<br> Copyright <br> Praise for Visual Studio Tools for Office <br> Microsoft .NET Development Series <br> Titles in the Series <br> About the Authors <br> Foreword <br> Preface <br> Acknowledgments <br> Part One. An Introduction to VSTO <br> Chapter 1. An Introduction to Office Programming <br> Why Office Programming? <br> Office Object Models <br> Properties, Methods, and Events <br> The Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 2. Introduction to Office Solutions <br> The Three Basic Patterns of Office Solutions <br> Office Automation Executables <br> Office Add-Ins <br> Code Behind a Document <br> Conclusion <br> Part Two. Office Programming in .NET <br> Chapter 3. Programming Excel <br> Ways to Customize Excel <br> Programming User-Defined Functions <br> Introduction to the Excel Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 4. Working with Excel Events <br> Events in the Excel Object Model <br> Events in Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 5. Working with Excel Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Workbooks Collection <br> Working with the Workbook Object <br> Working with the Worksheets, Charts, and Sheets Collections <br> Working with Document Properties <br> Working with the Windows Collections <br> Working with the Window Object <br> Working with the Names Collection and Name Object <br> Working with the Worksheet Object <br> Working with the Range Object <br> Special Excel Issues <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 6. Programming Word <br> Ways to Customize Word <br> Programming Research Services <br> Introduction to the Word Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 7. Working with Word Events <br> Events in the Word Object Model <br> Events in Visual Studio Tools for Office <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 8. Working with Word Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Dialog Object <br> Working with Windows <br> Working with Templates <br> Working with Documents <br> Working with a Document <br> Working with the Range Object <br> Working with Bookmarks <br> Working with Tables <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 9. Programming Outlook <br> Ways to Customize Outlook <br> Introduction to the Outlook Object Model <br> Introduction to the Collaboration Data Objects <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 10. Working with Outlook Events <br> Events in the Outlook Object Model <br> Application-Level Events <br> Outlook Item Events <br> Other Events <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 11. Working with Outlook Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Explorers and Inspectors Collections <br> Working with the Explorer Object <br> Working with the Inspector Object <br> Working with the NameSpace Object <br> Working with the MAPIFolder Object <br> Working with the Items Collection <br> Properties and Methods Common to Outlook Items <br> Outlook Issues <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 12. Introduction to InfoPath <br> What Is InfoPath? <br> Getting Started <br> Form Security <br> Programming InfoPath <br> Data Source Events <br> Form Events, Properties, and Methods <br> Conclusion <br> Part Three. Office Programming in VSTO <br> Chapter 13. The VSTO Programming Model <br> The VSTO Programming Model <br> VSTO Extensions to Word and Excel Objects <br> Dynamic Controls <br> Advanced Topic: Dynamic Host Items <br> Advanced Topic: Inspecting the Generated Code <br> VSTO Extensions to the Word and Excel Object Models <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 14. Using Windows Forms in VSTO <br> Introduction <br> Adding Windows Forms Controls to Your Document <br> Writing Code Behind a Control <br> The Windows Forms Control Hosting Architecture <br> Properties Merged from OLEObject or OLEControl <br> Adding Controls at Runtime <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 15. Working with Actions Pane <br> Introduction to the Actions Pane <br> Working with the ActionsPane Control <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 16. Working with Smart Tags in VSTO <br> Introduction to Smart Tags <br> Creating Document-Level Smart Tags with VSTO <br> Creating Application-Level Smart Tags <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 17. VSTO Data Programming <br> Creating a Data-Bound Customized Spreadsheet with VSTO <br> Creating a Data-Bound Customized Word Document with VSTO <br> Datasets, Adapters, and Sources <br> Another Technique for Creating Data-Bound Spreadsheets <br> Caching Data in the Data Island <br> Advanced ADO.NET Data Binding: Looking Behind the Scenes <br> Binding-Related Extensions to Host Items and Host Controls <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 18. Server Data Scenarios <br> Populating a Document with Data on the Server <br> Using ServerDocument and ASP.NET <br> A Handy Client-Side ServerDocument Utility <br> The ServerDocument Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 19. .NET Code Security <br> Code Access Security Versus Role-Based Security <br> Code Access Security in .NET <br> Location, Location, Location <br> Strong Names <br> Publisher Certificates <br> Trusting the Document <br> Deploying Policy to User Machines <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 20. Deployment <br> VSTO Prerequisites <br> Deploying to an Intranet Shared Directory or Web Site <br> Local Machine Deployment Without a Deployment Manifest <br> Editing Manifests <br> Creating Setup Packages <br> Advanced Topic: Deploying Network Solutions to Be Cached Locally <br> Conclusion <br> Part Four. Advanced Office Programming <br> Chapter 21. Working with XML in Excel <br> Introduction to Excel's XML Features <br> Introduction to XML Schema Creation in Visual Studio <br> An End-to-End Scenario <br> Advanced XML Features in Excel <br> Excel-Friendly XML Schemas <br> VSTO Support for Excel Schema Mapping <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 22. Working with XML in Word <br> Introduction to Word's XML Features <br> An End-to-End Scenario: Creating a Schema and Mapping It into a Word Document <br> Exporting the Mapped XML in the Document to an XML Data File <br> Importing an XML Data File into the Mapped Document <br> The XML Options Dialog <br> VSTO Support for Word Schema Mapping <br> VSTO Support for the WordML File Format <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 23. Developing COM Add-Ins for Word and Excel <br> Introduction to Add-Ins <br> Scenarios for Using Add-Ins <br> How a COM Add-In Is Registered <br> Implementing IDTExtensibility2 <br> Writing a COM Add-In Using Visual Studio <br> The Pitfalls of MsCoree.dll <br> COM Interop and Regasm.exe <br> Shimming: A Solution to the Problems with MsCoree.dll <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 24. Creating Outlook Add-Ins with VSTO <br> Moving Away from COM Add-Ins <br> Creating an Outlook Add-In in VSTO <br> Conclusion <br>
- zhegebao2012-05-19VSTO为中高级开发人员提供了更强大的开发平台和语言,解决了传统Office VBA的诸多问题。5分有点小贵啊
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