function CSPMatrix = learnCSP(EEGSignals,classLabels)
%EEGSignals: the training EEG signals, composed of 2 classes. These signals
%are a structure such that:
% EEGSignals.x: the EEG signals as a [Ns * Nc * Nt] Matrix where
% Ns: number of EEG samples per trial
% Nc: number of channels (EEG electrodes)
% nT: number of trials
% EEGSignals.y: a [1 * Nt] vector containing the class labels for each trial
% EEGSignals.s: the sampling frequency (in Hz)
%CSPMatrix: the learnt CSP filters (a [Nc*Nc] matrix with the filters as rows)
%See also: extractCSPFeatures
%check and initializations
nbChannels = size(EEGSignals.x,2); % 通道
nbTrials = size(EEGSignals.x,3); % 实验次数
nbClasses = length(classLabels); % 类别
if nbClasses ~= 2
disp('ERROR! CSP can only be used for two classes');
covMatrices = cell(nbClasses,1); %the covariance matrices for each class
%% Computing the normalized covariance matrices for each trial
%% 为每个试验计算标准化的协方差矩阵。
trialCov = zeros(nbChannels,nbChannels,nbTrials);
for t=1:nbTrials
E = EEGSignals.x(:,:,t)'; %note the transpose
EE = E * E';
trialCov(:,:,t) = EE ./ trace(EE);
clear E;
clear EE;
%computing the covariance matrix for each class
for c=1:nbClasses
%EEGSignals.y==classLabels(c) returns the indeces corresponding to the class labels
covMatrices{c} = mean(trialCov(:,:,EEGSignals.y == classLabels(c)),3);
%the total covariance matrix
covTotal = covMatrices{1} + covMatrices{2};
%whitening transform of total covariance matrix
%caution: the eigenvalues are initially in increasing order注意:特征值最初是递增的
[Ut Dt] = eig(covTotal);
eigenvalues = diag(Dt);
[eigenvalues egIndex] = sort(eigenvalues, 'descend');
Ut = Ut(:,egIndex);
P = diag(sqrt(1./eigenvalues)) * Ut';
%transforming covariance matrix of first class using P
transformedCov1 = P * covMatrices{1} * P';
%EVD of the transformed covariance matrix 变换协方差矩阵的EVD
[U1 D1] = eig(transformedCov1);
eigenvalues = diag(D1);
[eigenvalues egIndex] = sort(eigenvalues, 'descend');
U1 = U1(:, egIndex);
CSPMatrix = U1' * P;
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