![Main interface](/screenshots/overview.png?raw=true)
The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. aria2 is the worlds best file downloader, but sometimes the command line brings more power than necessary. The project was initially created as part of the GSOC scheme, however it has rapidly grown and changed with tremendous support and feedback from the aria2 community.
Very simple to use, no build scripts, no installation scripts. First start aria2 in the background either in your local machine or in a remote one. You can do that as follows:
aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all
If aria2 is not installed in your local machine then head on to https://aria2.github.io/ and follow the instructions there.
Then download the webui, you can either do that by downloading this repository and running index.html in the browser. Or you could just head on to https://ziahamza.github.io/webui-aria2/ and just start downloading files! After that you can also save it for offline use by saving from the browser save page as option. You can also use node js to create simple server by using the following command from the download folder.
node node-server.js
1. You can always select which files to download in case of torrents or metalinks. Just pause a download and a list icon should appear next to the settings button. To select which files to download before starting the download, give the flag --pause-metadata to aria2. See [link](https://aria2.github.io/manual/en/html/aria2c.html#cmdoption--pause-metadata)
Read and edit [configuration.js](configuration.js).
This feature allows users to download files that they download from aria2 directly from the webui dashboard. If you are familiar with how webservers work, setup a http server that points at the configured aria2 download directory, check permissions. Then Specify a full url: ```http://server:port/``` in the webui directURL configuration.
If the above is not obvious, keep reading what this is about in [directurl.md](directurl.md)
Well, you need aria2. And a web browser (if that even counts!)
Docker support
There is two Dockerfile in this project, one is a common Dockerfile, which can be use for **testing purpose**.<br>
The second is a **production ready** Dockerfile for raspberry and other ARM plateforms.
### For testing purpose
You can also try or use webui-aria2 in your LAN inside a Docker sandbox.
Build the image
sudo docker build -t yourname/webui-aria2 .
..and run it! It will be available at: `http://localhost:9100`
sudo docker run -v /Downloads:/data -p 6800:6800 -p 9100:8080 --name="webui-aria2" yourname/webui-aria2
`/Downloads` is the directory in the host where you want to keep the downloaded files
### Production ready (ARM platform)
This image contains both aria2 and webui-aria2.
Build it (may take several hours due to the aria2 compilation process. Don't panic and grab a coffee)
docker build -f Dockerfile.arm -t yourname/webui-aria2 .
Prepare the host volume:
This image required few file to be mounted in the container.
/home/aria/aria2/session.txt (empty file)
/home/aria/aria2/aria2.log (empty file)
/home/aria/aria2/aria2.conf (aria2 configuration file, not webui-aria2 conf) must contains at least `enable-rpc=true` and `rpc-listen-all=true`
/data/downloads/ (where the downloaded files goes)
Run it
docker run --restart=always \
-v /home/<USER>/data/aria2/downloads:/data/downloads \
-v /home/<USER>/data/aria2/.aria2:/home/aria/.aria2 \
-p 6800:6800 -p 9100:8080 \
--name="webui-aria2" \
-d yourname/webui-aria2
Deploy to Heroku
For any support, feature request and bug report add an issue in the github project. [link](https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/issues)
Refer to the LICENSE file (MIT License). If the more liberal license is needed then add it as an issue
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收藏 61.76MB ZIP 举报
存放各种docker image构建脚本或者快速启动的docker-compose文件。 一处构建,处处可用,方便健忘人士和减轻国内开发人员的负担
docker-master.zip (1557个子文件)
Dockerfile.arm 3KB
com.github.ltsopensource.admin.access.BackendAccessFactory 75B
lts-admin.cfg 2KB
lts-admin.cfg 2KB
lts-monitor.cfg 997B
lts-monitor.cfg 951B
JobQueueApi.class 15KB
BackendAppContextFactoryBean.class 10KB
SuspendJobQueueApi.class 10KB
NodeMemCacheAccess.class 10KB
CronJobQueueApi.class 9KB
RepeatJobQueueApi.class 9KB
BackendAppContext.class 8KB
MysqlBackendNodeOnOfflineLogAccess.class 6KB
BackendRegistrySrv.class 6KB
NodeApi.class 6KB
MysqlBackendJVMMemoryAccess.class 5KB
MonitorView.class 5KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner.class 5KB
RshHandler.class 5KB
MonitorApi.class 5KB
MysqlBackendJVMGCAccess.class 5KB
CommonView.class 4KB
MysqlBackendJVMThreadAccess.class 4KB
MysqlBackendJobTrackerMAccess.class 4KB
MysqlBackendJobClientMAccess.class 4KB
MysqlBackendTaskTrackerMAccess.class 4KB
LoginAuthFilter.class 4KB
RshHandler$8.class 3KB
AppConfigurer.class 3KB
SystemInitListener.class 3KB
JvmDataApi.class 3KB
NodeOnOfflineLog.class 3KB
RshHandler$4.class 3KB
ExceptionHandlerResolver.class 3KB
MemoryAccess.class 3KB
BackendRegistrySrv$1.class 3KB
MysqlBackendAccessFactory.class 3KB
XssHttpServletRequestWrapper.class 3KB
RshHandler$9.class 3KB
RshHandler$10.class 2KB
RshHandler$3.class 2KB
RshHandler$6.class 2KB
RshHandler$5.class 2KB
ServletConfigFacade.class 2KB
NodePaginationReq.class 2KB
DateEditor.class 2KB
MDataPaginationReq.class 2KB
NoRelyJobGenerator.class 2KB
I18nManager.class 2KB
CSRFTokenManager.class 2KB
RshHandler$7.class 2KB
MysqlBackendJobTrackerMAccess$1.class 2KB
CSRFHandlerInterceptor.class 2KB
RestfulResponse.class 2KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$5.class 2KB
RshHandler$1.class 2KB
NodeOnOfflineLogPaginationReq.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$2.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$3.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$4.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$8.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$7.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$6.class 1KB
MapEditor.class 1KB
BackendAccessFactory.class 1KB
XssFilter.class 1KB
MonitorApi$1.class 1KB
JVMType.class 1KB
LtsAdminDataCleaner$1.class 1KB
RshHandler$2.class 1KB
AbstractMVC.class 1KB
H2ConsoleWebServlet.class 1KB
JvmDataReq.class 1KB
NodeGroupRequest.class 968B
Builder.class 924B
BackendRegistrySrv$2.class 850B
AjaxUtils.class 834B
MapEditor$1.class 823B
BackendNodeOnOfflineLogAccess.class 800B
NodeInfo.class 784B
CSRFTool.class 774B
BackendNode.class 724B
BackendTaskTrackerMAccess.class 721B
BackendJobClientMAccess.class 711B
BackendJobTrackerMAccess.class 686B
BackendJVMMemoryAccess.class 575B
BackendJVMThreadAccess.class 575B
BackendJVMGCAccess.class 559B
my.cnf 2KB
mysqld.cnf 643B
salve-backup-1.cnf 301B
master-1.cnf 250B
redis.conf 46KB
postgresql.conf 22KB
sentinel-sample.conf 7KB
aria2.conf 5KB
default.conf 2KB
ssl.conf 2KB
nginx.conf 2KB
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