揭秘系列,离散数学 In today’s world, analytical thinking is a critical part of any solid education. An important segment of this kind of reasoning—one that cuts across many disciplines—is discrete mathematics. Discrete math concerns counting, probability, (sophisticated forms of) addition, and limit processes over discrete sets. Combinatorics, graph theory, the idea of function, recurrence relations, permutations, and set theory are all part of discrete math. Sequences and series are among the most important applications of these ideas. Discrete mathematics is an essential part of the foundations of (theoretical) computer science, statistics, probability theory, and algebra. The ideas come up repeatedly in different parts of calculus. Many would argue that discrete math is the most important component of all modern mathematical thought. Most basic math courses (at the freshman and sophomore level) are oriented toward problem-solving. Students can rely heavily on the provided examples as a crutch to learn the basic techniques and pass the exams. Discrete mathematics is, by contrast, rather theoretical. It involves proofs and ideas and abstraction. Freshman and sophomores in college these days have little experience with theory or with abstract thinking. They simply are not intellectually prepared for such material. Steven G. Krantz is an award-winning teacher, author of the bookHow to Teach Mathematics. He knows how to present mathematical ideas in a concrete fashion that students can absorb and master in a comfortable fashion. He can explain even abstract concepts in a hands-on fashion, making the learning process natural and fluid. Examples can be made tactile and real, thus helping students to finesse abstract technicalities. This book will serve as an ideal supplement to any standard text. It will help students over the traditional “hump” that the first theoretical math course constitutes. It will make the course palatable. Krantz has already authored two successfulDemystifiedbooks. The good news is that discrete math, particularly sequences and series,can be illustrated with concrete examples from the real world. Theycanbe made to be realistic and approachable. Thus the rather difficult set of ideas can be made accessible to a broad audience of students. For today’s audience—consistin 离散数学是现代数学的一个重要分支,它与连续数学相对,主要研究离散的数学结构。这些结构在计算机科学、统计学、概率论和代数学等领域中占有核心地位。与连续数学研究的无限过程不同,离散数学主要探讨离散集合上的极限过程,它们通常能够很自然地与现实世界中的问题相结合。 离散数学的核心内容包括组合数学、图论、函数概念、递归关系、排列以及集合论。在组合数学中,研究者主要关注如何将对象组合在一起,并计算可能的组合数量,它包括排列、组合、二项式定理以及生成函数等。图论则研究图这种由顶点(或节点)以及连接这些顶点的边组成的抽象结构,它在描述网络、电路和各种复杂关系时非常有用。 函数的概念是数学中的一个基础概念,它描述了两个集合之间的一种特殊对应关系。在离散数学中,递归关系和排列也是非常重要的概念。递归关系用于描述序列中各个项是如何依赖于前一项的,而排列则关注的是对象的重新排列问题。集合论是数学的基础之一,它研究集合的概念、运算以及它们之间的关系和性质。 在离散数学的学习过程中,学生通常要面临从具体问题到抽象概念的跨越。传统的数学基础课程大多侧重于解题技巧,学生可以通过学习例子来掌握基本技巧并通过考试。相比之下,离散数学更加注重理论和证明,需要学生拥有一定的抽象思维能力。由于大多数大学新生和二年级学生缺乏理论和抽象思考的经验,他们往往很难适应这种理论性的学习。 Steven G. Krantz教授是一位获奖教师和作家,他的书《How to Teach Mathematics》中提出了一种将数学概念具体化的方法,有助于学生理解和掌握抽象的理论。他的教学方法强调通过具体示例和动手操作,将抽象的概念变得直观易懂,从而帮助学生克服学习中的障碍,使得离散数学这样的理论课程变得易于接受。 此外,离散数学的许多概念,特别是序列和级数,可以用真实世界中的具体例子来说明。通过将抽象的概念与学生日常经验相联系,可以使这些看似高深的理论变得真实和易于接近。比如,计算机科学中经常用到的二进制数制、数据结构、算法分析等概念,都可以借助离散数学的知识得到更好的解释。 离散数学对于现代数学思维的重要性不言而喻,它不仅为理论计算机科学、统计学、概率论和代数学等学科打下了坚实的理论基础,也常常在微积分的不同领域中被反复应用。当前,离散数学已经成为所有现代数学思维中不可或缺的一部分。 为了帮助学生和对数学感兴趣的人更好地理解离散数学,市面上出现了一系列以“Demystified”命名的书籍,它们通过简化和清晰的方式,让读者能够更轻松地掌握复杂的数学概念。从会计到微积分,从物理学到统计学,每个主题都有相应的“Demystified”书籍,它们采用通俗易懂的语言,结合大量的实例和练习,使得学习者能够逐步建立起对各个数学主题的理解。 由于离散数学的广泛应用,越来越多的教育机构开始将其纳入课程体系,并作为相关专业学生的必修或选修课程。同时,它也逐渐成为考试、竞赛以及日常工作中经常涉及的内容,学好离散数学不仅对从事数学相关领域的工作人员很有帮助,对于希望提高逻辑思维能力的普通人来说,同样是一项宝贵的技能。
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