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# HiFiBerryOS
HiFiBerryOS is our version of a minimal Linux distribution optimized for audio playback.
The goal isn't to add as much functionality as possible, but to keep it small. Therefore,
it is based on Buildroot and it's not possible to use package managers to add more
There is a robust update mechanism that will not overwrite the system, but switch between
the current and the new version (they run on different partitions). This is documented in more detail at [doc/updater.md](doc/updater.md).
## User interface
The user interface is based on the [Bang & Olufsen Beocreate project](https://github.com/bang-olufsen/create).
## Services
At the moment, the following services are supported:
- Spotify (using [a fork of Spotifyd](https://github.com/hifiberry/spotifyd)) - requires a paid Spotify subscription
- Airplay (using [shairport](https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync))
- Squeezebox (using [squeezelite](https://github.com/ralph-irving/squeezelite))
- Bluetooth A2DP sink (using [BlueZ 5](http://www.bluez.org/))
- Roon - requires a Roon subscription
- [MPD](https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD)
- Snapcast (experimental, using [Snapcast](https://github.com/badaix/snapcast) and [SnapcastMPRIS](https://github.com/hifiberry/snapcastmpris))
- Analogue input on DAC+ ADC with input detection (using [a custom alsaloop implementation](https://github.com/hifiberry/alsaloop/))
- Webradio (experimental)
## Tools
Additional tools that are available:
- [sox](http://sox.sourceforge.net/)
- [HiFiBerry dsptoolkit](https://github.com/hifiberry/hifiberry-dsp)
## Integrations and additional functionalities
There are several ways to add functionalities to HiFiBerryOS or integrate it into other systems.
### Controlling the system
The main backend controller application is called [audiocontrol](https://github.com/hifiberry/audiocontrol2) and offers an API that can be used to start/stop players, switch sources or retrieve metadata.
This is often the easiest way if you want to integrate it into other systems, e.g. a automation system.
### Extending audiocontrol
Audiocontrol provides a [plugin system](https://github.com/hifiberry/audiocontrol2/blob/master/doc/extensions.md) that can be used to add more complex integrations.Also have a look at the ["Anatomy of a controller plugin"](https://github.com/hifiberry/audiocontrol2/blob/master/doc/rotary-controller-plugin.md)
### Adding packages
HiFiBerryOS is based on buildroot. This means, you can't easily install additional software from command line. Even if you do, it will be gone after the next update as an update will replace the full filesystem. You need to integrate additonal software via the [Buildroot build system](https://buildroot.org/)
### Adding UI components
The UI also uses a plugin concept. Plugins are called extensions. Have a look at the [Beocreate documentation](https://github.com/bang-olufsen/create/tree/master/Documentation)
## How it works / technical documentation
You can find technical documentation in [the repository's doc folder](doc/)
## Building a disk image
[The documentation for building images from source can be found here](/doc/building.md)
## Contributions
We're looking forward to your contributions. Depending on functionality and code quality, we will decide if a contribution will be included in the base system or will be provided as a user-contributed module that users need to install by themselve.
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Linux distribution optimized for audio playback.zip
需积分: 5 0 下载量 36 浏览量
收藏 34.99MB ZIP 举报
Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,由林纳斯·托瓦兹于1991年首次发布。 Linux不仅是一个强大的操作系统,也是一个庞大的技术生态系统,涵盖了从服务器到个人电脑的各种应用场景。同时,它的开源特性和广泛的社区支持使其成为技术发展的重要推动力。在了解Linux的过程中,人们不仅能够看到其强大的技术基础和广泛的应用领域,还能体会到它作为开源先锋在全球科技发展中的重要地位。
Linux distribution optimized for audio playback.zip (760个子文件)
spotifyd-0.2.10 13.83MB
spotifyd-0.2.18 16.3MB
spotifyd-0.2.19 16.33MB
spotifyd-0.2.20-patched 16.67MB
spotifyd-0.2.24-patched 15.2MB
raat_app.aarch64 904KB
raatool.aarch64 716KB
activate-data-partition 1KB
after-update 687B
alsa-mode 680B
alsa-state 97B
audio-inputs 225B
backup-config 154B
hbfw_usb2i2s_100.bin 36KB
bluealsa-aplay-start 139B
bootmsg 124B
brdir 259B
README.brutefir 336B
brutefir_mpd_config 3KB
build-all 282B
build-config 1KB
build-release 424B
build-test-config 12B
analyze.c 11KB
genimage-raspberrypi3.cfg 647B
genimage-raspberrypi3-64.cfg 580B
genimage-raspberrypi.cfg 545B
genimage-raspberrypi0w.cfg 521B
genimage-raspberrypi2.cfg 518B
genimage-raspberrypi0.cfg 488B
genimage-raspberrypi4.cfg 485B
genimage-raspberrypi4-64.cfg 484B
Changelog 10KB
Changelog 111B
check-compatibility 341B
check-daemons 174B
check-system 2KB
clean 289B
clean-images 74B
clean-package 74B
compile 2KB
compile-all 80B
compile-eep 842B
hostapd.conf 98KB
upmpdcli.conf 6KB
mopidy.conf 3KB
override.conf 2KB
mpd.conf 980B
mpd.conf 840B
vollibrespot.conf 804B
audiocontrol2.conf 787B
resolved.conf 691B
dbus.conf 677B
dbus.conf 470B
dbus.conf 416B
dbus-spotify.conf 416B
dnsmasq.conf 327B
override-test.conf 299B
system-local.conf 298B
shairport-sync.conf 273B
journald.conf 236B
spotifyd.conf 234B
sigmatcp.conf 127B
watchdog.conf 115B
main.conf 94B
extensions.conf 83B
snapcastmpris.conf 64B
wpa_supplicant.conf 50B
dlnampris.conf 49B
roomeq.conf 48B
override.conf 42B
override.conf 40B
snd_soc_core_disable_pm.conf 36B
hifiberry.conf 25B
extensions.conf 0B
config 350B
config-files 1KB
config0w 99KB
config2 100KB
config3 128KB
config4 99KB
configure-raat 4KB
copy-config 250B
create-brpatch 184B
create-dspvolume 195B
create-hbdb 390B
create-image 988B
create-python-package 147B
create-updater 633B
create-users 568B
dspvolume.ctl 583B
debuginfo 1KB
external.desc 52B
detect-hifiberry 6KB
devpackages 96B
asound.conf.dmix_softvol 566B
download-sources 278B
dsp-i2s-slave 183B
hifiberry-dacplushd.dtbo 2KB
hifiberry-dacplusadc.dtbo 2KB
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