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Inja is a template engine for modern C++, loosely inspired by [jinja](http://jinja.pocoo.org) for python. It has an easy and yet powerful template syntax with all variables, loops, conditions, includes, callbacks, and comments you need, nested and combined as you like. Of course, everything is tested in CI on all relevant compilers. Here is what it looks like:
json data;
data["name"] = "world";
inja::render("Hello {{ name }}!", data); // Returns "Hello world!"
## Integration
Inja is a headers only library, which can be downloaded from the [releases](https://github.com/pantor/inja/releases) or directly from the `include/` or `single_include/` folder. Inja uses `nlohmann/json.hpp` (>= v3.8.0) as its single dependency, so make sure it can be included from `inja.hpp`. json can be downloaded [here](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases). Then integration is as easy as:
#include <inja.hpp>
// Just for convenience
using namespace inja;
If you are using the [Meson Build System](http://mesonbuild.com), then you can wrap this repository as a subproject.
If you are using [Conan](https://conan.io) to manage your dependencies, have a look at [this repository](https://github.com/DEGoodmanWilson/conan-inja). Please file issues [here](https://github.com/DEGoodmanWilson/conan-inja/issues) if you experience problems with the packages.
You can also integrate inja in your project using [Hunter](https://github.com/cpp-pm/hunter), a package manager for C++.
If you are using [vcpkg](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) on your project for external dependencies, then you can use the [inja package](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/inja). Please see the vcpkg project for any issues regarding the packaging.
If you are using [cget](https://cget.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), you can install the latest development version with `cget install pantor/inja`. A specific version can be installed with `cget install pantor/inja@v2.1.0`.
On macOS, you can install inja via [Homebrew](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/inja#default) and `brew install inja`.
If you are using [conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/), you can install the latest version from [conda-forge](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/inja) with `conda install -c conda-forge inja`.
## Tutorial
This tutorial will give you an idea how to use inja. It will explain the most important concepts and give practical advices using examples and executable code. Beside this tutorial, you may check out the [documentation](https://pantor.github.io/inja).
### Template Rendering
The basic template rendering takes a template as a `std::string` and a `json` object for all data. It returns the rendered template as an `std::string`.
json data;
data["name"] = "world";
render("Hello {{ name }}!", data); // Returns std::string "Hello world!"
render_to(std::cout, "Hello {{ name }}!", data); // Writes "Hello world!" to stream
For more advanced usage, an environment is recommended.
Environment env;
// Render a string with json data
std::string result = env.render("Hello {{ name }}!", data); // "Hello world!"
// Or directly read a template file
Template temp = env.parse_template("./templates/greeting.txt");
std::string result = env.render(temp, data); // "Hello world!"
data["name"] = "Inja";
std::string result = env.render(temp, data); // "Hello Inja!"
// Or read the template file (and/or the json file) directly from the environment
result = env.render_file("./templates/greeting.txt", data);
result = env.render_file_with_json_file("./templates/greeting.txt", "./data.json");
// Or write a rendered template file
env.write(temp, data, "./result.txt");
env.write_with_json_file("./templates/greeting.txt", "./data.json", "./result.txt");
The environment class can be configured to your needs.
// With default settings
Environment env_default;
// With global path to template files and where files will be saved
Environment env_1 {"../path/templates/"};
// With separate input and output path
Environment env_2 {"../path/templates/", "../path/results/"};
// With other opening and closing strings (here the defaults)
env.set_expression("{{", "}}"); // Expressions
env.set_comment("{#", "#}"); // Comments
env.set_statement("{%", "%}"); // Statements {% %} for many things, see below
env.set_line_statement("##"); // Line statements ## (just an opener)
### Variables
Variables are rendered within the `{{ ... }}` expressions.
json data;
data["neighbour"] = "Peter";
data["guests"] = {"Jeff", "Tom", "Patrick"};
data["time"]["start"] = 16;
data["time"]["end"] = 22;
// Indexing in array
render("{{ guests.1 }}", data); // "Tom"
// Objects
render("{{ time.start }} to {{ time.end + 1 }}pm", data); // "16 to 23pm"
If no variable is found, valid JSON is printed directly, otherwise an `inja::RenderError` is thrown.
### Statements
Statements can be written either with the `{% ... %}` syntax or the `##` syntax for entire lines. Note that `##` needs to start the line without indentation. The most important statements are loops, conditions and file includes. All statements can be nested.
#### Loops
// Combining loops and line statements
render(R"(Guest List:
## for guest in guests
{{ loop.index1 }}: {{ guest }}
## endfor )", data)
/* Guest List:
1: Jeff
2: Tom
3: Patrick */
In a loop, the special variables `loop.index (number)`, `loop.index1 (number)`, `loop.is_first (boolean)` and `loop.is_last (boolean)` are defined. In nested loops, the parent loop variables are available e.g. via `loop.parent.index`. You can also iterate over objects like `{% for key, value in time %}`.
#### Conditions
Conditions support the typical if, else if and else statements. Following conditions are for example possible:
// Standard comparisons with a variable
render("{% if time.hour >= 20 %}Serve{% else if time.hour >= 18 %}Make{% endif %} dinner.", data); // Serve dinner.
// Variable in list
render("{% if neighbour in guests %}Turn up the music!{% endif %}", data); // Turn up the music!
// Logical operations
render("{% if guest_count < (3+2) and all_tired %}Sleepy...{% else %}Keep going...{% endif %}", data); // Sleepy...
// Negations
render("{% if not guest_count %}The End{% endif %}", data); // The End
#### Includes
You can either include other in-memory templates or from the file system.
// To include in-memory templates, add them to the environment first
inja::Template content_template = env.parse("Hello {{ neighbour }}!");
env.include_template("content", content_template);
env.render("Content: {% include \"content\" %}", data); // "Content: Hello Peter!"
// Other template files are included relative from the current file location
render("{% include \"footer.html\" %}", data);
If a corresponding template could n