Xmark Template Engine V1.1.0 Beta
1. About
Xmark is a generic extensible markup template engine.
When used as a template engine, you can customize the marks of the various functions, to meet your needs.
It is small but very powerful and freely.
Xmark Template Engine Beta for asp (http://xm.qemu.cn/demo/asp/?xmark_asp)
Xmark Template Engine Beta for php (http://xm.qemu.cn/demo/php/?xmark_php)
3. Documentation
Xmark supports two languages asp and php, and mutually compatible.
The file xmark1.1.asp/xmark1.1.php is the core program file, first you must include this file, and then define your own marks and templates. eg:
asp code (default.asp)
<!--#include file="xmark1.1.asp"-->
Dim Xmark
Set Xmark = New CXmark
Xmark.Name = ".."
Xmark.Item("$Hello") = "Hello World!"
Xmark.Item("@Hello") = "ParseHello"
Function ParseHello(pars)
ParseHello = "Hello World!"
End Function
Set Xmark = Nothing
php code (default.php)
require(dirname(__FILE__) .'/xmark1.1.php');
$Xmark = new CXmark();
$Xmark->name = '..';
$Xmark->item('$Hello', 'Hello World!');
$Xmark->item('@Hello', 'parseHello');
function parseHello($pars){
return 'Hello World!';
$Xmark = null;
template code (default.html)
{$Hello}<br />{@Hello()/}
User Case: Huncent (http://hi.baidu.com/huncent)
Qemu: Qemu (http://cn.qemu.cn)
- 粉丝: 1997
- 资源: 1万+
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