EarthView V3.10.1 Readme
Copyright (c) DeskSoft
EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which
displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night
shadows. It produces stunning colorful, high quality, high
resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond
1600x1200! The program supports map and globe views, urban areas,
city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, local time display and
much more. EarthView comes with different maps that show our planet
earth in different ways, like photographic or artistic. Many
options allow total customization of all view parameters. EarthView
has won many awards for its absolutely breathtaking images.
All information about how to use this program can be found in the
online manual, which is accessible by pressing the Help button, or
by selecting the documentation from the EarthView program group.
EarthView main features:
* High detail view of the earth
* Day and night view
* Atmospheric effects
* Urban areas and city night lights
* Clouds (internet download possible)
* Map and globe projection
* Several beautiful maps to choose from
* Locations of more than 3000 Cities worldwide with local time
* Wallpaper and screen saver support
* Multiple monitor support
* Many options for full customization
* and much more...
Installation and uninstallation:
To install EarthView, simply run EVSetup.exe. The Setup program
will guide you through all necessary steps. If you want to remove
EarthView from your computer, select "Uninstall" from the
EarthView program group or use "Add/Remove Software" in the
Windows Control Panel.
EarthView System requirements:
*) Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista
*) 100 MB of free harddisk space
*) Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768x16 or higher
*) Correct Windows time settings
*) The date and time must be correct
*) The time zone must be set correctly
*) Automatic adjustment of clock for daylight saving changes must
be enabled
Contacting DeskSoft:
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to
send us an email or visit our website:
Web: http://www.desksoft.com
Email: support@desksoft.com
If you experience any problems running the program, please send us
a detailed description and please make sure to include information
about your computer configuration, hardware and software.
***** IMPORTANT *****
Please include the product name "EarthView" in the subject line of
your email, or it could be deleted by our spam filter!
We answer all emails within a maximum of 3 business days (usually
even within a few hours), so if you don't receive an answer from
us, there's probably something wrong with your email address. In
this case, please send us your message again and make sure to use
a working email address so that we can reply to your email!
The DeskSoft Team.
Copyright (c) DeskSoft
Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista, Internet
Explorer, etc. are registered trademarks of Microsoft. All other
registered trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective
Parts of the satellite images are provided by NASA (www.nasa.gov).
EarthView 3.10.1
需积分: 0 63 浏览量
收藏 3.14MB RAR 举报
EarthView 是一个相当有趣的动态桌面背景及屏幕保护程序,它能让我们在桌面上直接看到从外太空鸟瞰地球的景观,包括日光照射区及夜晚的黑影区。EarthView 能产生高达 1600x1200 高品质解析度的画面,而显示模式可以地图 (map) 或地球仪 (globe) 的方式呈现。其它的显示资讯还包括地理疆界、国界、地形、城市分布…等,都能由使用者自行修改选项及设定参数,达到最佳的观看效果。
EarthView 主要功能如下:
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 2
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_手势识别.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_手势识别设计.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_手势识别系统.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_数字信号处理.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_数字信号处理GUI设计.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_水果分级系统.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_水果识别.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_图像去雾.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_雾霾车牌识别GUI设计.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_图像去雾系统.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_指纹识别.zip
- (GUI框架)Matlab设计_指纹识别系统.zip
- 腾讯云代理商返点政策v1.5-20160701(PPT版)(2).pdf
- 腾讯云代理商系统使用指引 7.5(2).pptx
- 腾讯云产品介绍--全面版.pdf
- 5自由度座椅悬架: 详情请csdn搜索博客:3、5自由度座椅悬架,以及5自由度座椅人体悬架仿真研究 模型保证正确架构清晰有对应参考文献 3自由度座椅悬架: 5自由度座椅悬架: