The code to published paper "High-speed Compressed Sensing Reconstruction using Zigzag Ordering based Parallel Processing", International Conference on Image and Video Processing (ICIVP 2020), Oct. 2020.
Link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3447450.3447489?casa_token=3HJQwOflle8AAAAA:sETr3nvqc8Upy0EHngquFdvy9Q9rGIozS9YUY-ASIU6CFXs_IZyxePxOtI2CFiHz5dcBg2Meq199tg
After conducting a comprehensive review of our published work, we have identified a typographical error in our reference to the measurement matrix. In the paper, we mistakenly labeled the matrix as the 'Hadamard matrix'; however, the correct term is the 'Walsh matrix,' as stated in Section 4, first paragraph.
Upon discovering this error, we promptly contacted ICVIP to request a revision. Unfortunately, the published paper could not be modified.
Following discussions with ICVIP, we have decided to release this correction along with the code for the paper.
Thank you for your reading and understanding.
- 粉丝: 3w+
- 资源: 5962
- U821周版补丁,经典补丁
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