* This file is part of the open-source SeetaFace engine, which includes three modules:
* SeetaFace Detection, SeetaFace Alignment, and SeetaFace Identification.
* This file is an example of how to use SeetaFace engine for face alignment, the
* face alignment method described in the following paper:
* Coarse-to-Fine Auto-Encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-Time Face Alignment,
* Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Meina Kan, Xilin Chen. In Proceeding of the
* European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014
* Copyright (C) 2016, Visual Information Processing and Learning (VIPL) group,
* Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
* The codes are mainly developed by Jie Zhang (a Ph.D supervised by Prof. Shiguang Shan)
* As an open-source face recognition engine: you can redistribute SeetaFace source codes
* and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause License.
* You should have received a copy of the BSD 2-Clause License along with the software.
* If not, see < https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause>.
* Contact Info: you can send an email to SeetaFace@vipl.ict.ac.cn for any problems.
* Note: the above information must be kept whenever or wherever the codes are used.
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/FaceDetection/include/face_detection.h"
#include "/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/FaceAlignment/include/face_alignment.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string DATA_DIR = "../../data/";
std::string MODEL_DIR = "../../model/";
std::string DATA_DIR = "./data/";
std::string MODEL_DIR = "./model/";
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize face detection model
//seeta::FaceDetection detector("../../../FaceDetection/model/seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");
seeta::FaceDetection detector("/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/FaceDetection/model/seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");
detector.SetWindowStep(4, 4);
// Initialize face alignment model
//seeta::FaceAlignment point_detector((MODEL_DIR + "seeta_fa_v1.1.bin").c_str());
seeta::FaceAlignment point_detector("/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/FaceAlignment/model/seeta_fa_v1.1.bin");
//load image
IplImage *img_grayscale = NULL;
//img_grayscale = cvLoadImage((DATA_DIR + "image_0001.png").c_str(), 0);
img_grayscale = cvLoadImage("/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/imagefilePath/1270343438180.jpg", 0);
if (img_grayscale == NULL)
return 0;
//IplImage *img_color = cvLoadImage((DATA_DIR + "image_0001.png").c_str(), 1);
IplImage *img_color = cvLoadImage("/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/imagefilePath/1270343438180.jpg", 1);
int pts_num = 5;
int im_width = img_grayscale->width;
int im_height = img_grayscale->height;
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[im_width * im_height];
unsigned char* data_ptr = data;
unsigned char* image_data_ptr = (unsigned char*)img_grayscale->imageData;
int h = 0;
for (h = 0; h < im_height; h++) {
memcpy(data_ptr, image_data_ptr, im_width);
data_ptr += im_width;
image_data_ptr += img_grayscale->widthStep;
seeta::ImageData image_data;
image_data.data = data;
image_data.width = im_width;
image_data.height = im_height;
image_data.num_channels = 1;
// Detect faces
std::vector<seeta::FaceInfo> faces = detector.Detect(image_data);
int32_t face_num = static_cast<int32_t>(faces.size());
if (face_num == 0)
return 0;
// Detect 5 facial landmarks
seeta::FacialLandmark points[5];
point_detector.PointDetectLandmarks(image_data, faces[0], points);
// Visualize the results
cvRectangle(img_color, cvPoint(faces[0].bbox.x, faces[0].bbox.y), cvPoint(faces[0].bbox.x + faces[0].bbox.width - 1, faces[0].bbox.y + faces[0].bbox.height - 1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
for (int i = 0; i<pts_num; i++)
cvCircle(img_color, cvPoint(points[i].x, points[i].y), 2, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), CV_FILLED);
cvSaveImage("/root/SeetaFaceEngine-master/result.jpg", img_color);
// cv::namedWindow("Test", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// cv::imshow("Test", img_color);
// cv::waitKey(0);
// cv::destroyAllWindows();
// Release memory
return 0;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
基于seetaface的人脸识别,本人修改为安卓NDK编译程序,并扩展了,安卓调用接口,包括了检测,对齐,识别,在同一个程序中,附全部源码,含C源码,jni接口,安卓调用,可跟据你的需要随意加接口,首次运行会将几个老师的bin文件自动复制到本地存储的abdosoft.face文件夹下,训练的数据也放在这里,决对好的参考。本人笔记网址www.abdosoft.cn, 至少可以让你节省1个星期时间,包括jni学习也是很好的参考了。
山世光老师的SeetaFace改成安卓NDK编译,可随意加jni接口 (489个子文件)
OpenCVEngineInterface.aidl 995B
OpenCVEngineInterface.aidl 995B
OpenCVEngineInterface.aidl 995B
seeta_fr_v1.0.bin 110.58MB
seeta_fa_v1.1.bin 1.99MB
seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin 1.15MB
Imgproc.class 76KB
Calib3d.class 50KB
Core.class 38KB
Videoio.class 30KB
Converters.class 24KB
Mat.class 18KB
Photo.class 14KB
CameraGLRendererBase.class 12KB
CameraBridgeViewBase.class 11KB
JavaCamera2View.class 11KB
Camera2Renderer.class 11KB
JavaCameraView.class 10KB
Net.class 9KB
HOGDescriptor.class 9KB
FdActivity.class 8KB
DescriptorMatcher.class 8KB
Video.class 8KB
TrainData.class 8KB
Moments.class 7KB
Subdiv2D.class 6KB
ANN_MLP.class 6KB
Params.class 6KB
Imgcodecs.class 6KB
SVM.class 6KB
Features2d.class 6KB
Dnn.class 6KB
CameraRenderer.class 6KB
EM.class 6KB
AsyncServiceHelper.class 5KB
FaceRecognizerTools.class 5KB
FeatureDetector.class 5KB
Feature2D.class 5KB
KalmanFilter.class 5KB
AsyncServiceHelper$1.class 5KB
CascadeClassifier.class 5KB
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.class 5KB
DualTVL1OpticalFlow.class 4KB
Utils.class 4KB
SVMSGD.class 4KB
LogisticRegression.class 4KB
DTrees.class 4KB
CvType.class 4KB
VideoWriter.class 4KB
DescriptorExtractor.class 4KB
ORB.class 4KB
BaseLoaderCallback.class 4KB
RotatedRect.class 4KB
StereoBM.class 4KB
MatOfByte.class 4KB
Rect.class 3KB
AKAZE.class 3KB
Rect2d.class 3KB
GFTTDetector.class 3KB
AlignMTB.class 3KB
FdActivity$1.class 3KB
FarnebackOpticalFlow.class 3KB
MSER.class 3KB
MatOfKeyPoint.class 3KB
Layer.class 3KB
VideoCapture.class 3KB
MatOfDMatch.class 3KB
CameraGLSurfaceView.class 3KB
KAZE.class 3KB
MatOfDouble.class 3KB
MatOfFloat6.class 3KB
MatOfFloat4.class 3KB
Scalar.class 3KB
MatOfFloat.class 3KB
MatOfInt.class 3KB
MatOfInt4.class 3KB
MatOfRect2d.class 3KB
SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow.class 3KB
MatOfRect.class 3KB
MatOfPoint3f.class 3KB
MatOfPoint3.class 3KB
MatOfPoint2f.class 3KB
MatOfPoint.class 3KB
StaticHelper.class 3KB
JavaCamera2View$3.class 3KB
AsyncServiceHelper$1$1.class 3KB
RTrees.class 3KB
Camera2Renderer$2.class 3KB
AsyncServiceHelper$1$2.class 3KB
StereoMatcher.class 3KB
BackgroundSubtractorKNN.class 3KB
StatModel.class 3KB
BRISK.class 3KB
StereoSGBM.class 3KB
OpenCVEngineInterface$Stub$Proxy.class 3KB
OpenCVEngineInterface$Stub.class 3KB
FpsMeter.class 3KB
MergeMertens.class 3KB
KNearest.class 3KB
JavaCamera2View$2.class 3KB
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