% Copyright (c) 2015, Mostapha Kalami Heris & Yarpiz (www.yarpiz.com)
% All rights reserved. Please read the "LICENSE" file for license terms.
% Project Code: YPEA108
% Project Title: Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES)
% Publisher: Yarpiz (www.yarpiz.com)
% Developer: Mostapha Kalami Heris (Member of Yarpiz Team)
% Cite as:
% Mostapha Kalami Heris, CMA-ES in MATLAB (URL: https://yarpiz.com/235/ypea108-cma-es), Yarpiz, 2015.
% Contact Info: sm.kalami@gmail.com, info@yarpiz.com
close all;
%% Problem Settings
CostFunction = @Ackley; % Cost Function
nVar = 10; % Number of Unknown (Decision) Variables
VarSize = [1 nVar]; % Decision Variables Matrix Size
VarMin = -10; % Lower Bound of Decision Variables
VarMax = 10; % Upper Bound of Decision Variables
%% CMA-ES Settings
% Maximum Number of Iterations
MaxIt = 300;
% Population Size (and Number of Offsprings)
lambda = (4+round(3*log(nVar)))*10;
% Number of Parents
mu = round(lambda/2);
% Parent Weights
w = log(mu+0.5)-log(1:mu);
w = w/sum(w);
% Number of Effective Solutions
mu_eff = 1/sum(w.^2);
% Step Size Control Parameters (c_sigma and d_sigma);
sigma0 = 0.3*(VarMax-VarMin);
cs = (mu_eff+2)/(nVar+mu_eff+5);
ds = 1+cs+2*max(sqrt((mu_eff-1)/(nVar+1))-1, 0);
ENN = sqrt(nVar)*(1-1/(4*nVar)+1/(21*nVar^2));
% Covariance Update Parameters
cc = (4+mu_eff/nVar)/(4+nVar+2*mu_eff/nVar);
c1 = 2/((nVar+1.3)^2+mu_eff);
alpha_mu = 2;
cmu = min(1-c1, alpha_mu*(mu_eff-2+1/mu_eff)/((nVar+2)^2+alpha_mu*mu_eff/2));
hth = (1.4+2/(nVar+1))*ENN;
%% Initialization
ps = cell(MaxIt, 1);
pc = cell(MaxIt, 1);
C = cell(MaxIt, 1);
sigma = cell(MaxIt, 1);
ps{1} = zeros(VarSize);
pc{1} = zeros(VarSize);
C{1} = eye(nVar);
sigma{1} = sigma0;
empty_individual.Position = [];
empty_individual.Step = [];
empty_individual.Cost = [];
M = repmat(empty_individual, MaxIt, 1);
M(1).Position = unifrnd(VarMin, VarMax, VarSize);
M(1).Step = zeros(VarSize);
M(1).Cost = CostFunction(M(1).Position);
BestSol = M(1);
BestCost = zeros(MaxIt, 1);
%% CMA-ES Main Loop
for g = 1:MaxIt
% Generate Samples
pop = repmat(empty_individual, lambda, 1);
for i = 1:lambda
% Generating Sample
pop(i).Step = mvnrnd(zeros(VarSize), C{g});
pop(i).Position = M(g).Position + sigma{g}*pop(i).Step;
% Applying Bounds
pop(i).Position = max(pop(i).Position, VarMin);
pop(i).Position = min(pop(i).Position, VarMax);
% Evaluation
pop(i).Cost = CostFunction(pop(i).Position);
% Update Best Solution Ever Found
if pop(i).Cost<BestSol.Cost
BestSol = pop(i);
% Sort Population
Costs = [pop.Cost];
[Costs, SortOrder] = sort(Costs);
pop = pop(SortOrder);
% Save Results
BestCost(g) = BestSol.Cost;
% Display Results
disp(['Iteration ' num2str(g) ': Best Cost = ' num2str(BestCost(g))]);
% Exit At Last Iteration
if g == MaxIt
% Update Mean
M(g+1).Step = 0;
for j = 1:mu
M(g+1).Step = M(g+1).Step+w(j)*pop(j).Step;
M(g+1).Position = M(g).Position + sigma{g}*M(g+1).Step;
% Applying Bounds
M(g+1).Position = max(M(g+1).Position, VarMin);
M(g+1).Position = min(M(g+1).Position, VarMax);
% Evaluation
M(g+1).Cost = CostFunction(M(g+1).Position);
% Update Best Solution Ever Found
if M(g+1).Cost < BestSol.Cost
BestSol = M(g+1);
% Update Step Size
ps{g+1} = (1-cs)*ps{g}+sqrt(cs*(2-cs)*mu_eff)*M(g+1).Step/chol(C{g})';
sigma{g+1} = sigma{g}*exp(cs/ds*(norm(ps{g+1})/ENN-1))^0.3;
% Update Covariance Matrix
if norm(ps{g+1})/sqrt(1-(1-cs)^(2*(g+1)))<hth
hs = 1;
hs = 0;
delta = (1-hs)*cc*(2-cc);
pc{g+1} = (1-cc)*pc{g}+hs*sqrt(cc*(2-cc)*mu_eff)*M(g+1).Step;
C{g+1} = (1-c1-cmu)*C{g}+c1*(pc{g+1}'*pc{g+1}+delta*C{g});
for j = 1:mu
C{g+1} = C{g+1}+cmu*w(j)*pop(j).Step'*pop(j).Step;
% If Covariance Matrix is not Positive Defenite or Near Singular
[V, E] = eig(C{g+1});
if any(diag(E)<0)
E = max(E, 0);
C{g+1} = V*E/V;
%% Display Results
% plot(BestCost, 'LineWidth', 2);
semilogy(BestCost, 'LineWidth', 2);
ylabel('Best Cost');
grid on;