Binary distribution of the libimobiledevice library for Mac OS X
This library allows you to communicate with an iPad or iPhone using command-line tools. Jailbreak is NOT required.
NOTE: This is not an official release. I had a lot of trouble compiling this library for Mac OS X 10.7.4, but found this guy had
This is just a tidied-up version of his release. Entirely unofficial.
Fink does manage this package for Mac, but a 10.7 release is not available.
Thank you to eAi ( for patching the binaries so that idevicescreenshot now works on iOS 6.
Installation guide
Use git to download:
- git clone GIT-URL /your/path/here
OR go to Downloads / Download as Zip on github to use your browser to download. Then extract to /your/path/here.
Set up paths required in
- nano ~/.bash_profile
Add line at the end that reads:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/here/imobiledevice-macosx/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
Add line that reads:
Return to the terminal and type
- source ~/.bash_profile
Connect an iPhone/iPad
View device log in realtime. Very handy for debugging Phonegap apps - shows WebView output and native messages
- idevicesyslog
Take screenshot. Puts a TIFF file in the current directory.
- idevicescreenshot
Install an IPA onto your device
- ideviceinstaller -i myapp.ipa
Note: Your IPA will need to have a valid code signature and mobileprovision file for the install to succed. This system is NOT
a way around iOSs security!
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