# Dubbo Spring Boot Production-Ready
`dubbo-spring-boot-actuator` provides production-ready features (e.g. [health checks](#health-checks), [endpoints](#endpoints), and [externalized configuration](#externalized-configuration)).
## Content
1. [Main Content](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spring-boot-project)
2. [Integrate with Maven](#integrate-with-maven)
3. [Health Checks](#health-checks)
4. [Endpoints](#endpoints)
5. [Externalized Configuration](#externalized-configuration)
## Integrate with Maven
You can introduce the latest `dubbo-spring-boot-actuator` to your project by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml
If your project failed to resolve the dependency, try to add the following repository:
<name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
## Health Checks
`dubbo-spring-boot-actuator` supports the standard Spring Boot `HealthIndicator` as a production-ready feature , which will be aggregated into Spring Boot's `Health` and exported on `HealthEndpoint` that works MVC (Spring Web MVC) and JMX (Java Management Extensions) both if they are available.
### Web Endpoint : `/health`
Suppose a Spring Boot Web application did not specify `management.server.port`, you can access http://localhost:8080/actuator/health via Web Client and will get a response with JSON format is like below :
"status": "UP",
"dubbo": {
"status": "UP",
"memory": {
"source": "management.health.dubbo.status.defaults",
"status": {
"level": "OK",
"message": "max:3641M,total:383M,used:92M,free:291M",
"description": null
"load": {
"source": "management.health.dubbo.status.extras",
"status": {
"level": "OK",
"message": "load:1.73583984375,cpu:8",
"description": null
"threadpool": {
"source": "management.health.dubbo.status.extras",
"status": {
"level": "OK",
"message": "Pool status:OK, max:200, core:200, largest:0, active:0, task:0, service port: 12345",
"description": null
"server": {
"source": "dubbo@ProtocolConfig.getStatus()",
"status": {
"level": "OK",
"message": "/",
"description": null
// ignore others
`memory`, `load`, `threadpool` and `server` are Dubbo's build-in `StatusChecker`s in above example.
Dubbo allows the application to extend `StatusChecker`'s SPI.
Default , `memory` and `load` will be added into Dubbo's `HealthIndicator` , it could be overridden by
externalized configuration [`StatusChecker`'s defaults](#statuschecker-defaults).
### JMX Endpoint : `Health`
`Health` is a JMX (Java Management Extensions) Endpoint with ObjectName `org.springframework.boot:type=Endpoint,name=Health` , it can be managed by JMX agent ,e.g. JDK tools : `jconsole` and so on.
### Build-in `StatusChecker`s
`META-INF/dubbo/internal/org.apache.dubbo.common.status.StatusChecker` declares Build-in `StatusChecker`s as follow :
The property key that is name of `StatusChecker` can be a valid value of `management.health.dubbo.status.*` in externalized configuration.
## Endpoints
Actuator endpoint `dubbo` supports Actuator Endpoints :
| ID | Enabled | HTTP URI | HTTP Method | Description | Content Type |
| ------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
| `dubbo` | `true` | `/actuator/dubbo` | `GET` | Exposes Dubbo's meta data | `application/json` |
| `dubboproperties` | `true` | `/actuator/dubbo/properties` | `GET` | Exposes all Dubbo's Properties | `application/json` |
| `dubboservices` | `false` | `/actuator/dubbo/services` | `GET` | Exposes all Dubbo's `ServiceBean` | `application/json` |
| `dubboreferences` | `false` | `/actuator/dubbo/references` | `GET` | Exposes all Dubbo's `ReferenceBean` | `application/json` |
| `dubboconfigs` | `true` | `/actuator/dubbo/configs` | `GET` | Exposes all Dubbo's `*Config` | `application/json` |
| `dubboshutdown` | `false` | `/actuator/dubbo/shutdown` | `POST` | Shutdown Dubbo services | `application/json` |
### Web Endpoints
#### `/actuator/dubbo`
`/dubbo` exposes Dubbo's meta data :
"timestamp": 1516623290166,
"versions": {
"dubbo-spring-boot": "2.7.5",
"dubbo": "2.7.5"
"urls": {
"dubbo": "https://github.com/apache/dubbo/",
"google-group": "dev@dubbo.apache.org",
"github": "https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spring-boot-project",
"issues": "https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spring-boot-project/issues",
"git": "https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spring-boot-project.git"
#### `/actuator/dubbo/properties`
`/actuator/dubbo/properties` exposes all Dubbo's Properties from Spring Boot Externalized Configuration (a.k.a `PropertySources`) :
"dubbo.application.id": "dubbo-provider-demo",
"dubbo.application.name": "dubbo-provider-demo",
"dubbo.application.qos-enable": "false",
"dubbo.application.qos-port": "33333",
"dubbo.protocol.id": "dubbo",
"dubbo.protocol.name": "dubbo",
"dubbo.protocol.port": "12345",
"dubbo.registry.address": "N/A",
"dubbo.registry.id": "my-registry",
"dubbo.scan.basePackages": "org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.provider.service"
The structure of JSON is simple Key-Value format , the key is property name as and the value is property value.
#### `/actuator/dubbo/services`
`/actuator/dubbo/services` exposes all Dubbo's `ServiceBean` that are declared via `<dubbo:service/>` or `@Service` present in Spring `ApplicationContext` :
"ServiceBean@org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.api.DemoService#defaultDemoService": {
"accesslog": null,
"actives": null,
"cache": null,
"callbacks": null,
"class": "org.apache.dubbo.config.spring.ServiceBean",
"cluster": null,
"connections": null,
"delay": null,
"document": null,
"executes": null,
"export": null,
"exported": true,
"filter": "",
"generic": "false",
"group": null,
"id": "org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.api.DemoService",
"interface": "org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.api.DemoService",
"interfaceClass": "org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.api.DemoService",
"layer": null,
"listener": "",
"loadbalance": null,
"local": null,
"merger": null,
"mock": null,
"onconnect": null,
"ondisconnect": null,
"owner": null,
"path": "org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.sample.api.DemoService",
"proxy": null,
"retries": null,
"scope": null,
"sent": null,
"stub": null,
"timeout": null,
"token": null,
"unexported": false,