create database net_eicp_greenbook;
use net_eicp_greenbook;
create table GB_user
U_id int identity(10000,1)primary key,
U_loginname nvarchar(20)not null unique,
U_pswd binary(16)not null,
U_realname nvarchar(20),
U_addr nvarchar(100),
U_mobile nvarchar(20),
U_email nvarchar(50)not null unique,
U_qq bigint,
U_homepage nvarchar(100),
U_privacyoption smallint,
U_avatar binary(16),
U_registered datetime,
U_buycount int not null,
U_buytotal money not null,
U_buystars int not null,
U_sellcount int not null,
U_selltotal money not null,
U_sellstars int not null
create table GB_category
C_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
C_parent nvarchar(20)not null,
C_child nvarchar(20)not null
create table GB_book
B_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
B_title nvarchar(100)not null,
B_isbn nvarchar(20),
B_author nvarchar(100),
B_publisher nvarchar(50),
B_version nvarchar(20),
B_language nvarchar(30),
B_originalprice numeric(5,2)not null check(B_originalprice>=0),
B_categoryid int references GB_category(C_id),
B_introduction ntext,
B_visits int not null
create table GB_supply
S_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
S_bookid int not null references GB_book(B_id)on delete cascade,
S_sellerid int not null references GB_user(U_id)on delete cascade,
S_amount int not null check(S_amount>=0),
S_price numeric(5,2)not null check(S_price>0),
S_quality numeric(2,0)check(S_quality>0),
S_photohash binary(16),
S_description ntext
create table GB_request
R_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
R_buyerid int not null references GB_user(U_id)on delete cascade,
R_bookid int not null references GB_book(B_id)on delete cascade,
R_amount int not null,
R_reqtime datetime not null,
R_reqsupply int references GB_supply(S_id),
create table GB_transaction
T_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
T_buyerid int not null references GB_user(U_id)on delete cascade,
T_bookid int not null references GB_book(B_id)on delete cascade,
T_amount int not null,
T_reqtime datetime not null,
T_supplyid int not null references GB_supply(S_id),
T_dealtime datetime,
T_rate tinyint not null check(T_rate in(1,2,3,4,5)),
T_ratetext ntext,
T_revrated bit
create table GB_message
M_id int identity(1,1)primary key,
M_sender int not null references GB_user(U_id),
M_receiver int not null references GB_user(U_id)on delete cascade,
M_message ntext not null,
M_time datetime not null,
M_read bit
create index index1 on GB_message(M_sender);
create index index2 on GB_message(M_receiver);
create index index3 on GB_book(B_title);
create index index4 on GB_user(U_loginname);
create index index5 on GB_request(R_buyerid);
create index index6 on GB_request(R_bookid);
create index index7 on GB_transaction(T_buyerid);
insert into GB_user values('系统管理员',0x00,null,null,null,'',null,null,null,null,null,0,0,0,0,0,0);
create procedure sp_readssmss @uid int,@mode smallint as
if @mode=0 begin /*所有未读*/
select M_sender,U_loginname,M_message,M_time,M_id
from GB_message,GB_user
where M_receiver=@uid and M_read=0 and U_id=M_sender
order by M_id desc
update GB_message
set M_read=1
where M_receiver=@uid and M_read=0
else if @mode=1 begin /*所有*/
select M_sender,U_loginname,M_message,M_time,M_id
from GB_message,GB_user
where M_receiver=@uid and U_id=M_sender
order by M_id desc
update GB_message
set M_read=1
where M_receiver=@uid and M_read=0
else if @mode=2 begin /*前20条*/
select top 20 M_sender,U_loginname,M_message,M_time,M_id
from GB_message,GB_user
where M_receiver=@uid and U_id=M_sender
order by M_id desc
update GB_message
set M_read=1
where M_id in
(select top 20 M_id
from GB_message
where M_receiver=@uid
order by M_id desc)
create trigger tg_onremoveuser
on GB_user
instead of delete
update GB_user
set U_privacyoption=3
where U_id in
(select U_id
from deleted)
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二手书交易系统源码 (104个子文件)
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