void main(int argc, char *argv[]) // count, values of command-line arguments
Pre: Names of input and output files are given as command-line arguments.
Post: Reads an input file that contains lines (character strings),
performs simple editing operations on the lines, and
writes the edited version to the output file.
Uses: methods of class Editor
char infName[256],outfName[256];
if (argc < 2) {
cout << "Please input inputfile name(eg. file_in.txt):";
cin >> infName;
else strcpy(infName,argv[1]);
ifstream file_in(infName); // Declare and open the input stream.
if (file_in == 0) {
cout << "Can't open input file " << infName << endl;
exit (1);
if (argc < 3) {
cout << "Please input outputfile name(eg. file_out.txt):";
cin >> outfName;
else strcpy(outfName,argv[2]);
ofstream file_out(outfName); // Declare and open the output stream.
if (file_out == 0) {
cout << "Can't open output file " << outfName << endl;
exit (1);
Editor buffer(&file_in, &file_out);
while (buffer.get_command())
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 2
- 寻找热泵最佳压力的优化算法-Optimization algorithm to find optimal pressure of heat pump-matlab
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- 基于C语言的TWLW项目学习与设计源码分享
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