* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\helpers;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidArgumentException;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface;
use yii\validators\StringValidator;
use yii\web\Request;
* BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for [[Html]].
* Do not use BaseHtml. Use [[Html]] instead.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class BaseHtml
* @var string Regular expression used for attribute name validation.
* @since 2.0.12
public static $attributeRegex = '/(^|.*\])([\w\.\+]+)(\[.*|$)/u';
* @var array list of void elements (element name => 1)
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html#void-element
public static $voidElements = [
'area' => 1,
'base' => 1,
'br' => 1,
'col' => 1,
'command' => 1,
'embed' => 1,
'hr' => 1,
'img' => 1,
'input' => 1,
'keygen' => 1,
'link' => 1,
'meta' => 1,
'param' => 1,
'source' => 1,
'track' => 1,
'wbr' => 1,
* @var array the preferred order of attributes in a tag. This mainly affects the order of the attributes
* that are rendered by [[renderTagAttributes()]].
public static $attributeOrder = [
* @var array list of tag attributes that should be specially handled when their values are of array type.
* In particular, if the value of the `data` attribute is `['name' => 'xyz', 'age' => 13]`, two attributes
* will be generated instead of one: `data-name="xyz" data-age="13"`.
* @since 2.0.3
public static $dataAttributes = ['aria', 'data', 'data-ng', 'ng'];
* Encodes special characters into HTML entities.
* The [[\yii\base\Application::charset|application charset]] will be used for encoding.
* @param string $content the content to be encoded
* @param bool $doubleEncode whether to encode HTML entities in `$content`. If false,
* HTML entities in `$content` will not be further encoded.
* @return string the encoded content
* @see decode()
* @see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php
public static function encode($content, $doubleEncode = true)
return htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, Yii::$app ? Yii::$app->charset : 'UTF-8', $doubleEncode);
* Decodes special HTML entities back to the corresponding characters.
* This is the opposite of [[encode()]].
* @param string $content the content to be decoded
* @return string the decoded content
* @see encode()
* @see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars-decode.php
public static function decode($content)
return htmlspecialchars_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES);
* Generates a complete HTML tag.
* @param string|bool|null $name the tag name. If $name is `null` or `false`, the corresponding content will be rendered without any tag.
* @param string $content the content to be enclosed between the start and end tags. It will not be HTML-encoded.
* If this is coming from end users, you should consider [[encode()]] it to prevent XSS attacks.
* @param array $options the HTML tag attributes (HTML options) in terms of name-value pairs.
* These will be rendered as the attributes of the resulting tag. The values will be HTML-encoded using [[encode()]].
* If a value is null, the corresponding attribute will not be rendered.
* For example when using `['class' => 'my-class', 'target' => '_blank', 'value' => null]` it will result in the
* html attributes rendered like this: `class="my-class" target="_blank"`.
* See [[renderTagAttributes()]] for details on how attributes are being rendered.
* @return string the generated HTML tag
* @see beginTag()
* @see endTag()
public static function tag($name, $content = '', $options = [])
if ($name === null || $name === false) {
return $content;
$html = "<$name" . static::renderTagAttributes($options) . '>';
return isset(static::$voidElements[strtolower($name)]) ? $html : "$html$content</$name>";
* Generates a start tag.
* @param string|bool|null $name the tag name. If $name is `null` or `false`, the corresponding content will be rendered without any tag.
* @param array $options the tag options in terms of name-value pairs. These will be rendered as
* the attributes of the resulting tag. The values will be HTML-encoded using [[encode()]].
* If a value is null, the corresponding attribute will not be rendered.
* See [[renderTagAttributes()]] for details on how attributes are being rendered.
* @return string the generated start tag
* @see endTag()
* @see tag()
public static function beginTag($name, $options = [])
if ($name === null || $name === false) {
return '';
return "<$name" . static::renderTagAttributes($options) . '>';
* Generates an end tag.
* @param string|bool|null $name the tag name. If $name is `null` or `false`, the corresponding content will be rendered without any tag.
* @return string the generated end tag
* @see beginTag()
* @see tag()
public static function endTag($name)
if ($name === null || $name === false) {
return '';
return "</$name>";
* Generates a style tag.
* @param string $content the style content
* @param array $options the tag options in terms of name-value pairs. These will be rendered as
* the attributes of the resulting tag. The values will be HTML-encoded using [[encode()]].
* If a value is null, the corresponding attribute will not be rendered.
* See [[renderTagAttributes()]] for details on how attributes are being rendered.
* @return string the generated style tag
public static function style($content, $options = [])
return static::tag('style', $content, $options);
* Generates a script tag.
* @param string $content the script content
* @param array $options the tag options in terms of name-value pairs. These will be rendered as
* the attributes of the resulting tag. The values will be HTML-encoded using [[encode()]].
* If a value is null, the corresponding attribute will not be rendered.
* See [[renderTagAttributes()]] for details on how attributes are being rendered.
* @return string the generated script tag
public static function script($content, $options = [])
return static::tag('script', $content, $options);
* Generates a link tag that refers to an external CSS file.
* @param array|string $url the URL of the external CSS file. This parameter will be processed by [[Url::to()]].
* @param array $options the tag options in terms of name-value pairs. The following options are specially handled:
* - condition: specifies the conditional comments for IE, e.g., `lt IE 9`. When this is specified,
* the generated `link` tag will be enclosed within the conditional comment
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