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# Arch Installer
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Just another guided/automated [Arch Linux](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux) installer with a twist.
The installer also doubles as a python library to install Arch Linux and manage services, packages, and other things inside the installed system *(Usually from a live medium)*.
* archinstall [discord](https://discord.gg/cqXU88y) server
* archinstall [matrix.org](https://app.element.io/#/room/#archinstall:matrix.org) channel
* archinstall [#archinstall@irc.libera.chat](irc://#archinstall@irc.libera.chat:6697)
* archinstall [documentation](https://archinstall.archlinux.page/)
# Installation & Usage
sudo pacman -S archinstall
Alternative ways to install are `git clone` the repository or `pip install --upgrade archinstall`.
## Running the [guided](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/archinstall/scripts/guided.py) installer
Assuming you are on an Arch Linux live-ISO or installed via `pip`:
## Running the [guided](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/archinstall/scripts/guided.py) installer using `git`
# cd archinstall-git
# python -m archinstall
#### Advanced
Some additional options that most users do not need are hidden behind the `--advanced` flag.
## Running from a declarative configuration file or URL
`archinstall` can be run with a JSON configuration file. There are 2 different configuration files to consider,
the `user_configuration.json` contains all general installation configuration, whereas the `user_credentials.json`
contains the sensitive user configuration such as user password, root password, and encryption password.
An example of the user configuration file can be found here
[configuration file](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/examples/config-sample.json)
and an example of the credentials configuration here
[credentials file](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/examples/creds-sample.json).
**HINT:** The configuration files can be auto-generated by starting `archinstall`, configuring all desired menu
points and then going to `Save configuration`.
To load the configuration file into `archinstall` run the following command
archinstall --config <path to user config file or URL> --creds <path to user credentials config file or URL>
# Help or Issues
If you come across any issues, kindly submit your issue here on Github or post your query in the
[discord](https://discord.gg/cqXU88y) help channel.
When submitting an issue, please:
* Provide the stacktrace of the output if applicable
* Attach the `/var/log/archinstall/install.log` to the issue ticket. This helps us help you!
* To extract the log from the ISO image, one way is to use<br>
curl -F'file=@/var/log/archinstall/install.log' https://0x0.st
# Available Languages
Archinstall is available in different languages which have been contributed and are maintained by the community.
The language can be switched inside the installer (first menu entry). Bear in mind that not all languages provide
full translations as we rely on contributors to do the translations. Each language has an indicator that shows
how much has been translated.
Any contributions to the translations are more than welcome,
to get started please follow [the guide](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/archinstall/locales/README.md)
## Fonts
The ISO does not ship with all fonts needed for different languages.
Fonts that use a different character set than Latin will not be displayed correctly. If those languages
want to be selected then a proper font has to be set manually in the console.
All available console fonts can be found in `/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts` and set with `setfont LatGrkCyr-8x16`.
# Scripting your own installation
## Scripting interactive installation
There are some examples in the `examples/` directory that should serve as a starting point.
The following is a small example of how to script your own *interactive* installation:
from pathlib import Path
from archinstall import Installer, ProfileConfiguration, profile_handler, User
from archinstall.default_profiles.minimal import MinimalProfile
from archinstall.lib.disk.device_model import FilesystemType
from archinstall.lib.disk.encryption_menu import DiskEncryptionMenu
from archinstall.lib.disk.filesystem import FilesystemHandler
from archinstall.lib.interactions.disk_conf import select_disk_config
fs_type = FilesystemType('ext4')
# Select a device to use for the installation
disk_config = select_disk_config()
# Optional: ask for disk encryption configuration
data_store = {}
disk_encryption = DiskEncryptionMenu(disk_config.device_modifications, data_store).run()
# initiate file handler with the disk config and the optional disk encryption config
fs_handler = FilesystemHandler(disk_config, disk_encryption)
# perform all file operations
# WARNING: this will potentially format the filesystem and delete all data
mountpoint = Path('/tmp')
with Installer(
) as installation:
installation.add_additional_packages(['nano', 'wget', 'git'])
# Optionally, install a profile of choice.
# In this case, we install a minimal profile that is empty
profile_config = ProfileConfiguration(MinimalProfile())
profile_handler.install_profile_config(installation, profile_config)
user = User('archinstall', 'password', True)
This installer will perform the following actions:
* Prompt the user to configure the disk partitioning
* Prompt the user to setup disk encryption
* Create a file handler instance for the configured disk and the optional disk encryption
* Perform the disk operations (WARNING: this will potentially format the disks and erase all data)
* Install a basic instance of Arch Linux *(base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr)*
* Install and configures a bootloader to partition 0 on UEFI. On BIOS, it sets the root to partition 0.
* Install additional packages *(nano, wget, git)*
* Create a new user
> **To create your own ISO with this script in it:** Follow [ArchISO](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archiso)'s guide on creating your own ISO.
## Script non-interactive automated installation
For an example of a fully scripted, automated installation please refer to the example
## Unattended installation based on MAC address
Archinstall comes with an [unattended](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/examples/mac_address_installation.py)
example which will look for a matching profile for the machine it is being run on, based on any local MAC address.
For instance, if the machine the code is executed on has the MAC address `52:54:00:12:34:56` it will look for a profile called
If it's found, the unattended installation will begin and source that profile as its installation procedure.
# Profiles
`archinstall` comes with a set of pre-configured profiles available for selection during the installation process.
- [Desktop](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/tree/master/archinstall/default
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc..zip
0 下载量 26 浏览量
收藏 1.58MB ZIP 举报
Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,由林纳斯·托瓦兹于1991年首次发布。 Linux不仅是一个强大的操作系统,也是一个庞大的技术生态系统,涵盖了从服务器到个人电脑的各种应用场景。同时,它的开源特性和广泛的社区支持使其成为技术发展的重要推动力。在了解Linux的过程中,人们不仅能够看到其强大的技术基础和广泛的应用领域,还能体会到它作为开源先锋在全球科技发展中的重要地位。
Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc..zip (236个子文件)
style.css 40B
config_options.csv 4KB
manual_options.csv 227B
DiskSelectionProcess.drawio 2KB
.editorconfig 223B
examples 12B
.flake8 410B
.gitignore 494B
layout.html 156B
mypy.ini 491B
schema.json 8KB
languages.json 8KB
config-sample.json 4KB
disk_layouts-sample.json 1KB
custom-command-sample.json 811B
creds-sample.json 110B
renovate.json 107B
Makefile 634B
README.md 644B
pull_request_template.md 530B
base.mo 71KB
base.mo 54KB
base.mo 48KB
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base.mo 259B
logo.pride.png 65KB
logo.png 44KB
logo.png 44KB
base.po 71KB
base.po 59KB
base.po 53KB
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base.po 24KB
base.po 23KB
base.po 22KB
base.pot 23KB
logo.pride.psd 741KB
logo.psd 590KB
installer.py 56KB
device_model.py 40KB
curses_menu.py 30KB
device_handler.py 23KB
disk_conf.py 18KB
global_menu.py 16KB
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