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EULA ( the End User License Agreement )
This document is a legal agreement between you the end user, and Dharma Type.
By using or installing Dharma Type font(s), you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
1. You may use this font for both commercial and non-commercial works at no charge.
2. You may use this font to create images on the website or printed matter on papre, logomark.....up to you.
3. You may not sell this font without permission.
4. You may not redistribute this font without permission.
5. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on this font.
6. This font are Copyrighted by Ryoichi Tsunekawa. All rights reserved. You may not claim copyrgiht rights for this font.
This font is provided to you free of charge.
Dharma Type give no warranty in relation to this font, and you use this at your own risk.
Dharma Type will not be liable for any damage to your system, any loss or corruption of any data or software,
or any other loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of downloading or using this font, whether it results from our negligence or in any other way.
Here is a list of things you could do, Only if you want to:
* Link http://dharmatype.com/ or credit "Dharma Type"
* Tell me what did you use this font for.
Q_ Can I use this for a commercial product?
A_ Yes, You can!
Q_ Can I use this on a web page via css @font-face?
A_ Yes, You can!
Q_ Can I donate $ to you?
A_ Yes, You can! ( Paypal: info@flat-it.com )
Dharma Type (http://dharmatype.com)
|___ Flat it type foundry
|___ Prop-a-ganda
|___ Holiday Type
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
优质项目spring boot+mybatis+spring mvc+bootstrap开发停车位管理系统(调用百度地图API) 项目描述 随着时代和科技的进步,人们的生活水平越来越高,私家车的数量不断上涨,随之产生了一些问题,其中就包括停车难,很多地方人们根本找不到停车位,经常有司机为了找停车位转来转去,走了很多弯路,更重要的是浪费了大量的时间。而停车场车位管理系统可以使司机清楚明了的看到自己所在位置附近的停车状况,以便于迅速找到合适的停车位 运行环境 jdk8+mysql+IntelliJ IDEA+maven+eclipse 注意事项 1.启动类是springboot的MyApp类 2.没有实现第三方支付功能
优质项目spring boot+mybatis+spring mvc+bootstrap开发停车位管理系统(调用百度地图API) (945个子文件)
all-wcprops 953B
all-wcprops 943B
all-wcprops 322B
all-wcprops 274B
all-wcprops 262B
AdminController.class 13KB
UserController.class 4KB
ParkController.class 4KB
UserService.class 3KB
IndexController.class 3KB
Order.class 3KB
MessageController.class 3KB
AdminService.class 2KB
OrderController.class 2KB
ParkService.class 2KB
UserMapper.class 2KB
UserLoginInterceptor.class 2KB
OrderService.class 2KB
LoginInterceptor.class 2KB
Message.class 2KB
MyApp.class 2KB
MessageService.class 2KB
OrderMapper.class 2KB
NoticeService.class 2KB
Users.class 2KB
WebConfig.class 2KB
Notice.class 2KB
ParkMapper.class 2KB
AdminMapper.class 1KB
MessageMapper.class 1KB
NoticeMapper.class 1KB
NoticeController.class 1KB
Admin.class 1KB
Park.class 1KB
.classpath 1KB
angular-localResizeIMG.coffee 1KB
angular-localResizeIMG.coffee 1KB
org.eclipse.wst.common.component 695B
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container 49B
H-ui.css 207KB
H-ui.css 207KB
H-ui.min.css 149KB
H-ui.min.css 149KB
bootstrap.css 143KB
bootstrap.css 143KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
animate-custom.css 72KB
animate-custom.css 72KB
index.css 39KB
index.css 39KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 23KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 23KB
font-awesome.min.css 22KB
font-awesome.min.css 22KB
iconfont.css 17KB
iconfont.css 17KB
iconfont.min.css 14KB
iconfont.min.css 14KB
swiper3.07.min.css 14KB
swiper3.07.min.css 14KB
layer.css 14KB
layer.css 14KB
layer.css 14KB
layer.css 14KB
public.css 12KB
public.css 12KB
table.css 9KB
table.css 9KB
H-ui.admin.css 7KB
H-ui.admin.css 7KB
datepicker-dev.css 5KB
datepicker-dev.css 5KB
datepicker.css 4KB
datepicker.css 4KB
datepicker.css 3KB
datepicker.css 3KB
datepicker.css 3KB
datepicker.css 3KB
H-ui.reset.css 3KB
H-ui.reset.css 3KB
lightbox.css 3KB
lightbox.css 3KB
H-ui.ie.css 3KB
H-ui.ie.css 3KB
H-ui.login.css 2KB
H-ui.login.css 2KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
skin.css 1KB
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