# Qt Creator
Qt Creator is a cross-platform, integrated development environment (IDE) for
application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded,
and mobile device platforms.
The Qt Creator Manual is available at:
For an overview of the Qt Creator IDE, see:
## Supported Platforms
The standalone binary packages support the following platforms:
* Windows 7 or later
* (K)Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (64-bit) or later
* macOS 10.13 or later
## Contributing
For instructions on how to set up the Qt Creator repository to contribute
patches back to Qt Creator, please check:
See the following page for information about our coding standard:
## Compiling Qt Creator
* Qt 5.14.0 or later
* Qt WebEngine module for QtWebEngine based help viewer
* On Windows:
* ActiveState Active Perl
* MinGW with GCC 7 or Visual Studio 2017 or later
* jom
* Python 3.5 or later (optional, needed for the python enabled debug helper)
* On Mac OS X: latest Xcode
* On Linux: GCC 7 or later
* LLVM/Clang 8.0.0 or later (optional, needed for the Clang Code Model, Clang Tools, ClangFormat,
Clang PCH Manager and Clang Refactoring plugins, see the section
"Get LLVM/Clang for the Clang Code Model". The LLVM C++ API provides no compatibility garantee,
so if later versions don't compile we don't support that version.)
* CMake (for manual builds of LLVM/Clang, and Qt Creator itself)
* Ninja (optional, recommended for building with CMake)
* Qbs 1.7.x (optional, sources also contain Qbs itself)
The installed toolchains have to match the one Qt was compiled with.
You can build Qt Creator with
# Optional, needed for the Clang Code Model if llvm-config is not in PATH:
export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/llvm (or "set" on Windows)
# Optional, disable Clang Refactoring
# Optional, needed to let the QbsProjectManager plugin use system Qbs:
export QBS_INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/qbs
# Optional, needed for the Python enabled dumper on Windows
set PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=C:\path\to\python
# Optional, needed to use system KSyntaxHighlighting:
set KSYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING_LIB_DIR to folder holding the KSyntaxHighlighting library
# if automatic deducing of include folder fails set KSYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING_INCLUDE_DIR as well
# both variables can also be passed as qmake variables
qmake -r
make (or mingw32-make or nmake or jom, depending on your platform)
Installation ("make install") is not needed. It is however possible, using
## Compiling Qt and Qt Creator on Windows
This section provides step by step instructions for compiling the latest
versions of Qt and Qt Creator on Windows. Alternatively, to avoid having to
compile Qt yourself, you can use one of the versions of Qt shipped with the Qt
SDK (release builds of Qt using MinGW and Visual C++ 2017 or later).
For detailed information on the supported compilers, see
<https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git> .
1. Decide which compiler to use: MinGW or Microsoft Visual Studio. If you
plan to contribute to Qt Creator, you should compile your changes with
both compilers.
2. Install Git for Windows from <https://git-for-windows.github.io/>. If you plan to
use the MinGW compiler suite, do not choose to put git in the
default path of Windows command prompts. For more information, see
step 9.
3. Create a working directory under which to check out Qt and Qt Creator,
for example, `c:\work`. If you plan to use MinGW and Microsoft Visual
Studio simultaneously or mix different Qt versions, we recommend
creating a directory structure which reflects that. For example:
`C:\work\qt5.14.0-vs17, C:\work\qt5.14.0-mingw`.
4. Download and install Perl from <https://www.activestate.com/activeperl>
and check that perl.exe is added to the path. Run `perl -v` to verify
that the version displayed is 5.10 or later. Note that git ships
an outdated version 5.8 which cannot be used for Qt.
5. In the working directory, check out the respective branch of Qt from
<https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qt5.git> (we recommend the highest released version).
6. Check out Qt Creator (master branch or latest version, see
You should now have the directories qt and creator under your working
7. Install a compiler:
- For a MinGW toolchain for Qt, see <https://wiki.qt.io/MinGW> .
- For Microsoft Visual C++, install the Windows SDK and the "Debugging
Tools for Windows" from the SDK image. We strongly recommend using the
64-bit version and 64-bit compilers on 64-bit systems.
For the Visual C++ compilers, it is recommended to use the tool 'jom'.
It is a replacement for nmake that utilizes all CPU cores and thus
speeds up compilation significantly. Download it from
and add the executable to the path.
8. For convenience, we recommend creating shell prompts with the correct
environment. This can be done by creating a .bat-file
(such as, `<working_directory>\qtvars.bat`) that contains the environment
variable settings.
A `.bat`-file for MinGW looks like:
set PATH=<path_to_qt>\[qtbase\]bin;<path_to_mingw>\bin;<working_directory>\creator\bin;%PATH%
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
For the Visual C++ compilers, call the `.bat` file that sets up the
environment for the compiler (provided by the Windows SDK or the
CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
set PATH=<path_to_qt>\[qtbase\]bin;<working_directory>\creator\bin;%PATH%
set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2013
You can create desktop links to the `.bat` files using the working
directory and specifying
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /k <working_directory>\qtvars.bat
9. When using MinGW, open the shell prompt and enter:
That should result in a `sh is not recognized as internal or external
command...` error. If a `sh.exe` is found, the compile process will fail.
You have to remove it from the path.
10. To make use of the Clang Code Model:
* Install LLVM/Clang - see the section "Get LLVM/Clang for the Clang
Code Model".
* Set the environment variable LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to the LLVM/Clang
installation directory if llvm-config is not in PATH.
* Before you launch Qt Creator you may prepend the PATH with
the location of libclang.dll/.so that you want to be used.
See more info in the section "Prebuilt LLVM/Clang packages".
11. You are now ready to configure and build Qt and Qt Creator.
Please see <https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git> for
recommended configure-options for Qt 5.
To use MinGW, open the the shell prompt and enter:
cd <path_to_qt>
configure <configure_options> && mingw32-make -s
cd ..\creator
qmake && mingw32-make -s
To use the Visual C++ compilers, enter:
cd <path_to_qt>
configure <configure_options> && jom
cd ..\creator
qmake && jom
12. To launch Qt Creator, enter:
13. To test the Clang-based code model, verify that backend process
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(源码)基于Qt Creator框架的插件管理系统.zip
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# 基于Qt Creator框架的插件管理系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Qt Creator框架的插件管理系统,旨在提供一个灵活、可扩展的插件管理机制,使开发者能够轻松地创建、加载、初始化和卸载插件。通过该系统,用户可以方便地扩展Qt Creator的功能,添加自定义的插件,并管理这些插件的生命周期。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 ### 1. 插件管理 插件加载与卸载系统能够自动搜索指定路径下的插件,加载并管理它们的状态(如加载、初始化、停止和删除)。 插件状态管理提供检查插件是否加载成功,以及获取插件信息(如名称、版本和描述)的功能。 ### 2. 对象池管理 对象共享所有添加到对象池中的对象都可以被其他部分通过类型或名称检索。对象池支持多种类型的对象,并且是线程安全的。 ### 3. 选项解析 命令行选项处理解析命令行选项,将选项传递给相应的插件,同时处理应用程序选项和插件选项的冲突。 ### 4. 测试运行
(源码)基于Qt Creator框架的插件管理系统.zip (874个子文件)
process_stub_unix.c 14KB
process_stub_win.c 8KB
QtCreatorAPI.cmake 34KB
QtCreatorAPIInternal.cmake 16KB
QtCreatorDocumentation.cmake 10KB
QtcSeparateDebugInfo.cmake 7KB
QtCreatorTranslations.cmake 6KB
Findyaml-cpp.cmake 5KB
CreatePythonXY.cmake 4KB
FindGoogletest.cmake 3KB
FindGoogleBenchmark.cmake 3KB
FindQt5.cmake 3KB
Findelfutils.cmake 2KB
FindQbs.cmake 2KB
FindClang.cmake 2KB
QtCreatorIDEBranding.cmake 1KB
app_version.h.cmakein 2KB
pluginmanager.cpp 56KB
differ.cpp 54KB
qtcprocess.cpp 52KB
aspects.cpp 37KB
pluginspec.cpp 34KB
consoleprocess.cpp 33KB
treemodel.cpp 31KB
settingsaccessor.cpp 30KB
wizard.cpp 30KB
fileutils.cpp 29KB
filesearch.cpp 28KB
main.cpp 28KB
stylehelper.cpp 27KB
synchronousprocess.cpp 25KB
mimedatabase.cpp 25KB
pathchooser.cpp 24KB
utilsicons.cpp 23KB
json.cpp 23KB
variablechooser.cpp 21KB
outputformatter.cpp 21KB
actioncontainer.cpp 21KB
icore.cpp 21KB
qrcparser.cpp 21KB
basetreeview.cpp 20KB
fancymainwindow.cpp 19KB
fancylineedit.cpp 19KB
macroexpander.cpp 19KB
buildablehelperlibrary.cpp 18KB
fileinprojectfinder.cpp 18KB
plugininstallwizard.cpp 18KB
shellcommand.cpp 18KB
actionmanager.cpp 17KB
persistentsettings.cpp 17KB
checkablemessagebox.cpp 17KB
pluginview.cpp 17KB
filesystemwatcher.cpp 16KB
command.cpp 16KB
mainwindow.cpp 15KB
environment.cpp 15KB
mimetype.cpp 15KB
optionsparser.cpp 15KB
mimemagicrule.cpp 15KB
namevaluemodel.cpp 15KB
stringutils.cpp 14KB
detailswidget.cpp 14KB
tooltip.cpp 14KB
mimetypeparser.cpp 14KB
textfileformat.cpp 14KB
htmldocextractor.cpp 13KB
theme.cpp 13KB
highlightingitemdelegate.cpp 13KB
ansiescapecodehandler.cpp 12KB
elfreader.cpp 12KB
infobar.cpp 12KB
layoutbuilder.cpp 11KB
templateengine.cpp 11KB
projectintropage.cpp 11KB
camelcasecursor.cpp 11KB
crashhandler.cpp 10KB
archive.cpp 10KB
icon.cpp 10KB
savedaction.cpp 10KB
changeset.cpp 10KB
detailsbutton.cpp 10KB
aggregate.cpp 10KB
tips.cpp 10KB
crashhandlerdialog.cpp 10KB
crumblepath.cpp 10KB
id.cpp 10KB
iplugin.cpp 10KB
progressindicator.cpp 9KB
historycompleter.cpp 9KB
uncommentselection.cpp 9KB
namevalueitem.cpp 9KB
windowsupport.cpp 9KB
mimeprovider.cpp 9KB
namevaluedictionary.cpp 9KB
textutils.cpp 9KB
qtcolorbutton.cpp 9KB
settingsdatabase.cpp 9KB
winutils.cpp 8KB
delegates.cpp 8KB
commandmappings.cpp 8KB
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