/ - Drivers for LPC214x platform.
| | | +--MSP430/ - Drivers for MSP430 platform.
| | | +--SPC56x/ - Drivers for SPC56x/MPC563xx platforms.
| | | +--STM32/ - Drivers for STM32 platform (common).
| | | +--STM32F1xx/- Drivers for STM32F1xx platform.
| | | +--STM32F2xx/- Drivers for STM32F2xx platform.
| | | +--STM32F4xx/- Drivers for STM32F4xx platform.
| | | +--STM32L1xx/- Drivers for STM32L1xx platform.
| | | +--Posix/ - Drivers for x86 Linux/OSX simulator platform.
| | | +--Win32/ - Drivers for x86 Win32 simulator platform.
| | +--templates/ - Driver template files.
| | +--meta/ - Driver meta templates.
| +--ports/ - Port files for the various architectures.
| | +--GCC/ - Ports for the GCC compiler.
| | | +--ARM/ - Port files for ARM7 and ARM9 architectures.
| | | +--ARMCMx/ - Port files for ARMCMx architectures (ARMv6/7-M).
| | | +--PPC/ - Port files for PowerPC architecture.
| | | +--AVR/ - Port files for AVR architecture.
| | | +--MSP430/ - Port files for MSP430 architecture.
| | | +--SIMIA32/ - Port files for SIMIA32 simulator architecture.
| | +--IAR/ - Ports for the IAR compiler.
| | | +--ARMCMx/ - Port files for ARMCMx architectures (ARMv6/7-M).
| | +--RVCT/ - Ports for the Keil RVCT compiler.
| | | +--ARMCMx/ - Port files for ARMCMx architectures (ARMv6/7-M).
| +--kernel/ - Kernel portable files.
| | +--include/ - Kernel headers.
| | +--src/ - Kernel source.
| | +--templates/ - Kernel port template files.
| +--various/ - Various portable support files.
+--test/ - Kernel test suite source code.
| +--coverage/ - Code coverage project.
+--testhal/ - HAL integration test demos.
| +--LPC11xx/ - LPC11xx HAL demos.
| +--LPC13xx/ - LPC11xx HAL demos.
| +--STM32F1xx/ - STM32F1xx HAL demos.
| +--STM32F4xx/ - STM32F4xx HAL demos (valid for STM32F2xx too).
| +--STM32L1xx/ - STM32L1xx HAL demos.
+--tools - Various tools.
+--eclipse - Eclipse enhancements.
*** Releases ***
*** 2.6.6 ***
- FIX: Fixed error in STM32F30x adc_lld_stop() (bug #535).
- FIX: Fixed STM32 DIER register setting in PWM and ICU drivers (bug #534).
- FIX: Fixed ARMCM4 FPU exception randomly triggered (bug #533).
- FIX: Fixed control transfers larger than 127 bytes don't work (bug #531).
- FIX: Fixed STM32F0xx ADC driver enforces continuous mode (bug #528).
Note, this bug enforced a change, now the bit ADC_CFGR1_CONT must be
manually specified in the cfgr1 field of the ADCConversionGroup
structure when applicable.
- FIX: Fixed STM32F30x ADC driver enforces continuous mode (bug #527).
Note, this bug enforced a change, now the bit ADC_CFGR_CONT must be
manually specified in the cfgr field of the ADCConversionGroup
structure when applicable.
- FIX: Fixed double clock mode for TIM1/TIM8 on STM32F30x fails (bug #525).
- FIX: Fixed SDC initialization error with V1.1 cards (bug #523).
- FIX: Fixed Race condition in STM32 SDC driver (bug #522).
- FIX: Fixed failure to compile EXT driver on STM32F401 (bug #517).
- FIX: Fixed wrong DMA channels for STM32L1 I2C1 unit (bug #516).
- FIX: Fixed EXT driver compile error on STM32F030 (bug #514).
*** 2.6.5 ***
- FIX: Fixed race condition in Cortex-M4 port with FPU and fast interrupts
(bug #513).
- FIX: Fixed STM32F1xx warning in stm32_dma.c (bug #512).
- FIX: Fixed invalid checks in canSTM32SetFilters() function (bug #511).
- FIX: Fixed missing check when disabling STM32F1 shared DMA IRQs (bug #510).
- FIX: Fixed STM32L1 Medium Density Plus RTC Subseconds (bug #509).
- FIX: Fixed stm32 CCM .ld file needs NOLOAD (bug #506).
- FIX: Fixed dereference possibly null pointer before checking for nulliness
in STM32 RTCv2 driver (bug #505).
- FIX: Fixed race condition in STM32 (F1, F2, F4, L1) serial driver
implementation (bug #503).
- FIX: Fixed missing make dependencies for asm files (bug #501).
- FIX: STM32L1 Plus Clock and I2C (bug #495).
- NEW: Added support for STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI121V1 also known as
INEMO-M1 Discovery board. A simple demo application using USB has been
- NEW: Added support for STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F103RB board.
- NEW: Added support for STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F401RE board.
- NEW: Added support for STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F030R8 board.
- NEW: Added support for STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-L152RE board (not tested
because lack of support in OpenOCD).
- CHANGE: Made mii_read() and mii_write() public in the STM32 MAC driver.
*** 2.6.4 ***
- FIX: Fixed insufficient ISR-reserved stack in ARMCMx port when
optimizations are disabled (bug #494).
- FIX: Fixed configuration descriptors larger than 127 bytes don't
work (bug #373).
- FIX: Fixed invalid cast in PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH() macro (bug #487).
- FIX: Fixed wrong STM32 TIM9 clock source in PWM and ICU drivers (bug #486).
- FIX: Fixed MMC_SPI driver block_addresses is not initialized after
reconnection (bug #485).
- FIX: Fixed STM32L1 Plus Compilation Problems (bug #484).
- FIX: Fixed OTG HS failure when WFI instruction is enabled (bug #482).
- FIX: Fixed wrong STM32F4 TIM6 vector number symbol (bug #480).
- FIX: Fixed problem in STM32 SDADC driver initialization (bug #479).
- FIX: Fixed chThdShouldTerminate() documentation incorrect (bug #478).
- FIX: Fixed spurious callback in STM32 EXT driver (bug #477).
- FIX: Fixed several macro errors in STM32L1xx HAL driver (bug #476).
- FIX: Fixed wrong STM32 RTCv2 alarms implementation (bug #475).
- FIX: Fixed wrong ADC34 macros in STM32F30x HAL driver (bug #474).
- FIX: Fixed wrong TIM1 and TIM8 macros in STM32F30x HAL driver (bug #473).
- FIX: Fixed chprintf()/chSequentialStreamWrite() crash with size of 0
or NULL (bug #472).
- FIX: Fixed simulated IO message is corrupted in simulator (bug #468).
- FIX: Fixed typo in STMxx demo makefiles (bug #466).
- FIX: Fixed w
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dRonin 杂技/赛车、自主飞行和车辆研究等嵌入式控制器,C语言源代码
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dRonin 用于OpenPilot/Tau Labs系列控制器的自动驾驶仪/飞行控制器固件。它针对各种用例:杂技/赛车、自主飞行和车辆研究。 航空四轮车32 脑FPV BrainFPV RE1(板载无导航传感器) DTFAir DTFc(船上没有导航传感器)还有 Colibri Race / TBS PowerCube。 DTFAir Seppuku(切腹酒店) Lumenier Lux(只有 V1,船上没有导航传感器) OpenPilot Revolution(包括许多仅限比赛的变体) PikoBLX 和克隆 Quantec Quanton Serious Pro Racing F3 EVO(仅限 EVO 变体)和克隆 Tau Labs Sparky(斯帕克实验室) Tau 实验室 Sparky2
dRonin 杂技/赛车、自主飞行和车辆研究等嵌入式控制器,C语言源代码 (2000个子文件)
stm32f30x_hrtim.c 150KB
stm32f30x_tim.c 142KB
stm32f0xx_tim.c 130KB
stm32f4xx_rcc.c 121KB
stm32f4xx_tim.c 119KB
stm32f10x_tim.c 107KB
stm32f4xx_rtc.c 98KB
stm32f0xx_rtc.c 93KB
stm32f30x_rtc.c 92KB
stm32f0xx_usart.c 92KB
fonts.c 92KB
stm32f30x_adc.c 88KB
stm32f30x_usart.c 82KB
osd_menu.c 76KB
stm32f30x_rcc.c 72KB
insgps16state.c 71KB
insgps.c 69KB
stm32f0xx_rcc.c 69KB
pios_openlrs.c 68KB
stm32f4xx_adc.c 66KB
onscreendisplay.c 65KB
stm32f10x_flash.c 61KB
stm32f4xx_flash.c 60KB
insgps14state.c 60KB
insgps13state.c 60KB
stm32f4xx_fmc.c 60KB
insgps.c 59KB
stm32f4xx_dsi.c 58KB
board_hw_defs.c 58KB
serial_4way_avrootloader.c 58KB
uavobjectmanager.c 57KB
stm32f0xx_can.c 57KB
stm32f4xx_can.c 57KB
usb_core.c 57KB
stabilization.c 56KB
stm32f4xx_fmpi2c.c 56KB
stm32f30x_can.c 56KB
stm32f0xx_i2c.c 55KB
stm32f4xx_usart.c 55KB
stm32f30x_spi.c 55KB
stm32f4xx_cryp_aes.c 55KB
stm32f30x_i2c.c 53KB
stm32f0xx_spi.c 52KB
stm32f4xx_i2c.c 52KB
board_hw_defs.c 51KB
attitude.c 51KB
stm32f4xx_dma.c 50KB
stm32f10x_rcc.c 50KB
stm32f4xx_spi.c 50KB
stm32f0xx_adc.c 47KB
mgrs.c 47KB
stm32f10x_adc.c 46KB
stm32f0xx_dma.c 46KB
stm32f4xx_sai.c 45KB
stm32f10x_i2c.c 45KB
stm32f4xx_fsmc.c 44KB
osd_utils.c 44KB
transmitter_control.c 44KB
stm32f10x_can.c 44KB
pios_hal.c 43KB
board_hw_defs.c 42KB
stm32f0xx_flash.c 42KB
board_hw_defs.c 41KB
stm32f4xx_pwr.c 41KB
stm32f30x_fmc.c 39KB
WorldMagModel.c 39KB
board_hw_defs.c 38KB
simsensors.c 38KB
board_hw_defs.c 38KB
stm32f30x_flash.c 38KB
cmsis_system.c 38KB
stm32f4xx_ltdc.c 38KB
stm32f10x_usart.c 37KB
board_hw_defs.c 37KB
stm32f4xx_sdio.c 37KB
stm32f30x_dma.c 37KB
usb_lld.c 37KB
cmsis_system.c 35KB
pios_i2c.c 35KB
stm32f10x_fsmc.c 35KB
uavohottbridge.c 34KB
board_hw_defs.c 34KB
stm32f4xx_cryp.c 34KB
pios_mpu.c 34KB
stm32f4xx_lptim.c 33KB
UAVOMSPBridge.c 33KB
usb_core.c 32KB
usb_core.c 32KB
stm32f4xx_qspi.c 31KB
board_hw_defs.c 30KB
pios_flashfs_logfs.c 30KB
stm32f10x_spi.c 30KB
actuator.c 29KB
systemmod.c 29KB
stm32f10x_dma.c 29KB
serial_4way.c 29KB
i2c_lld.c 29KB
usb_regs.c 29KB
usb_regs.c 29KB
stm32f10x_sdio.c 28KB
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