%% About me:
% * A.Cherma Rajan,(2003-2007 Batch),
% * BE.,Electronics & Communication Engineering,
% * Kamaraj college of Engineering and Technology,
% * Madurai-1,
% * India.
% * E-mail:chermarajan@yahoo.co.in
%% About this Program:
% This program can encode the text images (6 images max) in a single color image. And also
% can easily recover the texts already being hided. It is very simple one,but very useful
% Major advantage of this encoded image is like a original image as before encoding. The
% image has no visible changes. So no one can easily read the hidden texts by sight. The
% decoding logic only can recover the texts.
% Thus this special features of encoded image make it used to save the confidential data.
% Also can used for web applications, mail services, media etc.,. Can we avoid any one can
% read/modify our own data.
%% Tips to use my program:
% * For better results images should be in 24-Bit bit map(bmp) format.
% * Use larger size image (> 512 X 512)
% * Avoid small size Fonts.
% * All images should be in the same size.
% * Text data should be converted to image format (bmp) before execution.
% * Text data should be monochrome(Black letters) ,color text leads to undesire results.
% * Change the address of the image mentioned in this program as per your location in
% Local drive.
% * No need to specify the dimension of the image.
%% Part One: Initialize the Input
% In this part obtained the input (1 Color image + 6 Text images) from local
% drive. Collect all images as a separate variable. Change the location of the image
% mentioned in imread() function as per your image.
close all;
clear all;
% Image input
im=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\123.bmp');% Color image
tx1=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\1.bmp');%Text page 1
tx2=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\2.bmp');%Text page 2
tx3=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\3.bmp');%Text page 3
tx4=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\4.bmp');%Text page 4
tx5=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\5.bmp');%Text page 5
tx6=imread('d:\Documents and Settings\Cherma\Desktop\new\6.bmp');%Text page 6
subplot(2,3,1);imshow(tx1);title({'Text to be Encoded';'Page 1'});
subplot(2,3,2);imshow(tx2);title('Page 2');
subplot(2,3,3);imshow(tx3);title('Page 3');
subplot(2,3,4);imshow(tx4);title('Page 4');
subplot(2,3,5);imshow(tx5);title('Page 5');
subplot(2,3,6);imshow(tx6);title('Page 6');
%% Part Two: Image Encoding
% In this part the desire text images (max 6 images) are going to encoded with the
% Color image. At first pair of text images are combined into a single image. Simple logic
% is used to achieve this. Pixels are selected from alternate location of pair of text
% images. As a result of this, image having details (but alternate locations) about pair of
% two text images. Further explained that if a location (n,m) have the pixel of Image 1
% next location (n+1,m+1) have the pixel taken from Image 2. This task is done by alterim()
% function. Two arguments of this function are two text images.
% Next step is to encode the text image which was already obtained from the result
% of alterim() function. We obtained 3 single text images from this function. Each image
% is encoded in each color frames R,G and B respectively. To do this I used a simple logic.
% i.e. encode the text image as a bit of color image LSB. Because LSB bit is very less
% significant, so changing this bit won't affect the entire image. Further the text image
% is having only black and white area. So I fix a threshold as 128. If a pixel value of a
% text image is >128, LSB of Color image is set as '1' otherwise '0'. Simply says if text
% is present set that LSB as 1 otherwise 0. Similar way I do it for other two color frames.
% All the above operations are performed by imhide() function for each frame
% respectively. Arguments of this function are a color frame and a text image obtained
% from alterim() function. Finally each frames are added to form a Encoded Water mark
% image.
% NOTE: In bmp format each color frame bits are represented by 8-bits. We took the LSB of
% that 8-bit.
tx1=alterim(tx1,tx2);% Text images 1 & 2
tx2=alterim(tx3,tx4);% Text images 3 & 4
tx3=alterim(tx5,tx6);% Text images 5 & 6
% Hide the text image in color image
R(:,:,1)=imhide(im(:,:,1),tx1); R(:,:,2:3)=0;% Text images 1 & 2 in R frame
G(:,:,2)=imhide(im(:,:,2),tx2); G(:,:,1:2:3)=0;% Text images 3 & 4 in G frame
B(:,:,3)=imhide(im(:,:,3),tx3); B(:,:,1:2)=0;% Text images 5 & 6 in B frame
title({'Color image';'(Before Encoding)'});
title({'Watermarked image';'(After Encoding)'});
%% Part Three: Recovery of Text image
% In this part two functions are used to recover the text image from Encoded image.
% First step is to extract the text image. Remember that text image encoded in the
% color image in each frame is the alternate combination of two images (Text). The
% function txtxtract() just extract the text image which is the combination of two
% text images, not by separate. As we encode our data in LSB of each color frame that
% bit alone sufficient to reconstruct our text image. So logical AND operation is
% used to recover the LSB. Reverse operation of function imhide() is used to reconstruct
% the text. Next step is to separate the pair of two text images from the result of function
% txtxtract(). Alternate selection used in previous Encoding section is used again for all
% pair of images.
R=txtxtract(temp(:,:,1));% Recover text image 1 & 2 from R frame
G=txtxtract(temp(:,:,2));% Recover text image 3 & 4 from G frame
B=txtxtract(temp(:,:,3));% Recover text image 5 & 6 from B frame
[tx1 tx2]=imxtract(R);% Collect pixels from alternate locations
[tx3 tx4]=imxtract(G);% Collect pixels from alternate locations
[tx5 tx6]=imxtract(B);% Collect pixels from alternate locations
%% Part Four: Edge tappering
% This part is the final step in my program. The images obtained from previous
% step is not a tappered. So finally all text images are smoothen by using
% fspecial() function available in MATLAB.
PSF = fspecial('laplacian');
subplot(2,3,1);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx1,PSF)));title({'Extracted Text';'Page 1'});
subplot(2,3,2);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx2,PSF)));title('Page 2');
subplot(2,3,3);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx3,PSF)));title('Page 3');
subplot(2,3,4);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx4,PSF)));title('Page 4');
subplot(2,3,5);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx5,PSF)));title('Page 5');
subplot(2,3,6);imshow(medfilt2(edgetaper(tx6,PSF)));title('Page 6');