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2020年IEEE虚拟现实国际顶级会议资料: 虚拟现实中的基于粒子框架的夹带气体液体多尺度模拟方法。 Multiple-scale Simulation Method for Liquid with Trapped Air under Particle-based Framework 根据流体粒子的动能和速度差建立统一的气体粒子生成模型。然后,为不同尺寸的气体材料分别建立动力学模型。对于大尺寸气体粒子,使用逆扩散方程首次实现了传质现象,并使用新的高阶核函数实现气气耦合与气固耦合,改善了随机初始化可能造成的不稳定结果。 对于小尺寸气体粒子,通过Shlick随机函数实现布朗运动来改善周期分布失真,并根据气体与流体的耦合程度改进了速度计算方程,有利于提高流体模拟的逼真度和丰富度,能有效与现有粒子方法集成。
Multiple-scale Simulation Method for Liquid with Trapped Air
under Particle-based Framework
Sinuo Liu
Ben Wang
Xiaojuan Ban
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering,
School of computer and communication Engineering,
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Trapped air in liquid is an important factor which affect the realism
of fluid simulation. However, due to the complex physical properties,
simulating the interaction and transformation between air and liquid
is extremely challenging and time-consuming. In this paper, we
propose a multi-scale simulation method under particle-based frame-
work to achieve the realistic and efficient simulation of air-liquid
fluid. A unified generation rule is proposed according to the kinetic
energy and the velocity difference between fluid particles. Two
velocity-based dynamic models are then established for different
size of air materials respectively. The Brownian motion of small
scale air materials is achieved by Schilk random function. The inter-
action and air transfer between large scale air materials is achieved
by inverse diffusion equation and a new high-order kernel function.
Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve
the fidelity and richness of the fluid simulation. The post-processing
scheme makes it able to be integrated with existing particle method
Index Terms:
Computing methodologies—Computer graphics—
Animation—Physical simulation
Existing fluid simulation methods, including particle-based meth-
ods and grid-based method, is able to describe the macroscopic
motion trend of the fluid realistically [3, 8, 39], which puts higher
requirements on the detail simulation (spray [17], foams [4], turbu-
lence [22, 38], etc.). Liquid with trapped air is essentially a mixture
of a large amount of liquid and a small amount of air. Due to nucle-
ation [9, 32], trapped air [18, 31], and boiling [21, 30], air materials
with different physical properties are generated in fluid. Without
these air materials, the realism of fluid animation will decreased
significantly. However, the physical laws of the generation, inter-
actions, dissipation and mass transfer are extremely complex. This
make it difficult to simulate air materials in fluid realistically.
The study of air-liquid fluid is mainly divided into two types
according to their size. When modeling of the large-size air mate-
rials [1, 21], the fluid is usually regarded as a air-liquid two-phase
fluid, and a complex physical model will be established including
buoyancy force and drag force. This type of models are able to
describe the shape change of bubbles vividly, but the calculation
process is very time consuming [15]. Besides, the phenomenon of
mass transfer between bubbles cannot be well described.
As for the simulation of the small size air materials, the shape and
size of the particles is usually ignored, and only the macroscopic
motion trend is described [14]. Generally, this type of model is
e-mail: liusinuo@xs.ustb.edu.cn
e-mail: ben ben wang@yeah.net
Corresponding author, e-mail: banxj@ustb.edu.cn
a post-processing model which can enhance visual effects with
negligible computational overhead. However, it usually focuses on
only the free surface. Since most details are lost, its advantages can
only be achieved when shooting from a long distance. Besides, if
Brownian motion is not considered, large number of air particles
will move with similar motion patterns, which result in a extremely
regular periodic distribution and affect the visual effect [18]. In
real life, air bubbles of different sizes (like large bubbles and small
foams) are usually generated at the same time. Simulating different
scales of air materials simultaneously in a unified framework can
achieve a more realistic results.
In order to combine the advantages of the above two methods,
we propose a unified multiple-scale air material simulation method
for particle-based fluid. In this paper, areas where entrapped air are
determined by the kinetic energy and velocity difference of fluid
particles. air materials are divided into six different types depending
on the size and coupling degree with the fluid, and different dy-
namic models are designed separately. By ignoring the feedback of
small-mass air particles on large-mass fluid particles, efficient one-
way coupling is achieved through the velocity field, which greatly
improves the calculation efficiency. The Brownian motion of air ma-
terials is simulated using a random emitter. The interaction between
the air particles is described by a new high-order kernel function
based on Lennard-Jones function to ensure their stable status con-
forms to Plateau equilibrium distance. An inverse diffusion equation
was introduced to describe the air transfer between two large-scale
air particles. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
A multiple-scale air material simulation method under unified
particle-based framework, with adjustable control parameters
to achieve different visual effect.
A new dynamics model for large-size air material, including
air transfer model based on the inverse diffusion equation, and
interaction scheme using a new high-order kernel function.
A new dynamics model based on Schilk random function for
small-size air material, which solve the problem of regular
distribution of air particles by implementing Brownian motion.
Fluid simulation is an important research topic in computer graphics.
With the development of the entertainment industry and Virtual
Reality, the demand for fluid simulation is increasing [40, 41]. For
better understanding of the whole research area, we recommend the
groundbreaking work of Stam [33] and the book of Bridson [6]. In
this section, we discuss related work on fluid simulation (section 2.1)
and air materials simulation (section 2.2).
2.1 Fluid Simulation
Fluid motion can be described in two forms: Euler description based
on the spatial point of the flow field and Lagrangian description
based on the fluid particle. Therefore, fluid simulation methods
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)
2642-5254/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/VR46266.2020.00011
(a) real scene (b) μ = −10,σ = 1
(c) μ = −6,σ = 1 (d) μ = −5.7,σ = 1
Figure 1: Injecting water into a pool with 29k fluid particles. (a) is the real scene, (b)(c)(d) are the simulation results with particle result on the left
and rendered result on the right. In particle result, small size air materials and large size air materials are marked as red dot and blue sphere,
respectively. By adjusting control parameter
in Eq.5, the occupation of large air particle is changed, and different styles are realized. The
proportion of large-sized particles in (b)(c) and (d) is 0%, 8.23% and 13.80%, respectively. The visual effect in (d) is more similar to real scene.
are also divided into two categories: grid-based Euler method and
particle-based Lagrangian method [35]. Both methods are based
on the fluid’s control equations but differ in discretization process.
Since the discretization is more regular, it is easy for grid method
to derive simple formulas that are easy to calculate. However, due
to the limitations of fixed grid points, its spatial flexibility is not
as good as particle-based method. For intense or complex scenes,
particle-based method is able to capture details better.
Air-liquid fluids are usually generated in highly deformed fluids.
Therefore, the Lagrange-based method is very suitable for simulating
scenes containing air materials. In this paper, we use a classical
particel-based method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH
method) [27] for fluid simulation. For the latest development, we
would like to refer to two reviews [20] and [15].
2.2 Air Material Simulation
In terms of air-liquid fluid simulation, it can be divided into
three categories according to the generating mechanism: trapped
air(section 2.2.1), nucleation and boiling(section 2.2.2). Our method
is illustrated in section 2.2.3.
2.2.1 Trapped Air
When moving intensely or rushing quickly, air will be trapped in
fluid. This type of air materials are usually divided into two cate-
gories according to their size, and the simulation mechanisms are
also different.
Large Size Air Materials. Many researches focus on the cou-
pling of air-liquid two-phase flow. Air materials, such as bubbles and
foam, are considered as air phase and be simulated as macroscopic
air bubbles in fluids [10].
In 2005, Muller et al. [28] proposed a bubble generation rule
based on the color field, which can generate bubble particles in the
SPH multi-phase flow solver dynamically. Hong et al. [13] used the
SPH method to simulate non-deformable bubbles, and used a level
set method to simulate deformable bubbles and fluids. Air and liquid
are coupled through a velocity field. However, due to the limitation
of the grid resolution, this method is difficult to simulate the unstable
motion when bubbles rising. Akinci et al. [1] separately processed
the air-liquid two phases, calculated the density and pressure of
the two phases using SPH method, and simulated the interaction
of the two phases through the velocity field. This method solves
the problem of high density ratio and can simulate complex bubble
motion in water. However, since the SPH method must ensure a
certain initial particle spacing, the number of bubble particles is
limited by the resolution of the fluid particles. In 2012, Busaryev
et al. [7] proposed an algorithm to simulate bubbles in dense foam.
By applying strong interactions, the arrangement and geometry of
bubbles are more in line with physics laws. Ren et al. [31] used
volume fraction representation to simulate various bubble effects in
multiphase flow simulations. The deformation and dissolution of
bubbles, and accumulation of foams can be handled simultaneously.
Small Size Air Material. Some research ignored the effect of
air phase to the liquid phase, to avoid the excessive calculation cost
in multiphase flow model.
Takahashi et al. [34] combined a grid-based fluid solver (Con-
strained Interpolation Profile, CIP method) with a particle-based air
material solver and proposed a splash and foam simulation method.
Air particles are added at area with larger curvatures over free surface.
In 2007, Th
urey et al. [36] proposed a bubble and foam simulation
method based on shallow water equations. This method can simu-
late scene with millions of air particles, but the simplified equation
makes it difficult to describe the interaction of the fluid. Onderik et
al. [29] used particle emitter to simulate waves in the ocean. Bubble
particles concentrated on the peaks of the waves can be modeled real-
istically. In order to speed up the simulation, the interaction between
bubble particles is ignored. Inspired by the work of Onderik [29]
and Takahashi [34], Ihmsen et al. [14] proposed to simulate the air
materials (bubble, foam, and spray) in the waves using a unified
particle system. Through a post-processing velocity-based coupling,
the motion of the air materials can be efficiently simulated. However,
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