## DateTools
DateTools was written to streamline date and time handling in Objective-C. Classes and concepts from other languages served as an inspiration for DateTools, especially the [DateTime](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime(v=vs.110).aspx) structure and [Time Period Library](Time Period Library) for .NET. Through these classes and others, DateTools removes the boilerplate required to access date components, handles more nuanced date comparisons, and serves as the foundation for entirely new concepts like Time Periods and their collections.
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MatthewYork/DateTools.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/MatthewYork/DateTools)
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<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/guidebook/id428713847?mt=8"><img src="http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/e4/af/db/e4afdbc1-9ceb-c403-4d06-299e7e693120/icon100x100.png" /></a>
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<td align="center">Yahoo! Livetext</td>
<td align="center">My Disney Experience</td>
<td align="center">ALDI</td>
<td align="center">Guidebook</td>
<td align="center">Pitch Locator Pro</td>
## Installation
<code>pod 'DateTools'</code>
**Manual Installation**
All the classes required for DateTools are located in the DateTools folder in the root of this repository. They are listed below:
* <code>DateTools.h</code>
* <code>NSDate+DateTools.{h,m}</code>
* <code>DTConstants.h</code>
* <code>DTError.{h,m}</code>
* <code>DTTimePeriod.{h,m}</code>
* <code>DTTimePeriodGroup.{h,m}</code>
* <code>DTTimePeriodCollection.{h,m}</code>
* <code>DTTimePeriodChain.{h,m}</code>
The following bundle is necessary if you would like to support internationalization or would like to use the "Time Ago" functionality. You can add localizations at the `Localizations` subheading under `Info` in the `Project` menu.
* <code>DateTools.bundle</code>
<code>DateTools.h</code> contains the headers for all the other files. Import this if you want to link to the entire framework.
## Table of Contents
* [**NSDate+DateTools**](#nsdate-datetools)
* [Time Ago](#time-ago)
* [Date Components](#date-components)
* [Date Editing](#date-editing)
* [Date Comparison](#date-comparison)
* [Formatted Date Strings](#formatted-date-strings)
* [**Time Periods**](#time-periods)
* [Initialization](#initialization)
* [Time Period Info](#time-period-info)
* [Manipulation](#manipulation)
* [Relationships](#relationships)
* [**Time Period Groups**](#time-period-groups)
* [Time Period Collections](#time-period-collections)
* [Time Period Chains](#time-period-chains)
* [**Unit Tests**](#unit-tests)
* [**Credits**](#credits)
* [**License**](#license)
One of the missions of DateTools was to make NSDate feel more complete. There are many other languages that allow direct access to information about dates from their date classes, but NSDate (sadly) does not. It safely works only in the Unix time offsets through the <code>timeIntervalSince...</code> methods for building dates and remains calendar agnostic. But that's not <i>always</i> what we want to do. Sometimes, we want to work with dates based on their date components (like year, month, day, etc) at a more abstract level. This is where DateTools comes in.
####Time Ago
No date library would be complete without the ability to quickly make an NSString based on how much earlier a date is than now. DateTools has you covered. These "time ago" strings come in a long and short form, with the latter closely resembling Twitter. You can get these strings like so:
NSDate *timeAgoDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-4];
NSLog(@"Time Ago: %@", timeAgoDate.timeAgoSinceNow);
NSLog(@"Time Ago: %@", timeAgoDate.shortTimeAgoSinceNow);
//Time Ago: 4 seconds ago
//Time Ago: 4s
Assuming you have added the localization to your project, `DateTools` currently supports the following languages:
- ar (Arabic)
- bg (Bulgarian)
- ca (Catalan)
- zh_Hans (Chinese Simplified)
- zh_Hant (Chinese Traditional)
- cs (Czech)
- da (Danish)
- nl (Dutch)
- en (English)
- fi (Finnish)
- fr (French)
- de (German)
- gre (Greek)
- gu (Gujarati)
- he (Hebrew)
- hi (Hindi)
- hu (Hungarian)
- is (Icelandic)
- id (Indonesian)
- it (Italian)
- ja (Japanese)
- ko (Korean)
- lv (Latvian)
- ms (Malay)
- nb (Norwegian)
- pl (Polish)
- pt (Portuguese)
- ro (Romanian)
- ru (Russian)
- sl (Slovenian)
- es (Spanish)
- sv (Swedish)
- th (Thai)
- tr (Turkish)
- uk (Ukrainian)
- vi (Vietnamese)
- cy (Welsh)
- hr (Croatian)
If you know a language not listed here, please consider submitting a translation. [Localization codes by language](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040677/locale-codes-for-iphone-lproj-folders).
This project is user driven (by people like you). Pull requests close faster than issues (merged or rejected).
Thanks to Kevin Lawler for his work on [NSDate+TimeAgo](https://github.com/kevinlawler/NSDate-TimeAgo), which has been officially merged into this library.
####Date Components
There is a lot of boilerplate associated with getting date components from an NSDate. You have to set up a calendar, use the desired flags for the components you want, and finally extract them out of the calendar.
With DateTools, this:
//Create calendar
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
unitFlags = NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit;
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:date];
//Get components
NSInteger year = dateComponents.year;
NSInteger month = dateComponents.month;
...becomes this:
NSInteger year = date.year;
NSInteger month = date.month;
And if you would like to use a non-Gregorian calendar, that option is available as well.
NSInteger day = [date dayWithCalendar:calendar];
If you would like to override the default calendar that DateTools uses, simply change it in the <code>defaultCalendar</code> method of <code>NSDate+DateTools.m</code>.
####Date Editing
The date editing methods in NSDate+DateTools makes it easy to shift a date earlier or later by adding and subtracting date components. For instance, if you would like a date that is 1 year later from a given date, simply call the method <code>dateByAddingYears</code>.
With DateTools, this:
//Create calendar
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:[NSDate defaultCalendar]];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
//Make changes
[components setYear:1];
//Get new date with updated year
NSDate *newDate = [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:date options:0];
...becomes this:
NSDate *newDate = [date dateByAddingYears:1];
Subtraction of date components is
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主要功能点 添加一个基于本地通知的提醒任务 设置提醒的开始日期,结束日期,触发提醒的时间点以及提醒的频次 如何将日期、触发时间点、提醒频次组合成一个有效的本地通知 声明一个UILocalNotification对象 使用NSDateComponents拼接触发通知的日期和时间点 设置UILocalNotification对象的fireDate属性,即,触发通知的具体日期时间 设置UILocalNotification对象的repeatInterval属性,即,触发通知的频率 最后使用[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:myLocalNotification]配置通知
.gitignore 1KB
FMDatabase.h 45KB
IQUIView+IQKeyboardToolbar.h 18KB
MGSwipeTableCell.h 13KB
FMResultSet.h 12KB
IQKeyboardManager.h 11KB
SVProgressHUD.h 10KB
FMDatabaseAdditions.h 7KB
NSDate+DateTools.h 7KB
MASConstraint.h 7KB
MASUtilities.h 6KB
FMDatabaseQueue.h 6KB
MASConstraintMaker.h 5KB
IQKeyboardManagerConstants.h 5KB
FMDatabasePool.h 5KB
DTTimePeriod.h 5KB
IQUIView+Hierarchy.h 4KB
View+MASAdditions.h 4KB
View+MASShorthandAdditions.h 4KB
IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.h 3KB
MGSwipeButton.h 3KB
NSArray+MASAdditions.h 3KB
IQTitleBarButtonItem.h 3KB
DTTimePeriodGroup.h 2KB
DTTimePeriodCollection.h 2KB
IQKeyboardManagerConstantsInternal.h 2KB
PickerView.h 2KB
IQToolbar.h 2KB
DTTimePeriodChain.h 2KB
MASConstraint+Private.h 2KB
IQUITextFieldView+Additions.h 2KB
IQUIWindow+Hierarchy.h 2KB
DTConstants.h 2KB
DTError.h 2KB
IQNSArray+Sort.h 2KB
NotificationTaskModel.h 1KB
IQTextView.h 1KB
IQUIViewController+Additions.h 1KB
IQPreviousNextView.h 1KB
IQUIScrollView+Additions.h 1KB
ShelflifeModel.h 1KB
IQBarButtonItem.h 1KB
DateTools.h 1KB
DateFormatOperate.h 1KB
MASViewConstraint.h 1KB
MASViewAttribute.h 1KB
DateUnitChoiceView.h 1KB
NSArray+MASShorthandAdditions.h 1016B
NewTaskViewController.h 910B
ViewController+MASAdditions.h 891B
UIViewExt.h 867B
Masonry.h 802B
Definition.h 715B
UIColor+Hex.h 617B
DateRateTransform.h 612B
ShelflifeOperate.h 603B
MASLayoutConstraint.h 505B
MASCompositeConstraint.h 494B
UIBarButtonItem+Extension.h 467B
SVProgressAnimatedView.h 445B
ShelflifeSourceDataTransform.h 439B
SVIndefiniteAnimatedView.h 407B
CreateLocalNotification.h 402B
DeleteLocalNotification.h 377B
TimeDateCell.h 363B
EditLocalNotification.h 343B
ToDoListDB.h 335B
NSLayoutConstraint+MASDebugAdditions.h 326B
SVRadialGradientLayer.h 303B
AppDelegate.h 276B
FMDB.h 273B
UnderwayTaskCell.h 267B
ListViewController.h 240B
NavigationViewController.h 238B
IQKeyboardManagerConstantsInternal.h 91B
IQKeyboardManagerConstantsInternal.h 91B
IQUIViewController+Additions.h 86B
IQUIViewController+Additions.h 86B
IQUITextFieldView+Additions.h 85B
IQUITextFieldView+Additions.h 85B
IQUIView+IQKeyboardToolbar.h 83B
IQKeyboardManagerConstants.h 83B
IQUIView+IQKeyboardToolbar.h 83B
IQKeyboardManagerConstants.h 83B
IQUIScrollView+Additions.h 82B
IQUIScrollView+Additions.h 82B
IQUIWindow+Hierarchy.h 78B
IQUIWindow+Hierarchy.h 78B
IQTitleBarButtonItem.h 77B
IQTitleBarButtonItem.h 77B
IQUIView+Hierarchy.h 76B
IQUIView+Hierarchy.h 76B
IQPreviousNextView.h 75B
IQPreviousNextView.h 75B
IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.h 73B
IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.h 73B
IQNSArray+Sort.h 72B
IQBarButtonItem.h 72B
IQNSArray+Sort.h 72B
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