Version 1.3.5
* Bug
* searchbox: The 'searcher' function can not offer 'name' parameter value correctly. fixed.
* combo: The 'isValid' method can not return boolean value. fixed.
* combo: Clicking combo will trigger the 'onHidePanel' event of other combo components that have hidden drop-down panels. fixed.
* combogrid: Some methods can not inherit from combo. fixed.
* Improvement
* datagrid: Improve performance on checking rows.
* menu: Allows to append a menu separator.
* menu: Add 'hideOnUnhover' property to indicate if the menu should be hidden when mouse exits it.
* slider: Add 'clear' and 'reset' methods.
* tabs: Add 'unselect' method that will trigger 'onUnselect' event.
* tabs: Add 'selected' property to specify what tab panel will be opened.
* tabs: The 'collapsible' property of tab panel is supported to determine if the tab panel can be collapsed.
* tabs: Add 'showHeader' property, 'showHeader' and 'hideHeader' methods.
* combobox: The 'disabled' property can be used to disable some items.
* tree: Improve loading performance.
* pagination: The 'layout' property can be used to customize the pagination layout.
* accordion: Add 'unselect' method that will trigger 'onUnselect' event.
* accordion: Add 'selected' and 'multiple' properties.
* accordion: Add 'getSelections' method.
* datebox: Add 'sharedCalendar' property that allows multiple datebox components share one calendar component.
Version 1.3.4
* Bug
* combobox: The onLoadSuccess event fires when parsing empty local data. fixed.
* form: Calling 'reset' method can not reset datebox field. fixed.
* Improvement
* mobile: The context menu and double click features are supported on mobile devices.
* combobox: The 'groupField' and 'groupFormatter' options are available to display items in groups.
* tree: When append or insert nodes, the 'data' parameter accepts one or more nodes data.
* tree: The 'getChecked' method accepts a single 'state' or an array of 'state'.
* tree: Add 'scrollTo' method.
* datagrid: The 'multiSort' property is added to support multiple column sorting.
* datagrid: The 'rowStyler' and column 'styler' can return CSS class name or inline styles.
* treegrid: Add 'load' method to load data and navigate to the first page.
* tabs: Add 'tabWidth' and 'tabHeight' properties.
* validatebox: The 'novalidate' property is available to indicate whether to perform the validation.
* validatebox: Add 'enableValidation' and 'disableValidation' methods.
* form: Add 'enableValidation' and 'disableValidation' methods.
* slider: Add 'onComplete' event.
* pagination: The 'buttons' property accepts the existing element.
Version 1.3.3
* Bug
* datagrid: Some style features are not supported by column styler function. fixed.
* datagrid: IE 31 stylesheet limit. fixed.
* treegrid: Some style features are not supported by column styler function. fixed.
* menu: The auto width of menu item displays incorrect in ie6. fixed.
* combo: The 'onHidePanel' event can not fire when clicked outside the combo area. fixed.
* Improvement
* datagrid: Add 'scrollTo' and 'highlightRow' methods.
* treegrid: Enable treegrid to parse data from <tbody> element.
* combo: Add 'selectOnNavigation' and 'readonly' options.
* combobox: Add 'loadFilter' option to allow users to change data format before loading into combobox.
* tree: Add 'onBeforeDrop' callback event.
* validatebox: Dependent on tooltip plugin now, add 'deltaX' property.
* numberbox: The 'filter' options can be used to determine if the key pressed was accepted.
* linkbutton: The group button is available.
* layout: The 'minWidth','maxWidth','minHeight','maxHeight' and 'collapsible' properties are available for region panel.
* New Plugins
* tooltip: Display a popup message when moving mouse over an element.
Version 1.3.2
* Bug
* datagrid: The loading message window can not be centered when changing the width of datagrid. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'mergeCells' method can not work normally. fixed.
* propertygrid: Calling 'endEdit' method to stop editing a row will cause errors. fixed.
* tree: Can not load empty data when 'lines' property set to true. fixed.
* Improvement
* RTL feature is supported now.
* tabs: Add 'scrollBy' method to scroll the tab header by the specified amount of pixels
* tabs: Add 'toolPosition' property to set tab tools to left or right.
* tabs: Add 'tabPosition' property to define the tab position, possible values are: 'top','bottom','left','right'.
* datagrid: Add a column level property 'order' that allows users to define different default sort order per column.
* datagrid: Add a column level property 'halign' that allows users to define how to align the column header.
* datagrid: Add 'resizeHandle' property to define the resizing column position, by grabbing the left or right edge of the column.
* datagrid: Add 'freezeRow' method to freeze some rows that will always be displayed at the top when the datagrid is scrolled down.
* datagrid: Add 'clearChecked' method to clear all checked records.
* datagrid: Add 'data' property to initialize the datagrid data.
* linkbutton: Add 'iconAlgin' property to define the icon position, supported values are: 'left','right'.
* menu: Add 'minWidth' property.
* menu: The menu width can be automatically calculated.
* tree: New events are available including 'onBeforeDrag','onStartDrag','onDragEnter','onDragOver','onDragLeave',etc.
* combo: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of combo.
* combo: Add 'reset' method.
* numberbox: Add 'reset' method.
* spinner: Add 'reset' method.
* spinner: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of spinner.
* searchbox: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of searchbox.
* form: Add 'reset' method.
* validatebox: Add 'delay' property to delay validating from the last inputting value.
* validatebox: Add 'tipPosition' property to define the tip position, supported values are: 'left','right'.
* validatebox: Multiple validate rules on a field is supported now.
* slider: Add 'reversed' property to determine if the min value and max value will switch their positions.
* progressbar: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of progressbar.
Version 1.3.1
* Bug
* datagrid: Setting the 'pageNumber' property is not valid. fixed.
* datagrid: The id attribute of rows isn't adjusted properly while calling 'insertRow' or 'deleteRow' method.
* dialog: When load content from 'href', the script will run twice. fixed.
* propertygrid: The editors that extended from combo can not accept its changed value. fixed.
* Improvement
* droppable: Add 'disabled' property.
* droppable: Add 'options','enable' and 'disable' methods.
* tabs: The tab panel tools can be changed by calling 'update' method.
* messager: When show a message window, the user can define the window position by applying 'style' property.
* window: Prevent script on window body from running twice.
* window: Add 'hcenter','vcenter' and 'center' methods.
* tree: Add 'onBeforeCheck' callback event.
* tree: Extend the 'getChecked' method to allow users to get 'checked','unchecked' or 'indeterminate' nodes.
* treegrid: Add 'update' method to update a specified node.
* treegrid: Add 'insert' method to insert a new node.
* treegrid: Add 'pop' method to remove a node and get the removed node data.
Version 1.3
* Bug
* combogrid: When set to 'remote' query mode, the 'queryParams' parameters can't be sent to server. fixed.
* combotree: The tree nodes on drop-down panel can not be unchecked while calling 'clear' method. fixed.
* datetimebox: Setting 'showSeconds' property to false cannot hide seconds info. fixed.
* datagrid: Calling 'mergeCells' method can't auto resize the merged cell while header is hidden. fixed.
* dialog: Set cache to false and load data via ajax, the content cannot be refr
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毕设&课设&项目&实训-基于SSH+MySQL的网上购物商城.zip (905个子文件)
ProductAction.class 6KB
BaseAction.class 5KB
ProductDaoImpl.class 4KB
PayServiceImpl.class 4KB
BaseServiceImpl.class 4KB
CategoryDaoImpl.class 4KB
ProductServiceImpl.class 4KB
PayAction.class 4KB
SorderAction.class 4KB
CategoryAction.class 3KB
Product.class 3KB
DigestUtil.class 3KB
SendData.class 3KB
SorderServiceImpl.class 3KB
Forder.class 3KB
BaseDaoImpl.class 3KB
BackData.class 3KB
CategoryServiceImplTest.class 3KB
Pager.class 3KB
EmailUtilImpl.class 3KB
FileUploadUtil.class 2KB
ProdoctTimerTask.class 2KB
MessageUtilImpl.class 2KB
UserFilter.class 2KB
Category.class 2KB
User.class 2KB
Sorder.class 2KB
CategoryServiceImpl.class 2KB
InitDataListener.class 2KB
ForderServiceImpl.class 2KB
Account.class 2KB
ForderAction.class 2KB
ProductServiceImplTest.class 2KB
SorderServiceImplTest.class 1KB
UserDaoImpl.class 1KB
UserAction.class 1KB
SorderDaoImpl.class 1KB
ForderDaoImpl.class 1KB
ProductService.class 1KB
FileImage.class 1003B
Status.class 980B
AccountServiceImplTest.class 916B
AccountAction.class 863B
ProductDao.class 862B
UserServiceImpl.class 860B
FileUploadUtil$1.class 839B
CategoryService.class 744B
CategoryDao.class 716B
SorderService.class 644B
AccountServiceImpl.class 627B
AccountDaoImpl.class 574B
SendAction.class 526B
PayService.class 425B
BaseService.class 416B
BaseDao.class 404B
ForderService.class 370B
SorderDao.class 328B
UserService.class 325B
UserDao.class 297B
ForderDao.class 271B
AccountService.class 267B
AccountDao.class 239B
FileUpload.class 236B
MessageUtil.class 183B
EmailUtil.class 177B
.classpath 855B
org.eclipse.wst.common.component 649B
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container 49B
easyui.css 47KB
easyui.css 46KB
easyui.css 46KB
easyui.css 46KB
easyui.css 43KB
style.css 11KB
tabs.css 8KB
tabs.css 8KB
tabs.css 8KB
tabs.css 8KB
tabs.css 6KB
datagrid.css 5KB
datagrid.css 5KB
datagrid.css 5KB
datagrid.css 5KB
datagrid.css 5KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
tree.css 3KB
tree.css 3KB
tree.css 3KB
tree.css 3KB
tree.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
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